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The Forum > Article Comments > Muslim Australia and the search for a solution of the 'War on Terror' > Comments

Muslim Australia and the search for a solution of the 'War on Terror' : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 12/8/2015

The security services are spying on their own people in a similar manner they did with communist groups within the Australian community back in the 1950s and 60s.

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OSU, It will take a very traumatic incident to shake the country out
of its dreamtime. You would think what happened in New York would have
had that effect, but "she'll be right mate" has dug in well.

One glimmer I heard about, there is a group of ex-moslems assisting
any who want to leave but are facing being expelled from their families.
If experience in Britain is anything to go by those assisting will
need to be very careful.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 1:47:29 PM
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Hey the Commies may have been a lot of things but they did actually do some good in the community through the unions and whatnot and they didn't discriminate as long as you were a loyal comrade, Muslims on the other hand contribute absolutely nothing to the lives of other ethnic groups in this country. Murray's arguments are the same half baked attempts at dancing around the real issues that we see employed by Reclaim Australia and others.
The problem isn't the beliefs held by Lebanese and other West and central Asians it's their biology and their group survival strategy which makes it impossible for them to integrate with others,
Islam is merely a way of formalising and organising their parasitic way of life, Islam can only flourish as a holisitc systems when Muslims can plunder, tax and enslave other racial and ethnic groups to support a Caliphate.
When there's no plunder to be had through conquest, piracy and raiding, when access to African slaves is limited and no facility for taxing Europeans and North Asians exists then Arabs and Central Asians turn on each other in the type of gruesome internecine squabbling we see in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.
It's in their nature, notice the way "Muslim" groups in Australian cities expend most of their energy fighting each other? This is due to the fact that for all their successes in gaining a foothold in the black market they've never been able to dominate it.
Mark my words, if the state and the traditional Australian criminal networks eased up the pressure on "Muslims" the gang wars would end, the clans unite and you'd be paying "Jizya" taxes to Arab gangsters as you entered Blacktown or Broadmeadows like they do in Oslo, Malmo or parts of Brussels and businesses would be paying protection money to Lebanese hoodlums like they do in Duesberg and Dresden.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 2:33:23 PM
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Hmm, what we have been saying on here is probably an offence under
some racial villification law or other.
Matters not that it is a religion we are discussing.
The bleating hearts don't make that distinction.

I think we are sermonising to the converted and the others will need
to have someone they know killed before they even start to examine
the problem. I must admit I feel quite depressed about the attitude
of most people to this problem. In my family daughters in law get quite
offended and angry when I say something milder than I said here.
They are both school teachers, maybe that itself is a signal.
Oh and they are both avid feminists, you would think that would be
an offset against their attitude wouldn't you ?
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 2:49:16 PM
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"There appears to be an insecurity on the part of law makers and successive governments".

Well, yes. And it's good to see that our politicians are taking very seriously the threats always present since the start of Muslim immigration.

I'm concerned about 'security services' spying on "their own people" though. Does this mean that all security officers are all Muslim? I don't think the kind of people under surveillance could be described as "their" own people, or our own people. Surely we don't have to own people like potential terrorists.

Murray Hunter's "intimidating legislation" immediately labels him as a person who doesn't care about Austalia or Australians, if he thinks protection against Islamic lunatics is intimidating. How can anti-terror laws be "harsh"; Terrorism is harsher! Nobody not a person of interest, Muslim or other, has to worry about anti-terror legislation: they should be very glad of its existence.

Hunter compares the current anti-terror surveillance in Australia with that of the West's operations against the Communists when that odious order was threatening the Free World. Fair enough. Islamism is as bigger a threat to the world, if not a bigger threat, than Communism. The need for democracy to be alert and take appropriate action against Islamists will continue for a lot longer than it did against the Reds

Get used to it, Murray.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 3:06:04 PM
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I'd like to see one of these pro Muslim writers detail the positive aspects of having a Muslim minority in our society, really get into it and show us "racists" up for a change.
We hear about their contributions in a general sense but it'd be great to get into specifics.
We ignorant racists obviously aren't capable of finding much less taking advantage of the many benefits available to us through having Muslim enclaves on the outskirts of our cities.
I can go and become a social member of the Veneto club down the road in Bulleen and get a discount on my meal in their lovely bistro, go to the gaming room, see a live show (it's an Elvis impersonator this week!) or watch the sporting matches played on their private arenas, all thanks to the foresight and hard work of Italian migrants.
If I want to hold a function, say a 21st birthday party there are any number of sporting and social clubs run by European or North Asian minority communities who'd be happy to take my booking.
I'm scratching my head however when it comes to locating any Arab Muslim or West Asian clubs which would take such a booking, I mean mosques usually have halls attached, many are in re purposed Christian churches and the Christians are only too willing to rent out their premises to anyone who wants it.
Sorry Murray, the only facilities Islamic communities seem to build are Mosques/prayer centres and private Islamic colleges and they don't seem to like to share them or even rent them out to other members of the community.
Maybe someone can point me in the direction of an Islamic club where I can become a social member, preferably one with a cabaret, a gym and a swimming pool.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 6:42:39 PM
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Jay Of Melbourne "preferably one with a cabaret, a gym and a swimming pool"

And a bar?

Bazz "I once prophesised that eventually there would be an rocket dual between Chatswood and Lakemba."

This is what the diversity advocates forget.
They're always going on about how Whites/Anglos need to be more tolerant and forget all the minorities have to tolerate *each other* too or it won't work.

And it's exponentially difficult.

If you have 4 ethnic groups, you need 12 harmonious relationships (4x3).
If you have 23, you need 506 (23x22).

If you have 6000 ethnic groups (and there's more than that in the world), you need....

35,994,000 harmonious relationships! (6000x5999)
Good luck!
Posted by Shockadelic, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 8:25:47 PM
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