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Freeing Julian Assange: the last chapter : Comments
By John Pilger, published 5/2/2016The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has ruled that Julian Assange has been detained unlawfully by Britain and Sweden.
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So, I can lock myself in a room for three years and then get the UN to declare someone else locked me up. Ha ha ha ha!
Posted by Chris C, Friday, 5 February 2016 7:47:45 AM
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Exactly Chris, John as usual defends the R soles of the world? Assange is a bail jumping narcissist lacking normal human values and any trace of empathy for all those he uses up or places in harm's way, fleeing his earned day in court and justice!
What is they say, birds of a feather flock together. How appropriate, an unconscionable R sole defending an unconscionable R sole. Oh my aching ribs! Rhrosty Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 5 February 2016 8:45:15 AM
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In Assange's defence,
Why do all the rednecks keep picking on Assange ? The man's an obvious genius, he's done so much for the world, and surely there are some people who should be immune from such trivial charges as sexual assault and rape [on Swedish girls, for god's sake, who cares?], and allowed to keep doing their good works. He might be a slimy bastard but he's OUR slimy bastard. But maybe one has to be careful trying to be ironic. I look forward to him being on the next plane to Stockholm. Another irony: if he had done his time for rape, he would be probably out by now, free to get his hands on other innocent young women fighting for the cause. Bilger's sort of hero. Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 5 February 2016 10:04:37 AM
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Amazing isn't it?
THe UN says there is no cause for his detention, yet the slimey toff Cameron still wants to spend millions harrassing him, for doing no worse than telling the truth. He showed up the oligarchy and it is unforgiving of whistleblowers who report on what really goes on behind the spin and image making. Posted by paul walter, Friday, 5 February 2016 10:07:57 AM
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Yes Joe and Rhrosty
To be blessed by Pilger git makes all those years of palatial self imprisonmernt worthwhile. Master Julian Assange, being above the law that governs us mere mortals, has now managed to make himself a UN cause. This certainly boosts the UN's credibility. Those poor London Bobbies noted that even poorer Julian still gets visits from hot barely legals seeking a tryst in his little digs. Meanwhile poor "Chelsea" Manning, enticed by Julian's Wikileaks to leak 100,000s of documents, rots in a real gaol, for no result. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 5 February 2016 12:49:13 PM
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Loudmouth, nobody deserves to be immune from charges of rape, but surely everyone deserves to be immune from trumped up charges whatever the allegation?
Did you read the article? If he'd been jailed in Sweden, they'd have extradited him to the USA. He certainly wouldn't be out by now, and possibly wouldn't ever. Posted by Aidan, Friday, 5 February 2016 1:12:27 PM
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Hi Paul,
I'm puzzled .... who was detaining him in the Ecuadorian Embassy ? The Ecuadorians ? Was he in some sort of voluntary detainment ? Perhaps the Pommy bastards wouldn't let him out ? It sounds like one of those situations in which - "with one bound he was free !" All he had to do, not to be in detainment/detention, was to step outside. It's all up to him - stay and voluntarily detain himself, or step outside and no longer be voluntarily detained. And as you suggest, " .... everyone deserves to be immune from trumped up charges whatever the allegation .... " After all, charges of sexual assault are pretty minor, aren't they ? So in front of Judge Paul Walter, he would be immediately freed ? But in front of any other judge, he might have to actually answer the charges ? Trumped up ? Yes, probably, if you believe that all Swedish girls are sluts and liars. But perhaps that's for a court to decide, not for Judge Paul Walter alone, with the greatest respect possible. Preferably one in Sweden, where the offences are alleged to have occurred, and where he can face his accusers. I'd like to see that. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 5 February 2016 1:47:11 PM
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John Pilger is a good man and speaks up for this guy locked up in the English embassy. All this guy did was tell people of the lies and other things about the Americans which they don't want other people to know about. So that's why Julian Assange is good and should be left alone to leave England if he wants to do so. My friend a lady knows him very very good and she said because he is queer and the US want him because of some thing he won't say anything about, but Julian Assange is very good man, my friend the lady says so but won't tell me what he did to Americans?
Posted by misanthrope, Friday, 5 February 2016 2:03:54 PM
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I heard his Mum on radio this morning complaining that he had been deprived of sunlight. I did not realise how serious this human rights abuse is. My heart bleeds. Posted by Chris C, Friday, 5 February 2016 2:21:03 PM
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Assange's current crime is failure to turn up for court because he lost his case against being deported to Sweden.
