The Forum > Article Comments > 'You and me, we sweat and strain': blacks in America and the musical Show Boat > Comments
'You and me, we sweat and strain': blacks in America and the musical Show Boat : Comments
By Peter West, published 7/1/2016A Civil Rights Act gave citizenship to black people in 1866. But success for the North and the subjugation of the South began a long period of difficult times for people of colour.
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yea well I suppose remembering those rotton Chritians who pioneered and built hospitals, schools, roads as evil is better than facing the fact that today our saintly secularist murder millions of unborn babies each year. Oh yeah to remember those bad people of the past. Means we don't have to look at the rotton corruption, murder, gross immorality, pornography created by secularism today.
Posted by runner, Friday, 8 January 2016 9:26:29 AM
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Is there much more we need to know about slavery?
Britain, France, Spain Portugal and many others built their prosperity on capturing or buying black people and selling them to Brazil, USA, etc etc. The West Indies lost its native peoples due to various acts by the Spanish; and black slaves helped build the rum, molasses and sugar trade. The "triangular trade" linked Britain and other European countries, the West Indies and various US States which bought the slaves in exchange for cotton and tobacco .Slavery was still going in Brazil in the 1880s and blacks in that country usually live a pretty difficult life. Many Irish were sold into slavery by Cromwell, that pious man of God (??) and joined blacks also sold into slavery in the West Indies, especially Bermuda. Hence some of the peculiar accents in that region. No wonder Chris Gayle talks funny-but like most sportsmen he thinks he can do what he likes and be adored. The other link suggested by my mate earlier doesn't work. Posted by Waverley, Friday, 8 January 2016 10:42:51 AM
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Road runner's "Means we don't have to look at the rotton corruption, murder, gross immorality, pornography created by secularism today."
Depends whether religion is a greater evil or psychosis. There is certainly a legitimately, secular, constituted Royal Commission into the doings of (mainly) religious figures against defenceless children. These religio-fascists (first coined here) have paid out expensive compo and even more expensive Queens Counsels. see But hey! Men of GOD are above mortal laws...isn't that right? Cheers Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 8 January 2016 10:59:08 AM
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Dear runner,
Matthew 7: 16 (KJV) Ye shall know them by their fruits. That’s in the Bible, and, unlike much of the Bible, it makes good sense. Some of the fruits of Christianity are intolerance, the Dark Ages, the Inquisition, the Crusades, the wars of the Reformation, persecution of pagans, heretics, Jews and people of other religions, extirpation of native cultures, the divine right of kings, execution of scientists such as Hypatia, Servetus and Bruno and the promotion of ignorance. You are a victim of the promotion of ignorance by Christianity with your denial of evolutionary science. You would prefer to accept the biblical fairy tales. Ye shall know them by their fruits. The fact that women who do not want to continue an unwanted pregnancy and can have it terminated by a medical procedure rather than have to resort to a backyard butcher or a knitting needle is good news. To you the fact that women have a freedom previously denied them is horrible. All hail the foetus and to hell with the woman. The most civilised countries on earth are the Scandinavian countries. They have a high standard of living, great political freedom, less difference between the rich and the poor in living standards than in most countries, excellent medical care, low corruption and good educational systems. By many statistics such as low infant mortality and life expectancy they are the best countries in earth to live in. They are also the least religious countries on earth. Corruption in government is correlated with religiosity. The more religious a country is the more likely it is to be plagued by corruption. Statistics from Transparency International bear that out. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Posted by david f, Friday, 8 January 2016 11:19:25 AM
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There's a place up north which had public service exams, paper, iron, canals , a great wall, differential gear , gunpowder, medicine, ceramic china and the odd road or two. Please explain which ones were Christian. Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 8 January 2016 12:37:22 PM
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Tut, Tut.
We should be charitable to poor runner on this the 13th day of the anniversary of Jesu's (our Lord's son's) birth. For runner knows not what he blurts RSPCA kindness to our Lord God's creatures an all? Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 8 January 2016 1:05:13 PM