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Infrastructure funding needs more thought : Comments

By Graham Young, published 7/7/2015

How do you finance new state infrastructure when you have taken the pledge not to use debt or increased taxes?

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The solution is to reduce immigration to a level that little new infrastructure is needed.
Zero net immigration is the best, but a maximum of 70.000, insread of the current 200,000, would help.
Posted by Outrider, Tuesday, 7 July 2015 11:10:25 AM
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Well argued Graham! You'd think with a super fund larger than the economy, some of our smarter folks would have found a way to keep it right here building the missing infrastructure.

We remain one of the few nation to have not adopted self terminating thirty year government guaranteed bonds, which given the current interest rate and the risks inherent in the equity market, would be taken up as fast as we could issue them!?

And the sale of resumed and rezoned rail side land might well fund some rapd rail links and the essential decentralisation, that may return housing affordability and indeed the economic impetus that would in turn create inside the non mining economy?

And there's an excellent case to be made for long overdue tax reform that eliminates most of the loopholes/escape clauses in the current tax act allowing things like super, negative gearing, family trusts,etc., to become virtual tax havens for the better off?

A vastly simpler less costly system would allow current tax compliance costs to be jettisoned as being no longer necessary, and add some 7% to the averaged bottom line.

Ensuring all the current avoiders were included via reform, would fix the structural deficit and quite dramatically lessen the load on those who still pay a fair share!?

Plus, do away with most of the reasons for avoidance initially!?
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 7 July 2015 12:09:38 PM
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Sorry Graham, You've got that completely wrong, when you say, "And it is inequitable. While the new home owner pays the tax, all residents get the benefit. Most are free-riders.

The last thing we need is new home owners. We don't need them clogging our roads, crowing our hospitals, overtaking our phone & internet capacity, & forcing up the price of everything.

We are happy with our lack of facilities, & don't want any development. We came out of the city to get the hell away from all the crowds, traffic & annoyance. If we are stuck with them coming, they had better pay for everything they want & we don't, & compensate us for putting up with them.

We don't want damn fool bike paths taking part of the roads we have paid for, we would prefer our kids were safe to ride a horse on the verge.

Rather than getting your free ride, we are seeing our great lifestyle destroyed by all this development, & the large increase in crime & bad manners it brings with it. The only ride we are getting, free or otherwise is to a developing slum, where once there was space & fresh air. So please go back to where you came from, & take your development with you.

Outrider, I'm with you.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 7 July 2015 6:53:53 PM
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Outrider, do you really think it is all those nasty immigrants who are flocking to Queensland that are causing the need for more infrastructure funding?

I would suggest it is more likely all those current residents from the southern states flocking to Queensland for the warmer weather and trendy lifestyle!

Hasbeen doesn't want anyone else coming to Queensland to live, as they will upset the 1950's time warp he lives in. He wants that lifestyle all to himself thanks. Nice.

Of course more infrastructure is needed in fast growing states like Queensland and W.A. There is no way our population will ever decrease, so we have to cater for that fact as best we can.
The State Liberal Govt over here in WA are spending on infrastructure like there is no tomorrow, so be careful what you wish for.
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 7 July 2015 7:30:32 PM
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I thought that the WA government was spending big on new football ovals for the AFL and a shopping complex cum residential towers on the Swan waterfront. Maybe I missed the new railway lines.
According to
in 2013 net overseas immigrant gain was 45.100 and net interstate gain was 9,400 for Queensland. Statistics, not speculation, please.
Posted by Outrider, Tuesday, 7 July 2015 10:53:00 PM
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Time to get up to date Suse. Southerners stopped flocking to Queensland when our housing reach parity to southern real estate. Not much sense moving to an area of lower pay rates, if you don't make a big profit in selling up down south, & buying here.

Now the mining boom is dying, there is not much work going, & no highly paid jobs to walk into. The same is happening in Perth. A lot of suitably qualified expat poms have been coining it in the west, & to a lesser extent in Qld. They are now planning their next move, to the gulf, or central Africa.

I can see no reason why we would welcome you lot up here, you've done nothing good down there, & would be no more use up here. Neighbours recently sold their bungalow & bought the big Queenslander across the street. They are kicking themselves now, as they can't get the internet, & as a self employed plumber, he needs his web site. No channels available.

They have been told they will have to wait for that idiot Rudd's NBN to get here before it will be available, & that's going to be years, if not decades. Meanwhile, no new net capacity will be installed.

Yes they have wireless, & are having nothing but trouble with it. Just why would we want you, or some foreign immigrants stuffing up what was a once good state, & cluttering up our phone lines.

Hell I've even heard some of you even want to ride bikes on our roads.

God we need some decent government, but where the hell are we going to find another Joh Bjelke when we need one?
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 8 July 2015 12:33:06 AM
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Yes, you are right Outrider, I should have looked up the statistics first.
When I did, I was surprised by what I found.

It seems Queensland's population has been declining last year, with natural population growth the largest contributor, followed by migration, and then only a relatively small interstate movement to Queensland.
WA (where I live) are doing better at present.

My aged father lives in Queensland and is always moaning about 'all those Southerners ' moving up to Queensland and ruining the place! It seems he was exaggerating.
Maybe you might even know him Hasbeen.
Your rantings remind me of him.
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 8 July 2015 12:50:39 AM
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Government reports state that around one third of Queensland's population were either born overseas or have at least one parent born overseas.

