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The Forum > Article Comments > We should prepare for climate change: Professor Bob Carter 1942-2016 > Comments

We should prepare for climate change: Professor Bob Carter 1942-2016 : Comments

By Jennifer Marohasy, published 21/1/2016

Professor Carter did not like the term sceptic, he considered himself a rationalist, and popular usage of the term 'climate change' a tautology.

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Thanks Jennifer for your fine tribute to a great man, great scientist, great communicator and delightful lunch and dinner guest. If Universities were staffed with more Bob Carters, the world would be a better place. He searched for truth when promoting lies was more remunerative.
He was a true gentleman in every sense of the meaning. May his life continue to inspire others who seek the truth in their scientific endeavours.
Posted by John McRobert, Thursday, 21 January 2016 1:35:25 PM
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Is this just for tributes or did the man find something no other scientist has found, all we have established is the man was a truth seeker, so what did he find truth in.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 21 January 2016 1:56:17 PM
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Climate has always changed, it has from one day to the next. Climate Change is far more than an answer that is farcical. Co2 promotes plant growth, of course it does, as long as it stays at ground level it will hurt no one.
Professor bob probably had his good times before climate change became a danger. All Professors are seen as radical, it is the nature of being over educated.
Climate change is going to take as long to explain as climate change is with us. To go against every other scientist as if they do not exist is dangerous. Co2 in the atmosphere happened long before man walked on earth. Volcanic eruptions probable cause of climate change, man putting co2 into the atmosphere a probable cause of climate change.
To outright dismiss Co2 as a climate change substance is dangerous. Sorry but I can not go along with prof: Bob. As do nothing is not an option.
Temperatures have not risen, as sea water absorbs most of it we should be thankful.
Ice pack’s getting thicker is a direct contradiction to every piece of proven science that is not the case. More sea ice is a direct result of fresh water freezing before salt water freezes.
Lets be fairdinkum at least.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 21 January 2016 2:50:24 PM
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I'm constantly amazed at the anti climate change lobby. And given his views and prognostications. I number Professor Bob in that camp?

I'll agree that an ETS is just not a good idea, given the amount of rorts and rip offs evidenced in some of the operating models?

Even so, there is real money and quite massive economic growth to be had in sensibly decarbing our economy!

So why all the fsus and hyperbole and hyperventilating?

Even so, I respect Bob for the courage of conviction he always brought to the table, even where I disagreed with his views or analysis.
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 21 January 2016 4:03:19 PM
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Thank you, Jennifer for an excellent summary of the views of a valued member of our community. His contribution to science will be with us for a long time to come.
He was unassuming and tolerant, and bore the scurrilous attacks of the ignorant quite cheerfully. It is a privilege to have known Bob Carter.
Posted by Leo Lane, Thursday, 21 January 2016 9:14:41 PM
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Professor Carter's statement:

"Irritatingly, especially for governments, science does not operate by consensus and it is often best progressed by mavericks."

should be remembered long by those who claim X thousands of scientists agreeing on climate change is some sort of proof.
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 22 January 2016 7:29:17 AM
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