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Refugee crisis calls for compassion and pragmatism : Comments

By Mal Fletcher, published 23/9/2015

Europe's refugee crisis will continue to inspire heated debates about the tension between humanitarianism and manageability. When governments err, they should err on the side of compassion.

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There's no valid argument as to why we should re-settle a single migrant let alone millions, the support for Third World emigration as a "right" is backed only by quasi-religious sentimentality and misinformation.
So breaking it down support for "refugees" is based on fictional renderings of the situation abroad which are used by my people as the building block of a public persona indicating their high social status or at least the desire to climb the social ladder.
It's very clear,black and white even, support for mass Third World emigration is an upper middle class social trend which is as distinct and distant from the views of the majority as wine appreciation is from drag racing.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 23 September 2015 8:17:44 AM
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It never ceases to amaze me that Australian commentators can address the refugee crisis engulfing Europe without once pausing to consider its root cause. The principal root cause is the chaos and disruption caused by western governments and their GCC allies in invading, bombing, disrupting, seeking regime change, support for jihadist groups, Gladio B operations etc etc in target countries.

General Wesley clark let the cat out of the bag about 5 years ago when he identified the countries being targeted. They include Iraq, Syria, Sudan and Iran. Sure enough, that is exactly where the bombings, invasions etc are occurring. Australia, it hardly needs to be added, has been an enthusiastic supporter of US misadventures in this.

Instead of worrying about "humanitarian" responses (which are intrinsically fine) let's look at the real issues and address those.
Posted by James O'Neill, Wednesday, 23 September 2015 10:47:46 AM
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Not going to read any more rubbish about "compassion" for Muslim invaders and probable jihadi plants in the West. "Stupidity" is a much better word, and we will be seeing much more of if with the loony left Turnbull and Bishop. They have already weakened the immigration minister in preparation for re-starting the flood of illegals. Who needs Labor when we have these two creeps!
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 23 September 2015 10:53:43 AM
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This is footage from Denmark of a Hizb Ut Tahrir rally, one of the most tolerant, liberal countries up until now do you think that maybe the Danish government's current refusal to accept any more migrants might indicate that they know something about Islamic immigration that middle class Australians don't?

Here's another absolute howler, how can the middle classes still trust their media when so called "journalists" can't even be bothered checking someone's social media profiles before elevating their emigration experience as this week's Rosa Parks Moment?
Syrian refugee tripped over by Hungarian journalist was part of Al Qaeda's Nusra front:

Another beaut blog, day to day life in Raqqa under ISIS through the eyes of a British born Jihadi, take particular note of his comments on his Arab brothers in arms:
Is it not possible that Abu Sa'eed Al-Britani may be onto something whe he describes the young men fleeing ISIS as mostly criminals, shirkers and people unwilling to live the Koranic way of life?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 23 September 2015 1:35:52 PM
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James O'Neill,

No question that Western interference has been part of the problem, but you can't assume that everything would be ducky without it. You don't mention, for example, that the Syrians have more than quadrupled their population since 1960 and that the other refugee source countries also have very high fertility rates or did until quite recently. The Syrians have also suffered from a very severe drought, and the unrest actually began with poor people and not radical students.

Food prices on the world market started to skyrocket in 2007. They have since come down from the peak, but are still much higher than in, say, 2004. Most of the rise was ultimately due to the skyrocketing price of oil feeding into the cost of agricultural inputs and tempting countries to grow biofuels instead of food. Syria is no longer self-sufficient in food, so did not have a buffer against these price rises. The Syrians' own State Planning Commission estimated that 48% of the average income is spent on food, and it would be much higher for low income people, of course.

This article plots food riots on a graph of the FAO World Food Price Index and clearly shows the relationship between food prices and social unrest

The Egyptians demonstrating in Tahrir Square were asking for bread and freedom, but they were asking for bread first.
Posted by Divergence, Wednesday, 23 September 2015 1:57:19 PM
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Note also that Syria is only 2/3 the size of Victoria but has about 23 million people and it's the poor, intellectually deficient, superstitious sector of the population which has blown out over the last few decades. Both the Syrian government and the Islamists have failed to transfer anything like a set of what we'd term "values" to these people even at the point of a gun, so the prospect of them suddenly becoming good little westerners is about zero.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 23 September 2015 2:49:03 PM
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Divergence: I don't assume for a moment that everything would be "ducky" without outside interference. My point was that we create and/or exacerbate problems with the assumption that we (the west) have the right to interfere for our own geopolitical objectives and bear no responsibility for the carnage that ensues.