Sweden send him to the US, please, the UK would turn him over but not Sweden. Mind you I remember Johnie Pilger always telling the Brits how good mother Russia and commie China was but retired back to Aus, why? Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 5 February 2016 3:02:15 PM
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This said it all: 'The Assange case is rooted across the Atlantic in Pentagon-dominated Washington, obsessed with pursuing and prosecuting whistleblowers, especially Assange for having exposed, in WikiLeaks, US capital crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq: the wholesale killing of civilians and a contempt for sovereignty and international law.'
What some mere mortals do not want to understand is that WHATEVER the USA decide to do it is LEGAL in their eyes at least! Human rights are but a 'fly in the ointment' as rendition of others has shown - perhaps Julian needs to have a bodyguard funded by the Aust. govt so he doesn't end up drinking plutonium?-laced tea or coffee like the Russian whistleblower. As a child protection officer I whistleblew about a magistrate in NT stitching up an Indigenous family against the law but was told to 'forget about it'. No one incl. the present Indigenous Chief Minister nor PM's have intervened as it would not look good that a magistrate ignored the law and its only one more kid unlawfully removed from his 'approved' extended family - so what? Leave a message John Pilger if you want to learn more? Posted by Citizens Initiated Action, Friday, 5 February 2016 3:08:09 PM
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Hi Misanthrope,
No, not the English embassy (in England ?!) - the Ecuadorian embassy. He entered it voluntarily three years ago and wouldn't come out. He is being detained voluntarily and, it seems somehow, illegally. He can leave the Ecuadorian embassy any time he likes. So, no, he is not clearly being detained. No, he is most definitely not queer, unless you mean weird, loopy, or psychotic, in which case you may be onto something. No, he is accused of forcing unwanted sexual intercourse onto two young Swedish women, i.e. rape. No, he will not be sent from Sweden to the US. If the US wanted him extradited, they would have presented a case by now, in England. Why should they wait until he is in Sweden ? Why should Sweden more likely to agree to extradite him to the US than England ? Is the Swedish government more pro-US than the British government ? I don't think so. No, Misanthrope, he is not a good man, no matter what your lady friend tells you. He is a bit of dog slime. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 5 February 2016 3:11:09 PM
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The facts have now emerged:
Both women have finally now admitted that the sex was consensual. That Julian Assange was framed. And that in each case the women even let Assange stay an entire extra week in their homes sleeping with him without any problems whatsoever. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 February 2016 3:16:34 PM
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So why didn't he front up to court and point all that out ? He would have been a genuine hero then.
And please don't come out with any paranoid rubbish about how can you trust the court, the Swedes are all working for the US and the CIA, the world is out to get him, etc. etc. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 5 February 2016 3:38:52 PM
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Foxy the crime in Sweden as initiated by feminazis is that you "lied" to get the girl into bed! That is actually a crime in Sweden. He said they were the only one and he lied. In Sweden it is a crime. Argue with the Swedish sisterhood not anyone here.
Gee his old Mum was whining about her poor little darling on the radio today. What a joke! How old are you Jules? Grow a set for goodness sake. Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 5 February 2016 3:44:07 PM
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Julian Assange did not lie to get the women into
bed. They both initated the sex and have now admitted that they did that. The reason he did not go to Sweden is because he asked the Swedes to come to London. He was happy to answer their questions in London. He simply did not trust going to Sweden however he had no problem with London. The Swedes refused. Something's not right here. I wouldn't have trusted them either - especially now with the girls admitting what they did. And by the way Assange had told his full version when he was first accused. The Swedes used that against him. Google this for yourselves - it's on all the web. Why would you believe the women - people who invited him back to their homes a week after the supposed rape and had no problem sleeping with him. A man who supposedly had raped them? Pull the other leg! Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 February 2016 4:26:49 PM
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"Why would you believe the women?"
