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The Forum > Article Comments > Russia demands American capitulation in return for help to eradicate Islamic State > Comments

Russia demands American capitulation in return for help to eradicate Islamic State : Comments

By David Singer, published 9/6/2015

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has called on America to end its attempt to remove Syria's President Assad from power in return for Russia's co-operation to militarily confront Islamic State.

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In response to your numbered paragraphs:

1. My articles usually analyse some important political event relating to the "two State solution" and more lately "Islamic State". Why would you expect me to write on such developments solely from Australia's perspective? Does Greg Sheridan?

I have for a long time taken the view that the "two-state solution" laid down by Oslo and the Bush Road Map was doomed to failure and events over the last 20 years confirm that my opinion expressed on so many occasions has been proved correct.

Islamic State is a threat to international peace and security and can only be effectively countered by armed military action taken under article 42 of the UN Charter by the Security Council. I have been critical of the ineffectivness of the Ameican led coalition which includes Australia.

2.I do not obseesively follow Israel's right wing ruling party line. My bio on OLO discloses that I am Convenor of Jordan is Palestine International - an organisation calling for sovereignty of the West Bank and Gaza to be allocated between Israel and Jordan as the two successor States to the Mandate for Palestine. I haven't heard Netanyahu proposing this solution. Have you?

3. I do not give ground to anonymous Jew haters who use OLO to denigrate Jews and delegimize the right of the Jewish people to national self-determination as laid down in the Mandate for Palestine and article 80 of the UN Charter.

These Jew-haters deliberately choose not to comment critically on the subject matter of my articles - focusing instead on obsessively repeating ad nauseum a string of unsubstantiated generalized comments demeaning the Jewish State and Jews.
They do not merit and will not get a reply from me.

Israel is not perfect - nor is its Government. Is there any country in the world that is? It is one thing to criticise a Government - an entirely different thing to call for that country to be wiped off the map for pursuing this or that policy. Can you name another country which is subjected to such despicable attacks?
Posted by david singer, Friday, 12 June 2015 2:54:33 PM
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Hi David

Its difficult to know how to respond. There are indeed endemic issues of too many OLO commenters being bitter, twisted, anti-Semitic – having nothing to contribute but continuing prejudice.

So its very true:

“These Jew-haters deliberately choose not to comment critically on the subject matter of my articles - focusing instead on obsessively repeating ad nauseum a string of unsubstantiated generalized comments demeaning the Jewish State and Jews.”

I think a thing to attract positive comments and support from the moderate readership is more of “Israel is not perfect - nor is its Government.”

This involves a risk of criticism but there is nothing like the appearance of balance to sway a readership.


Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 13 June 2015 4:39:37 PM
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Your comments are appreciated.

OLO Jew-haters deny that Jews have the legal right to
self- determination in 22% of Mandatory Palestine as promulgated by:

1. the League of Nations in 1922 unanimously endorsing the terms of the Mandate for Palestine following decisions taken at the San Remo Conference and the Treaty of Sevres in 1920
2. the subsequent decision of Great Britain in 1923 granting Arab self-determination in 78% of Mandate Palestine
3. The Peel Commission findings
4 the United Nations inserting article 80 in the UN Charter
5. The 1947 UN partition Resolution recommending partition into a Jewish State and an Arab state

These recalcitrant Jew haters side with those presently governing the Palestinian Arabs - the PLO and Hamas - who want no truck with Jews having any League of Nations and UN sanctioned Jewish State.

The modus operandi of these Palestinian Arabs' representatives is clearly stated:

1.Everything decided under the Mandate and all events since then are null and void.
2. the land of Palestine has been an Islamic Waqf throughout the generations and until the Day of Resurrection, no one can renounce it or part of it, or abandon it or part of it.

OLO Jew-haters are silent on such racist and apartheid pronouncements - but glibly - and falsely - use the words "racist" and "apartheid" to denigrate and delegitimze Israel.

Can there ever be any hope of peace whilst the Palestinian Arabs remain captive to these governing entities who openly flout well established principles of international law?

