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A day of shame : Comments

By Bruce Haigh, published 27/1/2016

Forget pride, achievement, nationalism and the inevitable mindless jingoism normally associated with Australia Day, Stan Grant has put paid to that.

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Stan Grant "speech" at a debate about racism was a hate speech. It didn't take courage, any more then he displayed when he walked out on his family.
Stan just trotted out the same old tried it's all white mans fault and the bleeding heart lefties of the inner suburbs lapped it up.

Bruce you have to remember your a white guy therefore you are a racist. It's your racist values that every Aboriginal in Redfern does have a high paying job with a car and MacMansion.

BTW The person ( can't recall her name) who followed him had far more to contribute to the reality of modern Australia.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 8:31:05 AM
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Bruce Haigh's article embodies much that is contemptible about the Left: the predictability, the moral posturing, the inability to construct a rational argument based on facts and the snide denigration of John Howard and Tony Abbott - men whose achievements far outstrip his own.

In this case he uses Stan Grant's recent speech on alleged racism against Aboriginal people - though, in the absence of validation, the examples Grant used sound more like family fables than facts - as an excuse to fly kites about open borders for illegal immigrants.

Haigh apparently hasn't noticed the entirely predictable results of Europe's flirtation with open borders, problems mostly avoided here because of the policies of the Howard and Abbott governments. Google "asylum seekers + sexual assaults" and you'll see examples, including reports of sexual assaults of children in detention centres by those Haigh wants to let in to this country.

People like Haigh preen themselves about the value of multiculturalism, on one hand, then cry racism on the other.

They can't have it both ways, but they can be wrong on both.
Posted by calwest, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 8:47:22 AM
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Once we have a Republic the day of its Proclamation will be the new date for Audtralia Day. That way the adverse association with 26th January will be removed and the inclusiveness of all citizens will be achieved. Because the issues that disconnect are looming ever larger the matter of the Republic is becoming more urgent, not less as Malcolm Tutnbull would have it.
Andrew Farran
Posted by Andrew Farran, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 8:59:44 AM
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What makes people assume that changing the date on which Australia Day is celebrated, or indeed, achieving independence, is going to result in change to the attitudes of the fortunate racists among us?

Peoples' attitudes and demeanour are the result of many years of social conditioning; they are ingrained and not dispersed readily.

Whether or not one agrees with everything which Stan Grant or David Morrison say is less important than the very act of saying it.
It's a fact that the population listens to those who are well-known, despite the convincing arguments of a huge number of less eminent folk.
Posted by Ponder, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 9:15:14 AM
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Yes and we all stood where we were and just allowed it to happen, without lifting a finger to stop it!

But what else could we do?

I don't know about you, but I wasn't even a tilt in my daddy's kilt, nor even a gleam in his eye, and therefore completely powerless to affect outcomes.

Outcomes which include forced resettlement and some of the longest most horrendous sea voyages in history, locked in the fetid, vomit and feces stained bowels of storm tossed gyrating sailing ships, some of which produced absolutely appalling death tolls among a hapless human cargo!

More often than not transported to a very harsh, primitive and unforgiving exile, at the other end of the earth, for stealing a few crumbs to try and keep a starving family alive!?

I can't do more than say sorry, fed house and clothe you, educate you, take care of your health needs and try and protect those innocents (women and kids) you drunkenly abuse.

At the end of the day, there's not a black way or a white way just a right way, which by the way, can never ever include a black armband view of history, or the victim mentality that alone fosters it!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 9:28:04 AM
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In 1967 91% of Australians voted for a fair go for Aboriginal people. 9% didn't. You can focus on the 91%, or the 9%. Pick a scab and it will keep bleeding. Stan points out (but doesn't seem to get) that the Australian Dream is continually being mugged by history. His speech continues the mugging. It serves only to increase division, and serves only those who benefit from maintaining this division. Ask the Irish.
Posted by Peter McCloy, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 9:30:11 AM
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Once again we have a speech given by a nobody to a bunch of other nobodies with the same tired old rent seeking message.

Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 9:34:56 AM
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well I thought Bruce's self loathing accompanied by self righteousness would of decreased with the knifing of Abbott. Just goes to show you can be wrong.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 10:17:56 AM
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Things in Australia I am ashamed of:

Bruce Haigh
Malcolm Turnbull
The new Australian of the Year
The people who choose the Australian of the Year each year
Our pathetically low expenditure on defence
Guilt-ridden Australians continually telling us what bad people we are, every Australia Day
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 10:56:55 AM
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I am obviously a failed leftie, as I cannot understand why I am supposed to feel guilty. However I do know that almost all religions start with the idea that you are guilty, have sinned and need redemption. Would it be simpler if left wing politics was regarded as just another secular religion?

There is another subject that I cannot work out, and which I would ask someone to clarify for me.

That is that we are constantly reminded that the arrival of the First Fleet was an invasion, not a settlement.

Now I know that very little about this subject is rational, and that that is what makes it such fun.

