The Forum > Article Comments > Germaine Greer shows us the tyranny of trans-mania > Comments
Germaine Greer shows us the tyranny of trans-mania : Comments
By John Slater, published 2/11/2015Caitlyn Jenner's apotheosis from suffering patriarch of the Kardashian clan to the newly inaugurated Queen of the trans movement marks a new high water mark for trans-mania.
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Posted by SHORT&SHARP, Monday, 2 November 2015 6:09:44 PM
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This has now been added to the growing list of taboo subjects to deny the right of free speech. Emeritus Professor Germaine Greer was to deliver this year’s Hadyn Ellis Distinguished Lecture -the eighth in the series hosted by Cardiff University. The lecture was titled “Women & Power: The Lessons of the 20th Century”.
A petition called on the University to ban the lecture, alleging that Greer has “demonstrated misogynistic views towards trans women, including continually misgendering trans women and denying the existence of transphobia altogether”. Asked about the petition, Greer told the Guardian: “ It strikes me as a bit of a put-up job really because I am not even going to talk about the issue that they are on about…“What they are saying is that because I don’t think surgery will turn a man into a woman I should not be allowed to speak anywhere.”… “I do not know why universities cannot hear unpopular views and think about what they mean.” Posted by Leslie, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 6:41:48 AM
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The author seems to be confused, are you a liberal or a conservative?
As another poster has said why would a liberal be against someone making a personnel choice. The reality is what makes us think we are a man or a women is not fully understood. Sexual assignment generally happens in fetuses but with all development it can come up with a range of outcomes. Scientist do know that it is not just about our physical appearance. Even that however can be complicated, people are born with one or the other sex organs,or both or even none. As for citing Ms Greer as an informed opinion, you really are clutching a straws Posted by Cobber the hound, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 9:14:11 AM
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Cobber the hound,
I take it liberals don't mind pseudo-women/female mimics with mental issues using women's rest rooms. The reality is that I know what makes me think i'm a man. I'm a father of more than one child. I'm sure the majority of women in the world including Greer knows what makes them think they are women. One thing is for sure and that is you can't know that you are woman if you haven't lived the experiences of a woman with a "natural" female body. Posted by Roscop, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 10:28:49 AM
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As per usual the feminists are manufacturing a narrative to spin Greer's motivation as positive and wholesome for society. However, the feminists deliberately omit some salient points.
First and foremost, Feminists sure hate transgenderism. They always have seen them, at least the male to female ones as competing for cachet (as a 'wonderful womyn'). It is feminists NOT the public (nor the despised men they scold, belittle and hiss at), who protested against Greer and it is feminists who sought to ban her from speaking at the university. It is a fight among feminists, the aged dinos from the previous Millenium such as Greer, versus younger feminists, tooth and claw and the mysogyny slur among other favourites is being used freely, again as per usual. The tediously boring, reactionary, human headline Greer is representative of the self-obsessed, entitled, educated white middle class feminist dinosaurs who are protecting their entitlement. Some still ride the gravy train courtesy of the tight 'networking', cronyism and favouritism, of leftist crews like Emily's List. As I posted in another thread on the same subject, the international company I once worked for had some contracts with government. It was noticeable that it was only in the government bureaucracies that transgenders became 'issues'. The feminist controlled unions were absolute mongrels in their treatment of the men to women transgenders and so much so that it was pitiful to witness. Still, it delivered more disabled toilets. The implied categorisation of the affected transgenders as 'disabled' was not lost on the feminists' victims. However women to male (add the many lesbians dressed and acted male in the bureaucracy anyhow) was quite alright. The feminists could frame a narrative around that, apparently. It is all about defending that B.S. feminist 'Patriarchy' paradigm. -Always with that overarching goal of protecting the entitlements and 'positive' discrimination enjoyed and being increased by the educated middle class white women who are feminism. tbc.. Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 11:51:11 AM
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So yes, while we might defend Greer's right to free speech and criticism of the 'gushing' PC in the media, at the same time we should not to lose sight of the fact that it was Greer, other feminists and 'leftist 'Progressives' like her (she says she is an anarchist from the 'Sydney Push' though), who are responsible for the political correctness that resulted in the events she now complains about.
Nothing has changed. Here is Greer and other cultural warriors on theme and outnumbering Hitchens, courtesy of the taxpayer-funded ABC, Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 11:51:34 AM
Without doubt, modern society has become overly censorious; freedom of speech includes freedom to question the PC version - even freedom to infuriate (including me or you)