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The US must stop enabling Israel : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 22/6/2015

As Nietzsche put it, 'This is the hardest of all: to close the open hand out of love…'

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Has the light gone on yet “Lamp”?

“it continues to absorb land from the palestinians by building settlements”
I guess you have never heard of the Oslo Accords ‘Lamp.’
In September 28, 1995 Israel and the Palestinian Authority signed the Oslo Accords Mark II

Judaea and Samaria was divided into 3 Areas A, B, C.

Area A is under full Palestinian Authority military control. Some 2 million Arabs live there.

Area B is meant to be under joint Israeli and Palestinian control. However, it is essentially under full Palestinian Authority Control as the latter against the letter of the agreement denies access to Israeli Civilians to areas such as Joseph’s Tomb where Jewish Pilgrims have been shot at by Palestinian Authority forces. It is sparsely populated

Area C which contains Israeli communities has only 4% of Arabs and is under full Israeli control.

The Israeli built areas cover 1.7% of Judaea and Samaria and that includes roads. That land will be part of any future land swap deals, should the Arabs decide to come to the table to talk.
Palestinian built up areas cover 40% of Judaea and Samaria

“it destroys palestinian homes”
What are “palestinian homes”? Do you mean Arabs houses?
Both Arab and Israeli houses if built illegally are destroyed by a court order and for no other reason.

Unfortunately over the years both Arabs and Israelis have built illegally with the government not doing anything about it.

“breeds hatred the Arab world”
Really? Israel is on very good terms with Jordan and Egypt and surprising as it may be to you Saudi Arabia and the UAE too.

The rest of your rant is just that and as for your last antisemitic words you show you are in the gutter.
Posted by SF, Monday, 22 June 2015 11:17:36 PM
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I am anti-semantic! There, I've confessed it.

Sure, I write a lot about the tragedy that has befallen the Palestinians since the Jews moved there and occupied the joint and stole most of the Palestinian land but that doesn't make me anti-semantic, far from it!

No, I think words are very important because the Israelis seem to twist words, give them new meanings. Bombing Palestinians with white phosphorous is kosher according to the Israelis and so is stealing their land and throwing them into the street and shooting their kids.

You should consider becoming anti-semantic too. You should challenge everything the Jews say about Israel. Why? Most of it is lies.

Benny is a criminal. He should be hung. No, lies there!
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 23 June 2015 7:52:01 PM
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Dear David,

You and the other David (Singer) must be good friends because you are both bent on the destruction of Israel. You must be considering Benny (presumably the author) as criminal because he wants to save Israel from itself, thus have it preserved.

No doubt what you both dread most is the day America stops supporting Israel so that Israel is forced to withdraw from the territories it occupied in 1967 and you would then be prevented from fighting it to the last Palestinian drop of blood.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 24 June 2015 1:58:53 PM
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From 1948, when the racist Malanazi Apartheid regime was set up in Africa, through the times when the regime faced threats from revolutionary wars to its north and assumed the rest of the world would save its bacon if the wars spilled over, I wanted to see nothing less than the total destruction of the Boer Apartheid state, to see it wiped from the face of the earth.

In 1989 it happened, partly because a fed-up America applied BDS. Not a single Boer massacred. No loss of life at all. I heaved a sigh of relief, from the destruction of a racial supremacist obscenity and from the removal of a simmering threat to involve Australian troops in adding the rape of Africa to the rape of Vietnam. I wholeheartedly welcomed the total destruction of the Boer racist regime and styill do - hadn't the least sympathy with any silly efforts to "love it and save it from itself."

An all-Palestine solution to Zionist racism is impossible because of the evil of Islam (of which South Africa was and is pretty free) so now the thought of a a just sharing of Palestine between two populations with equal state powers, as envisaged by the EU document, has the Zionist racists on OLO spitting "Jew-hater" and the Nazi racists fulminating about "the Jews" somehow forcing the Kraut supremacists to unleash years of horror on the world and place the Enlightenment itself at risk.

Yet the racist regime of Israel must, for the sake of the rest of the world, either be totally dismantled or be contained securely within its original UN-dictated 1947 borders - a process that as in South Africa need not mean anyone at all being harmed. The settlers outside Israel's borders can always either move into Israel or return to the USA.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 1 July 2015 4:05:27 PM
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