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Beating the BDS Jew-haters : Comments

By David Singer, published 16/6/2015

Oliver expected that the Trek would confirm his reasonable European certainty of Israel's arrogant oppression. That's not quite the way things turned out.

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You wont beat the boycott with articles like this singer.
Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 16 June 2015 6:48:27 PM
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Yes Pete, read the article!

I've never had much time for prose; but am not adverse to a bit of bush poetry.

I thought the "poem" was entirely out of place, as are far too many, Jews, living on patently purloined land; not in any way ceded by the Balfour mandate!

Certainly not armed to the teeth, squatting gul durned, quick draw Magraw, Americans!

To me the struggle for land and or domination, makes nearly as much sense as these pieces of fine following prose?

One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead men got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.

Or, the night was dark and stormy,
The air was filled with beer.
Someone took the bridge away,
And left me standing there.

Or, he was a self made man,
Born on a bearskin rug, Hanrahan!
In the log cabin he built on desert sands,
With his own two scared n calloused hands.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,
He mutters feebly, forsooth.
Cane tap tap tapping to find,
He now walks behind the toothless and blind,
Who also follow tapping behind,
Given they're also toothless and blind,
And have known no other kind!

Ah, the thrill of the chase!?
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 12:31:41 PM
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Thankyou Brave Sir Rhrosty

Your poetry had me pirouetting like a prima ballerina.

The Oscar Wilde like brilliance of your poetry deserves a response - and here it is:

I love a sunburnt country
A land of sweeping plains
Of climate change deniers
Of droughts and flooding rains,
Of bleaching coral reefs
In oceans that are warming –
making cyclones rage through towns
and huge fires go a-storming.

I love her coal industry lobbyists,
I love her rightwing jocks –
either choosing wilful ignorance
or lying through their socks.
I love her weak politicians,
heads firmly in the sand –
‘the greatest moral challenge’
has pretty much been canned.

I weep for what will happen,
And wonder where it ends
Watching scenes of great destruction,
untold damage, death of friends.
I love her far horizons
with their burnt or ripped-up trees,
her vulnerability and our terror –
the wide-brown land for me.



Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 1:29:07 PM
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You make the following claim:
"patently purloined land; not in any way ceded by the Balfour mandate!"

Misleading - on both counts - since your throwaway statement ignores the following facts:

1. The right to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in Palestine was granted to the Jews by unanimous endorsement of all 51 members of the League of Nations - who in promulgating the Mandate for Palestine (which incorporated the Balfour Declaration in its terms) confirmed the decisions taken at the San Remo Conference and the Treaty of Sevres in 1920.

2. In 1923 some 78% of the territory promised to the Jews under the Mandate was set aside by British fiat for the Arabs living in Mandatory Palestine. That territory is today's Jordan but had been the Ottoman Empire's for the previous 400 years.

3. The Arabs have never accepted that 1923 decision. They want 100% - not 78% - and have never moderated their claim.

4. Yes - this has been a 90 year struggle for 22% more land by the Arabs which they never owned - covering an area equal to one-third the size of Tasmania - to add to the vast tracts of the defeated Ottoman empire given to them at the same time as the Mandate for Palestine was created for the Jews.

Senseless indeed.

Yet it is senseless persons like you and the OLO Jew-haters who egg on such Arab demands.

6. Whilst the PLO continues to claim the Mandate for Palestine is null and void - as well as everything that has subsequently followed - the shoot out will continue.

7. Whilst Hamas claims Israel is an Islamic Waqf the shoot out is bound to intensify.

8. Whilst the PLO and Hamas want 100% and wish to give Israel 0% then you do have a sure recipe for a shoot out to the death.

9. A large number of Jews and Arabs have become - and are destined to become - victims of this sensleless shoot out.

Your throwaway statement only serves to inflame the conflict - not lead to its resolution.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 1:59:44 PM
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In 1947 the UN proposed a partition of Palestine that gave the Arabs the majority of land with Jerusalem under UN control, the Jews accepted, but the Arabs declined. The same happened for several iterations proposed.

Eventually when UN withdrew every Arab state attacked and eventually in 1949 a cease fire was declared and the new state of Israel had the majority of the land and the Arabs the majority of Jerusalem including the old quarter where they set about expelling all the Jewish families that had lived there for centuries.

At No time from 1949 did either Jordan or Egypt who occupied the west bank and Gaza make any moves to give the Palestinians any independence. The two subsequent wars perpetuated by the Arabs openly tried to destroy Israel. While I have some sympathy for the Palestinians, I don't believe that they have left Israel with any other options with regards response.

Given the overtly anti Semitic nature of the BDS which targets all Jews, I personally will shop at any business they are trying to boycott.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 2:18:07 PM
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#Shadow Minister

Thank you for your informative contribution.

One correction:

The 1947 UN Partition Plan gave the Jews 56% of the 22% set aside for them in 1923 and the Arabs were granted 43% - with the remaining 1% - Jerusalem - being internationalised.

The Jew-haters bleat at the unfairness of the Partition Plan because the Jews got more land than the Arabs.

They ignore the following facts:

1. The 56% allocated to the Jews contained the arid and uncultivated Negev desert - some 62% of the territory assigned to the Jews. The Jews have managed to breathe life into the Negev through sheer hard work and creative ingenuity.

2. Besides the 43% given to the Arabs by the UN Partition Plan they had already been given another 78% of Palestine in 1923 - taking their share of Palestine to about 87% of the territory originally promised to the Jews within which the Jewish National Home was to be reconstituted.

3. 87% of Palestine was still not enough for the Arabs who continued to hang out for 100% and sent six armies in from neighbouring Arab countries to try and take the rest by force in 1948.

You are spot on about 1948-1967.

What the Arabs say they are prepared to accept in 2015 was available to them between 1948-1967 with the stroke of an Arab League pen after they had driven every single Jew out of Judea and Samaria (renamed by the Arabs as "the West Bank" in 1950), Gaza and East Jerusalem.

They could have had a second state in Palestine - in addition to Jordan - in 100% of the West Bank and Gaza with its capital in East Jerusalem but chose to unify the West Bank and East Jerusalem with Transjordan and re-name that state Jordan.

Your grasp of events is welcome relief from the rubbish posted by OLO's rabid brand of Jew-haters - who will do anything to try and conceal the facts.

I challenge them to point out one fact above that is incorrect.

Keep contributing.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 3:26:14 PM
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