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The Forum > Article Comments > Fitzimons versus the royalists > Comments

Fitzimons versus the royalists : Comments

By Everald Compton, published 23/10/2015

The indisputable fact is that two thirds of the Commonwealth of Nations (the old British Colonies) are Republics. Some have been so for 60 years and very few have the Union Jack on their flag.

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Everald if these old British Colonies are such great republics, & you so desperately want to live in a republic, I suggest you take your author, whoever the hell he might be, & go live in one. Most of us are perfectly happy as we are, & it is only dishonest pot stirring, & appealing to the rabble that gets this stuff any traction at all.

Why don't you go fly your kite for something actually worth having?
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 23 October 2015 4:09:45 PM
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Everard Compton, who has some role as a leader of a group which claims to represent "seniors", puts forth a case for republicanism, in terms of nationalism. Perhaps Everard is unaware that Australian nationalists are his most bitter enemies, while those who hate nationalism are the soft totalitarian multicultural Left. That argument is a contradiction, Everard.

Next, Everard calls himself "a proud Aussie" while simultaneously insulting all proud Australians by claiming that our ancestors were mass murderers and thieves. If you want to drive Australians away from republicanism, Everard, that is the very best way to do it.

Everard obviously has a black armband view of history, and he is a person who is ashamed of his own race and culture. His support for republicanism can be seen as a way of forcing his people to distance themselves from the dastardly British, who he thinks stole Australia from the real owners, after they massacred and terrorised them, then stole their children.

Sorry Everard, I don't share your prejudices about the British, and I laugh at your attempt to equate republicanism with nationalism.

Five of the most desirable countries in this world to live in are Canada, Australia, the USA, New Zealand, and Britain. The British had the knack of creating stable and prosperous societies, wherever they went. Even their African colonies were well run and they not only provided much needed local infrastructure, and a generally fair legal system, they created a level of growing prosperity among the native populations.

While you feel ashamed by your British ancestry, I am intensely proud of it. I realise that the soft totalitarian multicultural Left want to create a new utopia through mixing up the cultures and races in every successful European country. But just in case you have not noticed, that is not working out too well. My belief is that it is essential for the continuance of a stable, secular democracy like Australia, to demand that immigrants more or less assimilate into our British descended heritage, and keeping the Union Jack in our flag is an essential part of that process
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 24 October 2015 5:44:37 AM
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Wow, LEGO, - that's quite a rant!

Considering....the minimalist model proposed by Fitzy is that instead of the Prime Minister choosing the Governor General (Yes, one person gets to choose the GG) and sending a letter off to the Queen for her formal assent...that role is instead transferred to parliament requiring a 2/3s majority to confirm the choice of ceremonial Head of State for Australia.

Very simple - and in light of Australia already existing as a self-governing entity - it seems sensible (and...ahem...."grown-up") to cut the last apron string)

Tell us, LEGO, how is transferring the role of assent from the Queen over to parliament in 2015 likely to upset the apple cart or negate Australia's historical links to the British monarchy?

How independently does a country have to be operating before it should feel free to dispense with the formality of having the monarch of another country sign off on its choice for a Head of State?
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 24 October 2015 8:29:18 AM
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It is quite simple, Poirot, if its not broke it doesn't require fixing.

-Especially doesn't require fixing by the chattering fools of the Twitterati.

Get onto fixing those 'Struggle Streets' as the first priority. Then there is plenty to do after that.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 24 October 2015 7:10:41 PM
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"-Especially doesn't require fixing by the chattering fools of the Twitterati."

You mean as opposed to the chattering fools on OLO?
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 24 October 2015 7:35:10 PM
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LOL you would be a star on both.

Now, what about fixing those 'Struggle Streets'?
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 24 October 2015 7:41:43 PM
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