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Eco-socialism or barbarism: 11 theses : Comments
By Bruno Kern, published 2/9/2015Capitalism has a self-contradictory nature, which by itself generates crises and undermines its own conditions of successful functioning.
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That direction can improve the average lot without killing the very thing that made capitalism work; individual incentives and entrepreneurial innovation!
And here I'm referring to cooperative capitalism as the essential model and something as simple as simply destroying poverty in all its forms a guises, wherever we find it!
And taking every opportunity to recycle whatever can be recycled?
Thus in human terms, we replace volume with margins, where inherently better off folk, replace the sheer volume of misery that used to be the economy, and where absolutely essential recycling becomes the most successful way to get rich!
Simply put, in a world deliberately created where nobody needs to be poor to make the world go round, nobody is poor!
And where the bottom rung in the socioeconomic ladder is empty, all those immediately above have no other choice than step up!
I mean trickle down has been a dismal failure that has just widened the gap, put more and more of our finite resources in fewer and fewer hands, with disastrous consequences!
So why not try a bit of force up geyser economics!?
Take a thousand people who earn a dollar a day, and their total daily spending power is just a thousand dollars!
However if they earn ten dollars a day, their daily spending power is a power to ten, ten thousand dollars.
It's an absolute absurdity to believe making ordinary folk less well off by the application of truly asinine policy, is a road to riches for some; but is a self defeating nonsense!
Eventually even the most privileged in this trickle down model will run out of folk to fleece or the resources that enable that and the ever downward spiral to the lowest common denominator to continue, and a close run thing as to which will come first!?