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In the grip of powerful illusions : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 22/12/2015

You possess the power to choose your own destiny. Will it be self-destruction or will it be the fulfilment of a glorious dream?

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Thank you, thank you.

If only more Jewish spokespersons in Australia could be more even-handed, intellectually rigorous, and morally honest it might make the call for clear-headed end to the situation a little more audible.

Unfortunately successive Israeli governments and their Jewish lobby in Australia seem to have converted many politicians into parliamentary sleepers for the Israeli delusions about the promised land with all the attendant brutality that is deemed godly to vanquish those who are inconveniently littering their promised estate.

the US of course is the mafia boss that facilitate the Israeli delusions, even in the face of a US facing the decline of its world hegemon status.
Posted by Chek, Tuesday, 22 December 2015 8:53:44 AM
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US has had hegemony based on democracy based on $Jewish party funding based on Israeli nationalism based on homeland hegemony which needs US hegemony based on...
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 22 December 2015 9:10:25 AM
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God given land? so how do you come to terms with the emerging Archaeological evidence that refutes an exodus from Egypt and all that relies on it, including a chosen people, a promised land and those fourteen commandments carved in stone by the hand of an all knowing God, and for a people who almost to a man, couldn't read or write?

These problems so ably outlined by you, must persistes long as there is a chosen people and a promised land, and the fact that the progressively dispossessed are also the sons and daughters of Abraham. All enhanced by the alluded to powerful illusions.

I just don't see this problem ending until you chose a new leader genuinely wanting to fix the problem with a fair and reasonable negotiated settlement, given the two state solution and the much vuated road map are both dead and buried and cremated.

The current leader is a self evident stranger to the truth, has mouthfuls of weasel words; and consequently his verbal agreements played out for an American Jewish audience, are not worth the paper they are written on?

Patently, his real goal seems to be increasing the jewish population by migration founded on PROMISED land; and the consequent gerrymander that is all that keeps him in power? That being so, expect things and life to get a lot worse before it get better?
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 22 December 2015 10:03:26 AM
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I have in recent times shed my anger of Israeli dis semblance and USA global treachery.
For everywhere I look I see the almost karmic consequences of their willful barbarism is coming home to roost.
The deliberate chaos perpetrated to disempower the Middle East now sees this mad unstructured amoral hooligan sect encircling Israel. Today ISIS is a mere stooge but how long before they morph and turn their attention towards their most natural enemy? Is it not inevitable they will turn their training towards Israel? And how do you defend against these drug fueled trained martyrs?

The USA has virtually exhausted it's moral capital. It is now 15 years of catastrophic foreign policy failures. They have. Entirely eviscerated - deliberately - every semblance of international law. U.S. Led NATO is now in the midst of an undeclared global war against Russia and China. The U.S. Led capitalist system is at war with planet earth and is technically broken.

Where we go from here is bound to get very ugly. Those who have unscrupulously obtained control and gluttonously devoured the entire world are well beyond the point of civility. They have surrendered and severed any human connection and live in nihilistic death cult. The values of our global elite are perfectly projected and reflected by ISIS

The USA led capitalist world is already bankrupt beyond repair. The now inevitable technological practices are daily reducing th need for labour. Unemployment is now an unavoidable sle traight line graph. Inevitably with each passing year there must be less purchasing power , an expanding class of poor and increasing social disharmony.

What the USA has shown is that it is totally unfit for leadership and needs to be urgently removed from the cockpit.

The illusion that things can continue as they have is difficult to shake. Logically we know change is the only constant but the myopia of our lives will not except it. So my analysis seems like the ravings of a radical - a mad man.

And that arrogance is also something we must urgently shed
Posted by YEBIGA, Tuesday, 22 December 2015 5:19:35 PM
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..krkk..the cracking sound of s tree as it falls
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 22 December 2015 5:50:47 PM
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The global problems are in fact caused by the overpopulation
Of the earth.
This is the real cause of poverty and also pollution
In the world. It is China and India who cause the worst pollution
Because they use more coal than anybody to cook and light
And heat their houses.

The stupid leadership and dominance of the males is the cause of
The overpopulation lack of clean water and all the rest in these societies.
They have been helped out with billions in foreign aid from more well run
Countries who do not populate themselves into poverty.
Where does the aid money go.
These leaders don't even seem to know how to build some decent pipelines
To provide fresh water to local communities especially in Africa and India.

Western countries have taken in huge numbers of ethnic groups, compared to any of
These other countries, who are intolerant and racist in the extreme.
But when some of these ethnic groups are allowed into Western countries
They wage terrorist attacks and prove they can't be trusted
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 26 December 2015 12:02:58 AM
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