A backflip of Olympic proportions, that is! A classic! Do you mean to say that women complainants might tell porkies and flex the truth? That Sweden's radical feminist inspired laws are unreasonable? That the police, prosecutor and State might be over-zealous where a man is concerned? Somehow the feminist mantras can be forgotten where a white haired favourite of leftists is the alleged offender. Maybe shoving a pallet load of pineapples up the derriere of Uncle Sam and 'authority' generally qualifies him for a 'get out of gaol free card' and even better statue above and beyond the law and courts. Imagine if it was a male sportsman instead. That would be a very different kettle of fish and he would have been gutted. It is a lay-down Misere that the apologists for Assange wouldn't be challenging Sweden's laws and justice administration and British law as well, if it wasn't affecting one their their own. In fact the very same feminists who complain of alleged regulatory and administrative overreach and unfairness in the case of Assange would have the same laws and interpretations in Australia if they could. That is hypocrisy. I count myself among the many ordinary citizens who object to the spin and want to see the facts come out. However, if he did not wear a condom as he was allegedly requested to do and if he mounted a woman while she was asleep, he deserves to have the law book thrown at him and several years gaol. Report by Marie Colvin, Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 5 February 2016 6:02:57 PM
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I don't know the facts associated with Julian ASSANGE'S self imposed stay in the Ecuadorian Embassy? But his actions in relation to his deliberate leaking of classified data belonging to other Nations to the world's press, stinks to me.
He appears to be a very obsequious, subservient sort of bastard who I wouldn't care to trust as far as I could throw him? He reminds me very much of those despicable informants and 'fizzes' that hang around coppers ready to give-up anyone where they think they can earn a buck or two? More often than not, these blokes usually end up face down in a storm water drain, with their mouth crammed full of human excrement, and their lips sewn tightly together - a classic sign of a 'lagger'! Hated by criminals, despised by police alike! Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 5 February 2016 7:12:02 PM
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Hi Joe, Foxy (I hope) Arjay and misanthropod
Assange's Life Strategist reveals all: "Got to an even smaller country and rape..." See the rest. Julian is not stoned, often. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 5 February 2016 7:46:03 PM
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Assange is not in detention.
He needs to man up, come out and face The courts in Sweden. Given the somewhat ambiguous nature of the charges, I doubt they'll get a conviction even if it is true. America grabbing him is the biggest worry from his perspective I suppose. But given the high profile of his case, every move the Americans Make in regards to Julian Assange will be headlines around the world, They may be content to leave him in exile. He needs to just come out and face it all Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 5 February 2016 11:46:00 PM
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Adian. Surely someone as obviously as smart as you hasn't swallowed all that BS, if he went to Sweden he'd be extradited.
Simply put, and given the US and Britain are and have been firm allies for some decades with pretty liberal and cooperative extradition treaties; and given extraditing anyone from Sweden to the US is downright difficult, mainly because they are not allies and have totally different attitudes to capital punishment. Assange would therefore be far safer in neutral Sweden than in the UK. Assange is a criminal bail jumper who left some trusting friends in the lurch, And hardly the actions of a truly innocent man? But one of a craven bed wetter unable to lie straight in bed, trying to avoid his day in a Swedish court? The UN got it wrong! Julian was not taken and held against his will but entered the ecuadorian embassy of his own violation and of his own violation remains there, for one reason and one reason only; to pervert the course of justice!? A truly innocent man would simply front up, allow some DNA samples to be collected, given they would exonerate a truly innocent man! But no, this downright disingenuous narcissist comes up with these childish porkies and endless excuses just to try and avoid facing the Swedish justice system!? As others have noted, had he gone and faced the music, done his time, he'd be out now and virtually free to go where he wanted. Sunlight? well he does have access to some rather well lit balconies And or windows which allow full sunlight during sunny days? Moreover, there are some nice parks where a completely exonerated and not guilty man could go and walk! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 6 February 2016 8:16:56 AM
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No matter how long Assange skulks in the Embassy his eventual handover to the US is a cert.
The media will love it! Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 6 February 2016 10:18:09 AM
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Can someone explain why Assange has not been
charged and why Sweden's Chief Prosecutor has refused to go to London to interview Assange when she said she would. Why she does not give Assange's lawyers the full information as required under Swedish law. Why all the secrecy? Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 February 2016 10:26:54 AM
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Hi Foxy, I watched Assange's lawyer being interviewed on TV last night, and it seems that his legal team and the British government aren't so concerned about the rape allegations as they are about the US getting their hands on him.