I still believe some resolution on the sovereignty of the West Bank can be achieved by Israel and Jordan - but never with the PLO and Hamas.

The Jew haters do not want to discuss these issues mentioned in so many of my articles.

That is why they resort to personal abuse and back the demands of the PLO and Hamas as they toss international law out the window and bemoan what they falsely claim are breaches of international law by Israel.

Call on these anonymous Jew-haters to show some balance if you are really serious.
Posted by david singer, Sunday, 14 June 2015 9:35:13 AM
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Hi David

Yes one can even go further and say OLO's anti-Semites are in league with oil financed Islamic interests.

Oil finances much of the anti-Isreal push. Oil pays for much of the Islamic terrorism and their weapons.

These OLO anti-Semites are political Muslim converts at heart.
Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 14 June 2015 12:30:02 PM
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OLO's Jew-haters are in a league of their own - anonymous Australian citizens who do not wish to see the Jewish people retain their legally sanctioned national Jewish homeland in an area of land about one third the size of Tasmania - preferring instead to support those 20 hostile Arab States that confront Israel, seek its extinction and replacement with another Arab state and refuse to have diplomatic relations with Israel.

Yes oil money is no doubt financing the fanning of this Jew-hatred - but so is money pouring into Israel from American and European Foundations to finance Non-Government Organizations hostile to the Jewish State.

This Jew-hating phenomenon goes back centuries as Psalm 83 tells us:
"God, do not seem to be asleep!
Do not remain quiet and do nothing, God!
For look, your enemies are (all) doing something.
The people that hate you are getting ready (to fight you).
They are making clever *plans against your people.
They are deciding together what to do with those people that you love.
They are saying, "Come on, we will destroy their country.
Then nobody will ever remember the name of Israel".
They are deciding together what to do.
They are agreeing to do something against you.

Throughout the following centuries Jew-haters have never lost their belief in ridding the world of every single Jew. They have failed.

As they once again intensify their attacks so do we witness the horrific destruction of their own countries - Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq with Lebanon and Jordan under direct threat.

All of this because the PLO wants every square metre of the West Bank and Gaza - an area that would fit into Tasmania twelve times.

The OLO Jew-haters cheer on the PLO and Hamas in their intransigent stance - saying nothing about their unfortunate Arab constituents who have been refused any say in their future for the last 10 years.

The OLO Jew-haters have become totally consumed in their own hatred. How they can look at themselves in the mirror is beyond my comprehension.
Posted by david singer, Sunday, 14 June 2015 5:07:01 PM
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It’s a tired weapon of racial or religious supremacists to claim victimhood and whine about the world rejecting their supremacist demands for special privileges at others’ expense.

We see it with Moslems who bleat about being “isolated” when decent people brush aside their supremacism and shun them and their supremacist claims.

We saw it with German supremacists who bleated about being made to pay for the results of their aggression. Hitler proclaimed boldly that Germans were “special” and entitled to dispossess Untermenschen to grab their territory.

And we see it with Zionists like David Singer, who can’t abide resistance to the supremacist land grab in Palestine and to the demands to honour colonialist carve-ups of the land as if these foreign deals had some sort of moral authority.

To cover their arrogant supremacism they invent a language to duck behind.

Moslems who brook no slight to their ambitions to enslave the “kafirs” (and one another) go on, libellously, about “bigotry”, “racism”, “Islamophobia”.

For a masterpiece of victim-playing by German supremacists through their chosen Führer see his speech to the Reichstag on the eve of Germany’s Drang nach Osten (it’s a download):

On OLO we see only a small, isolated voice for Moslem or German supremacism, but we see a steady stream of racist claims from one or two peddlers of Jewish supremacism. The victimhood bleat comes out as the libellous cries of “antisemitism” or “Jew-hatred”. Cop the overlord claims or be libelled as a “Jew-hater”. That fraud has long lost its power to shut down opposition.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 15 June 2015 10:58:57 PM
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