There are over 220 languages spoken, more than 100 religious beliefs and 220 countries are represented.

Of the 888,636 Queenslanders born overseas, 40 per cent have arrived since 2000. Examples,

Brisbane (28.3 per cent),
Gold Coast (27.9 per cent),
Logan (26.1 per cent),
Cook (23.2 per cent) and
Redland (22.6 per cent)

9.8 per cent of Queenslanders speak a language other than English at home, with the most common language spoken at home other than English being Mandarin, followed by Cantonese and Vietnamese (compared with Mandarin, Italian and Arabic respectively for the rest of Australia).
[Diversity Figures 2011 and climbing]
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 8 July 2015 3:15:01 AM
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Really Onthebeach? 888,000 Queenslanders were born overseas?
Where are the stats for that number?

It's true though that we are certainly a multicultural country, and a very successful one.
When you think about it, all Australians are descendants of migrants (or forced migrants!), except for the Aboriginals.
It would do well for more of us to remember that fact.
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 8 July 2015 9:17:54 AM
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Do wake up Suse.

Aboriginals were migrants, just like my great grandfather, just they came a little earlier than him.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 8 July 2015 10:14:49 AM
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You were shooting your mouth off as per usual, completely oblivious to the facts as per usual and again, as per usual, got proved wrong.

The facts speak for themselves, Australians are proved to be among the most generous, welcoming peoples of the world for migrants. If the numbers are extended to show the second generation of migrants the numbers are very telling indeed.

What other country has put its own culture, traditions and quality of life on the line as has Australia?

What other country puts such a burden on its own young working couples by forcing them to bear the burden of infrastructure, inflated house prices, Centrelink, education and medical benefits taking the spill from the OVER-fertility of other countries?

You and others like you are an absolute disgrace for your continuous negging and disrespect shown towards the wonderful population you are part of, and for your expectation that young working couples will very soon have to carry YOUR considerable weight ON TOP OF the weight of the ageing migrants and their family reunion numbers.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 8 July 2015 11:47:54 AM
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Really Onthebeach, you should read your last post again.
You are the only one 'negging' about this issue at present..

You talk about me getting it wrong, where are your stats to prove your rant about there being over 880,000 Queenslanders born overseas hey?
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 8 July 2015 1:19:09 PM
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What Hasbeen said.

The days when the average citizen derived any net benefit from high population growth, even in narrow economic terms, are well and truly over. So far as the ordinary resident is concerned, it only means more pressure on the environment, more congestion, and more competition for jobs, housing, public services, and amenities. See the following and the references therein

Yet we currently have nearly the highest rate of population growth in the developed world, currently 1.4% (for 2014), down from a high point of 2.1% in 2008/2009, with 56% of the growth due to immigration and the remaining 44% to natural increase, although about a third of the natural increase would be births to migrants. This population growth is overwhelmingly due to government policy, not the decisions of Australian couples. We still do have some natural increase from the existing population, but it is entirely due to demographic momentum and decreasing every year. Our fertility rate has been slightly below replacement level since 1976.

The major parties are ramming population down our throats because Big Business does benefit from it, along with the folks in the immigration industry. Total GDP does go up, giving Big Business and the politicians more to skim. More people mean more customers, more profits from property development (and lending money to buy that property), especially if their mates in government will restrict supply, and a cheap, compliant work force that is cowed by an oversupply of labour, with savings on training costs if the growth is due to immigration. It cramps their style if they can't also socialize infrastructure costs. But since Hasbeen isn’t getting any benefit from population growth, why should he pay for the infrastructure to support it?

I am curious as to just how low a quality of life, how much environmental damage and how much regimentation Suseonline would personally be prepared to accept so that we can have a really big population. By the way, here are the figures for net overseas migration to Queensland

and the much smaller interstate migration
Posted by Divergence, Wednesday, 8 July 2015 3:25:17 PM
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@susonline You have dragged out another misrepresentation favoured by Big Australia supporters.
The number of births to Australian women has been below replacement of 2.1 for decades. The reasons for births exceeding deaths is the high birth rates post war and vastly increased life span, both leading to abnormal bulges in the demographic pyramid, where numbers are greater than those for infants. Obviously this will correct over time to a normal stepped ascending shape.

Could you can point out to me where I was ranting?
Posted by Outrider, Thursday, 9 July 2015 1:58:16 PM
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@Suseonline, Wednesday, 8 July 2015 9:17:54 AM
@Suseonline, Wednesday, 8 July 2015 1:19:09 PM

You are forever demanding that other posters provide evidence and sources. It is not something you do yourself though.

If you had actually read my post instead of rushing off half-cocked as per usual, you would have realised that I did cite my source, as is my usual practice. It was in square brackets at the foot of the information I was quoting.

What you rudely dismiss as a 'rant' is quoted from the Diversity Figures (2011) produced by the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs (DATSIMA), in partnership with Queensland Government Statistician's Office. The quote again, "(the) Diversity Figures brings together core demographic and diversity data from the ABS 2011 Census of Population and Housing and data on migration patterns, including humanitarian arrivals, from the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP)".
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 9 July 2015 2:48:11 PM
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