This lawyer seemed to think there wasn't much of a case for Assange to be charged in the rape case, and that Sweden and Britain are worried about upsetting the US, whereas Ecuador want to annoy the US! It is all such a mess that has cost the UK millions of dollars for guarding the embassy. I say just change the laws about being able to hide in embassies and send him to Sweden to face a trial. With the world's media watching so closely, the US can hardly do much to him now. Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 6 February 2016 10:55:38 AM
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If Assange was a Catholic Priest the left would be totally stuffed. They would not know which side to take.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 6 February 2016 11:37:18 AM
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Hi there SUSEONLINE...
I agree with you, amend the laws concerning those individuals seeking refuge in a foreign embassy in order to evade prosecution. Send him to Sweden, and if the United States believe they have a case against him, than lodge a formal request with the Swedish government to extradite Mr ASSANGE to the US to face those charges. I understand many people are immensely critical of the Americans for many reasons that aside, if this bloke has stolen classified material and unlawfully disseminated to the world's media, then let him face his accusers, to answer those charges. As I indicated in my earlier thread, this bloke strikes me as being a repulsively obsequious type, and I'd not trust him a single inch. Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 6 February 2016 12:25:21 PM
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Ecuador could grant him citizenship and then give him a post as a diplomat and consequent diplomatic immunity.
If the women have now changed their evidence then there is no reason for Sweden to not drop the charges. Publicity would not save him from the US, there are votes involved. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 6 February 2016 12:30:13 PM
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Dearest Foxy,
Why Sweden's Chief Prosecutor has refused to go to London to interview Assange ..... ? Because she doesn't have to, on the one hand, and a Swedish court may not have jurisdiction in Britain, on the other. Courts don't dance to the tune of people charged with offences: they order people to appear before them to answer charges, in their own jurisdictions. That's all that slimebag has to do, appear in a Swedish court, and front up to the women who are accusing him. If they officially drop the charges, then he's free to go where he likes. If they don't, and he's found guilty of rape, he does the time. And we can all get back to something more serious. Lovely logic, though: he scurries into the Ecuadorian embassy, and some bunch of clowns finds that he has been illegally detained. Where ? In the embassy ? In Britain as a whole ? I thought embassies were sovereign territory, and that the Ecuadorian embassy was not actually on British soil. I might use that logic: if I accidentally go past a pub, I can claim that I've been dragged inside and forced to down half a dozen pints, totally against my will. And some young chick rubbed up against me and forced me to grab her backside, to stop myself from falling over. Oh, the horror ! Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 6 February 2016 12:54:35 PM
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Assange does not get to choose where he is questioned. He is most immediately guilty of skipping British bail - making himself a common criminal. Assange's now former friends posted 10,000s of pounds bail to a London Court. Assange failed all when he forced himsself on the Ecuadorian Embassy years ago. They now regret he ever turned up. Assange should go to a London Court or London policemen's interview room like any other criminal suspect. Contrary to his own self belief and that of his mainly female following Assange is not above legal procedures. Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 6 February 2016 12:57:27 PM
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I do believe that obtaining sexual favours by fraud is a crime in NSW as well as in Sweden.
Certainly in parts of Australia it is rape if one is engaged in consensual sexual intercourse and either party says 'Stop'. To continue is to legally rape the other person; somehow I can't see a bloke suddenly yelling a negative command/request. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 6 February 2016 2:24:04 PM
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What is it Lear said about the sting of an ungrateful child?
The very liberties which permits dumb clowns on this site to air their ignorant inanities were won by the courage of misguided Assanges in our history. How exactly is assange any more guilty then the ny times, the guardian, de speigel? Indeed all th papers and websites which clamoured over themselves to print mannings revelations. The posters on this site become increasingly psychotic with each passing day. Someone even had the bright idea to label assange a narcissist! He is a publisher of political secrets. His not a politician, a billionaire, an over paid actor or sportsperson. Our whole culture is narcissistic - what else are we but self centered diabetic, lazy fat depressed and dumb bored dicks? That is our entire stupid culture. Someone comes along and shows you how screwed up our foreign policy is and we call him narcissistic? We want to throw awAy our entire judicial system to shut him up so we can go and eat another chocolate bar. Posted by YEBIGA, Sunday, 7 February 2016 1:16:22 AM
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Foxy I am not sure where you got your information but one of Assange's victims is still wanting his charging with rape? I confess I think he really is a little mummy's boy who thinks his charm is overwhelming. Only matched by his solicitors who lurve him lol.
