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Freedom of speech: 'Life itself' : Comments

By Barry York, published 3/3/2016

To Salman Rushdie, 'Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game. Free speech is life itself.'

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Dear Joe,

Wanting to live completely alone is an unlikely extreme.
More common are people who want to live in groups with their own kind of like-minded people and to have no interaction with others.
If free-speech (or self-expression) is important for you, then surely you wouldn't join a group until and unless free-speech (/self-expression) was included in that group's agreement or constitution.

Our current experience with free speech and the importance we give it (which is exaggerated in my opinion) is all due to the sad fact that national societies have taken over the whole world by force, not asking for our consent and not leaving any space for those who prefer other forms of society. In this sad and violent state of affairs, it is no wonder that we cling to this booby-prize of free-speech. What more, in many countries the authorities do not even mind and allow this pressure-valve: "let them babble as much as they like, nothing will change anyway".

Now suppose you know of someone who does not oppress you, who allows you to live in your way and you are aware that they too want to live in their own way and would not be happy to hear about any other lifestyle from anyone: why on earth would you be talking with them? why on earth would you not respect their wish to be left alone, just as they respect yours?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 4 March 2016 6:32:02 PM
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Sorry Yuyutsu,

I don't understand why you would want to be locked away from anyone else forever, and to advocate that many others do the same, living in isolated cocoons on their own effluents. Because sooner or later, you have to come out and, you never know, you might be a butterfly :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 4 March 2016 7:45:25 PM
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Freedom of Speech should have as its aim,
The telling of the truth or the revealing of the truth.

If someone uses their freedom of speech to proclaim something
That is not a factual truth then freedom of speech should be used
To challenge the wrong fact and replace it with true fact.
This is what has bought man forward from ridiculous
Ideas and lack of knowing through the centuries.

A lot of people proclaim things that aren't truth but their own belief system
filtered through their own lense, which they filter everything through
as a shield between them and the real truth which they can't handle.
They prefer the safer world of delusion.
There is none so blind as he who will not see

To me freedom of speech is about finally understanding the truth
By the exchanging of ideas and beliefs.
For what is the point of free speech if it has no purpose but just to yap, stupidly

We might as well all just stay deluded.
and delusion is everywhere.
Most people choose to believe what it suits them to believe,
Because true reality frightens the hell out of them. It's a coping mechanism.
Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 4 March 2016 10:29:03 PM
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Dear Joe,

<<I don't understand why you would want to be locked away from anyone else forever>>

Has it occurred to you that life is short?
Has it occurred to you that even if one tried very hard, one has no chance of knowing everyone else in person during this short span of life?

Has it occurred to you that some have already decided how to best use this human body and mind which they have for such a short period, an opportunity that might perhaps not come again in trillions of years? Has it occurred to you that having already decided how to utilise what is left of the life they have, they do not wish to be distracted by others who may either not yet know what they want; or have conflicting goals?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 6 March 2016 10:43:05 AM
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Of course. Now you're being precious.

Yes, our lives are finite: we make choices which may bind us to a course of action for decades. Out of the infinity of possible choices, that means that the vast, vast majority of possible choices are not made. That's life.

And usually, our choices have very definite social aspects: we work with other people, live with other people, have responsibilities for other people such as children and our elderly. Frankly, I can't imagine doing anything which did not involve engaging with society, one way or another. Even in my front garden, I've planted a lot of jasmines etc. with different perfumes at different times, as much for passers-by as for myself.

I can't actually imagine a life with no society, good and bad. I can't see the point. People are interesting usually, they often have had amazing experiences which we can compare our own with and learn from.

And, rubbing up against each other, we have different opinions and perceptions, so disagreements are a constructive part of being in society.

Oops, I haven't offended anybody yet today, I'd better get a move on.

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 6 March 2016 10:55:36 AM
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Dear Joe,

<<I can't actually imagine a life with no society, good and bad. I can't see the point.>>

Well I can, but this is quite rare. However, I was mainly referring to people who wish to select and belong to a different, smaller society rather than be part of a huge national society.

Given that one cannot know everyone on such a large scale anyway, there are those who prefer quality over quantity.

One should be able to live in a society of like-minded people, of similar values, that supports their intended purpose and way of life. I understand that there are people who are yet undecided, who have not yet made up their mind what life is all about, at least as far as they are concerned, what their own life should be about. Such people may still wish to meet more people and hear more views before deciding, but eventually one should decide and follow through with their decision rather than wait in limbo for the chance of meeting someone who may give them new ideas that will sweep them off their feet.

Suppose you dedicated your life to plant Jasmines so that passers-by who so wish will enjoy their different perfumes. If you are convinced that this is your life's purpose, then I don't think that you would be happy if others told you over your fence: "Jasmines are crap, why don't you grow gladiolas or freesias instead?". You know what you want, you do not force yourself on anyone - those who don't like the smell can always walk on the other side of the street and those who like growing gladiolas or freesias could do so in their own gardens rather than proselytise their preferences at you, so why waste your limited time when you could use it for planting more Jasmines?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 7 March 2016 12:18:09 PM
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