Jay: a typical fact free rant. You really need to watch that blood pressure.
Posted by James O'Neill, Wednesday, 23 September 2015 3:32:56 PM
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James, prove me wrong if you can, demonstrate to the readers that Syrian peasants are not as I've described them.
Syria median IQ : 83
Syria median income, around $10,000.
Literacy rates Syria: 86% for men 73% for women.
Read any study of religious attitudes in the Islamic world and you'll see that religious piety and observance is falling among the young yet it's not being replaced by modern, secular values ie neither Islamic nor secular authorities have any authority in the Middle East, what you have is chaos, gangs of un-uneducated men roaming the countryside sacking villages and when the plunder is exhausted heading off toward Europe.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 23 September 2015 5:04:38 PM
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Our corporate (Zionist/Commie) media have controlled the prestitutes for 100yrs and our true history has been hidden from us. Murdoch is one. The WEST IS UNDER ZIONIST ISRAEL OCCUPATION!

FBI says "Australian ISIS jihadist" is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg

US agencies fund the asylum seekers.

MOSSAD and the Anglo-American military industrial complex did 9/11 and all the terrorist attacks. They are warmongers and taking over the West. It's been planned for centuries.
Red Ice Radio - Tom Secker - 7/7, State-sponsored Terrorism ...
Jul 8, 2013 ... Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11 · Operation Crevice · Death of Jean Charles de Menezes

Zombie ZOG:

The 'Refugee' Crisis and the Creation of Greater Israel (see the maps)
It has become increasingly obvious that the flood of refugees from the Middle East is serving the jewish agenda of creating Greater Israel (Eretz Israel). In case you are unfamiliar with the concept, Greater Israel is the vast tract of land supposedly promised to the Israelites by Yahweh, stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Greater Israel is far larger than the current state of Israel, and since their current colonization efforts are being hotly contested, drastic events are needed to be able to roll over the indigenous Semites (Arabs) and install a new state.

ISIS, which previously stood for the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (aka the Mossad), has already conquered a decent chunk of Greater Israel.

ISIS is receiving funding, aid, weapons, training, and recruits from the United States, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Although there are some sensational stories coming out of the jewish press about an ISIS holocaust, the Islamic State has never had any intentions of attacking the jewish State. In fact, the military conflicts taking place in the Middle East, and in particular Syria, are all wrapped up in the plot to massively expand the boundaries of Israel. Saudi Arabia, which was founded by jews and is where Wahhabi ISIS originates .....
Posted by Constance, Wednesday, 23 September 2015 9:21:34 PM
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So if 10million Indonesians,Chinese,or
Any big group from anywhere in the world decides to get into boats and to rock up to the borders or beaches anywhere in the
World, as long as they throw their weapons away before they get to Australia,say, then they are allowed to just walk in
No questions asked.
That is madness. And a survival threat to the territorial access of the exsisting people in a country.

Who have fought wars and lost husbands and sons in wars to save their territory.
Now they should just hand it over.
How stupid can the love and hippy peace brigade be.
Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 24 September 2015 9:47:51 AM
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The first priority of any government is to look after their own people, and to implement the wishes of the people.

This also needs to be a considered response not the brain fart where Germany unilaterally opens its borders in response to a photo, then a week later starts closing the doors in response to a voter backlash.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 24 September 2015 10:21:39 AM
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I love the internet:
Now this article from 2005 isn't "prophetic" it's just an analysis of an Islamist strategy which has been decades in the making and which they've been trumpeting aloud since the days before social media and video sharing. How shocking it must be to the appeasers and progressives to realise that Islamic revolutionaries would set goals and work toward them on a twenty year timeline, I mean Islam has been around for 1400 years, democracy for about 100 in most countries, it stands to reason that the long view put forth by Muhammad and the early Imams would prevail in the end.
This is proof also of the power of a consistent message in a war of ideas.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 24 September 2015 2:07:12 PM
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While most Australia struggle they exploit us through emotional blackmail.