When he ends up in gaol I can imagine the tantrums and tears from his mum and him. It is all OUR fault of course lol. Posted by JBowyer, Sunday, 7 February 2016 5:38:03 AM
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From the gormless Foxy on Friday:
"The facts have now emerged: Both women have finally now admitted that the sex was consensual. That Julian Assange was framed. And that in each case the women even let Assange stay an entire extra week in their homes sleeping with him without any problems whatsoever." From The Guardian yesterday: "Elisabeth Massi Fritz, the lawyer for the Swedish woman whom Assange is accused of raping, said the UN panel had 'a lack of understanding' that rape 'is one of the most serious abuses and violations of human rights'. "It was 'insulting and offensive', she said, to her client to suggest a rape suspect should be compensated for withholding himself from justice for more than five years." Apparently one of the victims has a lawyer who doesn't have access to Foxy's up-to-the-minute and highly reliable sources of information. Posted by calwest, Sunday, 7 February 2016 9:03:13 AM
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You might be thinking of a different person: Assange hasn't been charged yet with revealing state secrets. But he has been charged with rape, and quite reasonably he should face up to those charges. As for his narcissism: "Our whole culture is narcissistic - what else are we but self centered diabetic, lazy fat depressed and dumb bored dicks?" I wouldn't have thought of Assange as fat ? But I'll bet that he's had his fair share of chocolate bars. Rape is a serious offence. Let him face up to those charges, do his time and fly off to his beloved Ecuador. End of. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 7 February 2016 9:16:34 AM
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The media we rely on
No longer is capable of reporting to us anything resembling the facts Assange was interviewed regarding the interviews with the young ladies Those interviews are available on the net The first prosecutor in Sweden decided he had no case to answer The Swedish authorities gave him permission to leave the country The worst he could face is a charge of breaking a condom with one of the girls And sex whilst they were both asleep with the other The visit by the women to the police station was not to press charges but to ask whether he assange could be forced to take a venereal disease test. Both women had slept and had intercourse with assange previously and after the incidents in question. The very charge of rape - which he is not charged with but only required for questioning is itself an insult to women thru out the world who are victims of rape. The prosecutors handling of the "case" belies her interest in protecting g either the women or the law There are - for those genuinely interested - emails and tweets which from the women which entirely exonerate assange as they prove that after the incidents both women continue to fawn for his attention. Now with this UN decision even those who refuse to concede the entirely political nature of this matter cannot avoid the already obvious that Australia, Sweden and the U.K. Are no longer sovereign states but mere vassals of USA hegemony. That all of these governments have criminally transgressed their own legal systems. At a minimum they could have publicly guaranteed that he would never be transferred to the USA Posted by YEBIGA, Sunday, 7 February 2016 9:47:29 AM
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The US hasn't laid charges against Assange yet. So perhaps it's a bit paranoid, certainly premature, to suggest that all those governments are lickspittles of the US. Speaking of lickspittles, your case for Assange's acquittal is wasted here on OLO. Let him face the charges. End of. By the way, surely, with all that we have heard during the Royal Commission into Child Abuse, the huge power differential between 'carer/abuser' and child has, again and again, been obvious, and again and again, it has been enough to silence many victims of abuse until they were much older. So, perhaps, given Assange's high profile at the time of the WikiLeaks releases of state secrets, it's no surprise that the women did not speak out immediately. Remember the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas case of 1991 ? It happens. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 7 February 2016 10:17:30 AM
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The following link may help clarify things
for you: Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 February 2016 10:57:26 AM
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My apologies - I'm having computer problems.
Please try Googling the link under the title: "Three years on time for the injustice handed out to Julian Assange to end." It does give a good overview. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 February 2016 11:01:12 AM
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Notice that the great Christopher Pyne yesterday rejected the UN decision as ridiculous not because of the rape allegations but because assange had placed military and intelligence personnel in grave danger. This mental giant can't see that all of the worlds media reprinted the war logs
The disingenuous rabbit ting about rape allegations When he was already exonerated from them is just pig headed Why was he held for 10 days in solitary confinement by the British when he had voluntarily presented himself to the British police on the issuance of the European arrest warrant? Confirmation of the vassal nature of Australia Sweden and the U.K. Is hardly reliant on the treatment of assange as evidence. Our vassal status is made clear everyday by our foreign policy our involvement in wars, our economic our media, our language It is an outrage infinitely larger than this assange matte Posted by YEBIGA, Sunday, 7 February 2016 11:08:46 AM
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Seriously, the whole premise of this argument is completely wrong. Julian Assange has not been detained by anyone. He has of his own volition holed himself up in the Ecuadorian Embassy to avoid having to answer charges of sexual assault.
