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Six points on Pell : Comments
By Xavier Symons, published 7/3/2016After reading the transcripts of Pell’s 19 ½ hours in the witness box, it strikes me there are several key issues that have not received sufficient attention.
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I agree with Big Nana that recalling details of places, times and conversations from 40 years ago is not as simple as his detractors want us to believe, without ever demonstrating their own perfect recall, of course.
Rhrosty, with his intimate knowledge of the diagnosis of Pell's cardiologist, tell us blood pressure medication and an oxygen bottle were all that were required for Pell to take a long-haul flight back to Australia against the cardiologist's advice. The "court of public opinion" Rhrosty identifies with has a more accurate name: the lynch mob.
There are two types of bigotry which are bog-standard for the Left in Australia at present: anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism.
The anti-Catholic bigotry has led to many of the inanities expressed in relation to Pell - that he should have taken a long-haul flight as though a commercial aircraft is fitted with an emergency medical centre, that his memory lapses were examples of deliberate evasion, that he "must have known" about Ridsdale and other perverts (when journalist and former priest Paul Bongiorno also admitted to being deceived by Ridsdale), that Pell's statements were "implausible" (which is an opinion of the counsel assisting, Gail Furness, not a fact), that he must have been aware of local gossip in a town 200 kilometres from where he lived (another unsubstantiated Furness assertion) and the numerous sly misrepresentations by journalists.
I'm an atheist, though I attended Catholic schools throughout my primary and secondary education. Not once in all those years was I aware of "rumour" or "gossip" or any innuendo about pedophile priests or brothers. Indeed, I remember most of my teachers as wonderful, dedicated men.
Finally, I hope I live long enough to witness the coming royal commission into female genital mutilation. There will surely be one, won't there? I want to hear from those who will have to admit to knowing about it, but doing nothing to stop it. After all, that's the (anhistorical) allegation made about Pell. Hat tip to Tim Blair of the Daily Telegraph on that one.