ZIONIST GLOBALIST CABAL AGENDA : Destroy Christians and Western Civilisation

Obama’s Jewish War On Syria (by Br Nathanael – ex Jew)
Saudi to Vatican: Help us bring down Assad and we will spare the Christians
Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty, still won't take Syrian refugees

8,000 people killed in eastern Ukraine - Ukrainian refugees do not matter because they are White

Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies
Barbara Lerner Spectre On Twitter

Soviet Sweden? Model Nation Sliding to Third World
Commemorating British Casualties of Jewish Terrorism, 1944–1948
Normally, a gathering of British nationalists in central London, proudly bearing English banners and Union Flags, would be met with a horde of screaming demonstrators bussed in from far and wide. But no disturbance took place last weekend when such a group of patriots assembled near Trafalgar Square and the reason is not hard to discern. Cont… on site

“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own…”

– Maurice Samuels, You Gentiles. 1942.
Read This Before The Mainstream Media Uses A Drowned Refugee Boy To Start Another War
My Name Is Brother Nathanael Kapner
I'm A "Street Evangelist"
I Grew Up As A Jew
I'm Now An Orthodox Christian
I Wish To Warn How Jewry
Is Destroying Christianity Throughout The World
Posted by Constance, Thursday, 24 September 2015 6:32:59 PM
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BOYCOTT ISRAEL!! People are slowly waking up

Brendon O'Connell finally released from Prison (after 3 years for arguing with a Jew)

Brendon O'Connell hate crime video FULL Part 2 of 2

Posted by Constance, Thursday, 24 September 2015 6:35:08 PM
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I will bet even James O'Neill cringes every time Constance comes up and 'helps" him with his insane "facts." I am glad he is on your side, James, not mine.

Every significant civilisation in human history expanded it's borders into barbarian lands, usually as a means of self preservation. Traditionally, hunter gatherers had always preyed upon peaceful, prosperous, and settled communities. Often those settled communities got strong enough to strike back, expanding their borders and pushing the barbarians further from their communities.

The effects of western civilisation upon the entire world has been overwhelmingly positive. Our civilisation has been a model for success and those countries which emulated our ways did very well indeed. Those which rejected our ways (or who had such a low collective intelligence that they were unable to copy us) went backwards into the future.

Of course the world's most advanced civilisation would "interfere" with those of backwards and dysfunctional societies. Most of that "interference" was positive. We struck the chains off the slave, banned human sacrifice, stopped headhunting, , and enforced peace between warring tribes. We encouraged trade and commerce, introduced advanced agricultural practices, bestowed the miracles of science such as western medicine, steam engines, aircraft, trains, and advanced communications. Within those backward and dysfunctional societies, there were groups of people who saw the advance of civilisation inimical to their interests. Naturally we supported those we could do business with, and opposed those who wanted their people to wallow in barbarism.

The 20th century saw the emergence of three political philosophies which threatened the continued peaceful development of the world on western democratic, free market principles. These were, International Socialism, National Socialism, and Islam, all of whom made no bones about their hostility to western democracy. James O'Neill's premise is that we should not respond to those who threaten our existence, and should not try to aid those who are our friends, and if not our friends, at least people with whom we can tolerate and do business.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 25 September 2015 4:20:58 AM
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The Saudi Arabians have built a tent city in Mina for all the pilgrims to Mecca (approx 8 km from Mecca)
The tents are made of fire-resistant materials and all have air conditioning.
Every tent has speakers, thermostats and fire alarm.
A total of 3 million people can be accommodated.
Would it not be the perfect city for all the Moslems fleeing Moslem terrorism in Syria? And much closer?

Instead they are heading for northern European countries which are a soft touch, frantically trying to get out of countries like Hungary which offers them the safety that they claim to be seeking but a poor bridgehead for setting up a Moslem Fifth Column.

Meanwhile we are taking 12,000 Syrians. There are about 230,000 Yazidis in the Middle East, whose religion is related to Zoroastrianism which isn’t based on any theocratic cult. More than enough to fill our quota and any extension, without opening our doors to a single Fifth Columnist
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 28 September 2015 9:07:07 PM
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The European refugee crisis is in reality a German refugee crisis. Nearly all migrants want to go to Germany, not Belgium, Austria, Netherlands.

Those many things happening there don't make it into the international news. Here is a website that gives daily summaries directly from Germany.
Posted by renysol, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 3:22:58 PM
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