However the rational question is this: If the arrival was an invasion, there must have been a war, and the aboriginals lost.

This makes them a conquered people, who should be satisfied with any treatment they receive short of hanging.

There is a second subject on which I also need help. That is, if the arrival of the First Fleet was wrong, why is the arrival of illegal immigrants right?

To any posters who are awaiting a republic, I would remind them of the small problem that any change has to be approved by the people. They don't seem to appreciate how many people are comforted by the constitutional provisions that provide that the monarch, either directly (Section 59) or through her representatives (Section 64) is standing by, ready to sack, and ready to disallow. We cherish those wonderful days in 1932 and 1975 when the NSW Governor and the Governor-General became displeased, and Jack Lang and Gough Whitlam were wiped like dirty rags. Perhaps the title of Governor-General should be replace by "Prime Ministerial Pisser-Offer in Chief"

This year we are celebrating the centenary of the Conscriprion Referendum, which was the first big battle between the political elite and the people. Unfortunately for the elite it was, and still is, the people who fill out the ballot papers.
Posted by plerdsus, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 11:17:27 AM
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G'day there TTBN...

You've said it all, absolutely! I agree with your summation 100%
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 12:07:53 PM
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What absolute drivel.

90 % of the world's population would not exist today were it not for the huge productivity increases in productivity made possible by the industrial revolution which started with the invention of the steam engine in England in the 18th century.

Without the industrial revolution there would not be the ability to produce transport and deliver the food and shelter necessary to sustain that population.

Without the "invasion" of the white man into Australia the indigenous population would , as they had for 60,000 years prior to 1788, have been unable to get sufficient sustenance, out of the whole continent of Australia, to support a population equal to a couple of Sydney Municipalities.

Anyone suffering from white man guilt does not know his history or is mentally challenged.

the world owes a huge debt to the British Empire.
Posted by Old Man, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 4:35:32 PM
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What I find really objectionable is that this bit of garbage is quite happy accepting a pension from these Australian taxpayers he so obviously despises.

What a bit of trash he is, to take this tainted dirty money from these despicable people.

It says a lot about the character of a person, when they can have their nose deeply buried in the trough provided by those he despises.

Anyone else notice how he looks & sounds just like Turnbull?
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 4:36:03 PM
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Wonder if he is any relation to Field Marshall Douglas Haigh of WW I fame, he was clueless as well?
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 7:21:23 PM
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Bruce, have just caught with your full article. Well said.
This needs to be said over and over again until we face up to our responsibilities as a nation.
The past decade or two will take a lot of living down.
Our worse sin Is hypocracy. Even worse than the countless breaches of international law.
Given what he has said in the past that he stands to let's see if Malcolm T is up to it now. Or will he be another Malcolm Fraser who leaves it all until it is too late?
Posted by Andrew Farran, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 10:12:53 PM
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Another whiney Leftie Journo, oh what a surprise. Stan is a C (CNN) list talking head, pity and laugh at him, maybe he will get a small series about his hard life (dumping first wife and 3 kids) from the ABC with plenty of well earned breaks over Xmas.

Have to say it reminds me of Goodes when he was trying to drum up another career on the back of pillorying a child last year.
Posted by McCackie, Friday, 29 January 2016 5:23:23 AM
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There has never been a country in history
That has ever been handed back by
An invading army.

If Mr Haigh wishes to ring Aboriginal affairs
And tell them he's going to give them back the land
His house is built on and sail back to England or wherever he's from
He's welcome to. Let him set an example we can all follow.

The Japanese would now own this country anyway if the
Europeans hadn't been able to stop their invasion in world war 2

So that's twice they would have lost the country.
Do they really think Indonesia would have let them keep
All this rich land. I don't think so.

History has turned the page.
As it will for the western nations if they don't stop stupidly handing
Countries our own people fought and died for over to all these hostile refugees.
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 31 January 2016 1:25:59 AM
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Old Man you clearly have no clue about how Aboriginal people existed before the invasion. It was not a simple nationwide collection of hunter/gathers and getting 'sustenance' from country was easily achieved. There were complex agricultural practices being done to produce foods on a continual basis. It was all observed and recorded by explorers and some colonizers but those were quickly relegated to obscurity by those who had it in their best interests to create the myth of the hunter/gather savage. A myth you seem only too keen on believing in.
Posted by minotaur, Monday, 1 February 2016 1:22:46 PM
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People like the almost white,Stan Grant and twits like Bruce are the ones instilling racism and white hatred. I checked out Stan Grants biography (following his comments on the Goodes saga), revealing hypocrisy. Claiming 'my people, my land' is a bit bold considering he 'escaped the sub-culture of his people'and after a university education in Aboriginal studies, declined to help that very sub-culture due to his 'elevated position'. Why doesnt he and so many others own their European heritage cause they sure aint black.
Posted by jodelie, Saturday, 20 February 2016 3:24:38 AM
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