The only person who can free Julian Assange is Julian Assange himself. All he has to do is walk out the door and he will be free. There is no-one stopping him. Personally, I would liketo see him freed from his self-imposed imprisonment, so he can answer the charges against him. Assange seems to think he is so special that the usual laws do not apply to him. Posted by Agronomist, Monday, 8 February 2016 3:29:41 AM
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Assange has tried to remind the world of all the laws we need longer apply Posted by YEBIGA, Monday, 8 February 2016 7:39:37 AM
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Concerning your strange suggestion about " .... all the laws we need longer apply ...... " Do you mean " .... all the laws we need NO longer apply ...." ? If so, can you give us some examples ? Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 8 February 2016 8:27:02 AM
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One inevitable liability in this important forum is that many reviewers clearly indicate that have not read, let alone comprehend, the content of the letters they are lambasting.
Some recent responses to the article "Freeing Julian Assange" by John Pilger is a classic example. It would appear for some that the facts get in the way of a good prejudiced stance. In light of the recent vitriolic outburst of a British Member of Parliament to the UN position on Assange it might be relevant to recall that a courageous World War II Australian Prime Minister defied Britain and brought home our fighting forces to defend Australia. Perhaps we need another courageous Australian Prime Minister to defy the Anglo-American intransigent intrigue and bring Assange back home. JDBW Posted by JDBW, Monday, 8 February 2016 11:32:13 AM
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So you're assuming that Assange doesn't have any charges that he has to answer ? That a foreign government, or its agents, can ride into Britain, 'liberate' Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy, and spirit him back to Australia ? That 'liberating' that scumbag is as important as defending Australia from the Japanese ? Wow. One imagines that megalomania has limits, but apparently not. So ...... when women, particularly Swedish women, bring charges against a scumbag like Assange (I think that's the objectively accurate term), they can be ignored ? The charges are all trumped up ? Those women were not actually WikiLeaks volunteers but CIA operatives all along ? Do you have a bridge you'd like to sell ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 8 February 2016 11:45:31 AM
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Why do refer to assange as a scumbag exactly? Do you have a personal history with Assange? By referring to him in such a derogative manner without explanation undermines the rest of your comments. I think even where he found to be guilty of swedens very tough laws they are not the kind of thing that has ever resulted in a rape conviction here in Australia. So the scumbag appellation brings into focus your agenda. Your concern for these Swedish woman does nt sound very sincere. Bear in mind the United Nations have defended Assanges treatment. A fair response would be demanding that the government of Sweden publicly guarantees that they will never permit his extradition to the USA and then. Demands that he faces his accuses. It's hardly a crazy or even difficult request it s a request repeatedly denied and dodged with legalese Posted by YEBIGA, Monday, 8 February 2016 4:24:26 PM
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Describing Assange as a scumbag ? If it's proven that he has improperly treated those women - whether it's assault or rape - and then running, blowing all his guarantors' bond money in the process, then that term would be appropriate. Sweden's laws are for Swedish courts to administer, not Australia's or Nepal's or Liechtenstein's, or the royal courts of YEBIGA. Good on them for having stronger laws in defence of women. I'm sure most women would be happy with that. Perhaps not so many of the ex-feminists but. Since the US has not sought his extradition from the UK yet, and since getting him extradited from Sweden would be a more difficult process, that's probably a red herring. He has absolutely nothing to fear from the US if he goes to Sweden to do his time. Should be walk out of his 'illegal detention' and go to Sweden ? As you suggest, "It's hardly a crazy or even difficult request; it's a request repeatedly denied and dodged with legalese." If he had done his time, he could have been out for years by now, and happily working his way through a conga-line of willing young devotees. Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 8 February 2016 4:46:42 PM
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As it has not been proven
Why call him a scumbag Posted by YEBIGA, Tuesday, 9 February 2016 7:44:37 AM
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YEBIGA you are obviously another Assange fan. That little idiot was arrested and appeared in court in the UK. Then when the case does not go the way he wanted he runs out on bail and on the people who put up his bail.
Usual Julian "My Mum says I am wonderful and everybody has to love me". I so hope they put him in the Scrubs as he will find more people who want to "Love" him but not the way he wants it, again! Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 9 February 2016 8:31:55 AM