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Anti-semitism and Israel’s moral imperative : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 8/5/2015

Horrific outbursts against the Jews are on the rise all over Europe – exclamations like 'gas the Jews' and 'Jews burn best' are being heard at soccer games and similar social gatherings.

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The current wave of Anti Semitism is mainly rooted in the problems caused by secular, progressive American Jews who relentlessly bait Europeans with Europhobic films, books and plays and gloat over the destruction of their societies. The trouble makers and pot stirrers are for the most part neither European Jews nor Israelis but it's these diaspora fanatics who are responsible for the rise in Anti Semitism among indigenous Europeans
The fact that the "Holocaust" narrative and it's slogans have been turned around and are now mocked on the terraces of stadiums and in the streets shouldn't come as a surprise, the WW2 atrocity stories promoted by the American media are risible and invite mockery.
There's a difference too between guilt and shame, the American Jews have promoted the idea of collective European guilt and woven a fictional narrative of poisonous showers and fiery furnaces to support it while completely ignoring the shameful ways in which Jews were actually treated in the 1940's. Young Europeans might rightly feel ashamed of the massacres, deportations and daily cruelties and indignities meted out to Jews of that era but they're not guilty of any crime and no amount of guilt tripping can make such a charge stick.
Unfortunately now given the compounding factor of a separate set of grievances from Europe's Islamic colonists the situation is probably beyond repair, maybe European Jews need to stand up and make their own case as authentic Europeans and not take a side?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 8 May 2015 9:24:49 AM
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Giday Alon

Methinks you have over-intellectualised a Jewish-Israeli centric theory of history, politics and sociology.

Is not the root of the problem that Israelis are a powerful, but, minority population of whites in a region of brown Muslims?

After all only whites are accused of racism and apartheid, right?

Shiites can kill Sunnis and visa versa all over the Middle East but the term racism is not applied to them because they are almost all brown.

If you are black in Africa the racism tag is not applied to you no matter how many Christian Africans kill Muslim Africans, Tutsies vs Hutus, black Africans vs ethnic Indian Africans, black Africans discriminating against the remaining whites in Zimbabwe.

What I'm saying is that white Jews are stuck in the decidely brown Middle East because Jews were prevented from forming a country in Europe or even owning land in Europe.

So-called Jewish racism is just one small subset of a wider description of all whites being described as potentential racists.

Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 8 May 2015 10:56:44 AM
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What an excellent article. It gets right to the nub of the problem without overstating the case. The two previous posters, as do many on this forum, want to introduce red herrings into the argument instead of making reasoned comment.
"What has added potency to the substantial rise in anti-Semitism in recent years is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel’s defiance of international norms of conduct, its leaders’ sense of righteousness and arrogance, and the image they project to the outside world."
That is what it is all about.

Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 8 May 2015 11:51:58 AM
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I don't think it's any more horrific than what occurs elsewhere, where say, a black man might be compared to a monkey and jeered of the ground!

And how much of that angst is created in Israel, and by the actions of a few, just to continue to wield power.

The Jews need to take a good long hard look at themselves, and stop behaving like a modern day oppressive SS, and indeed, stop annexing (stealing) even more land from the other, sons and daughters of Abraham, who arguably have far more valid (God gave this land to me) claims!

A bit more Introspection and less blame shifting please Al.
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 8 May 2015 12:00:38 PM
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Recent genetic studies have busted a few myths about European Jews.
I don't know if Jews are the victims of a more general anti White or self hating White sentiment,it's possible I suppose but aside from the constant braying of the secular American Jews and the view from Israel we don't hear much from the other populations scattered about the globe.
How serious can indigenous European Anti Semites be taken if they're simply taking Jewish propaganda and yelling it back at them?
The whole thing is stupid but if the hooligans were chanting "Hitler was innocent!" that'd probably be something to worry about, singing "Gas the Kikes" isn't even really anti Semitic, it's just offensive behaviour to be filmed by the participants and posted to Facebook, "Look at me! "Look at me!"
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 8 May 2015 12:09:42 PM
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It's not really a red herring, how does the author come to the conclusion that footy hooligans yelling "Jews burn best" is a threat and not just typical European ethnomasochism? You don't go to jail in Europe for saying "Hitler was right" but if you say half a million died instead of six million you're toast, do you understand what I'm saying?
American Jews came are the most invested the idea that their ancestors were subjected to gassing and burning, not Europeans, when I see a march commemorating Kristallnacht or Babi Yar then I'd be convinced that something more was afoot on the continent.
It's pretty easy to make a taunt from a fiction:
Not so easy to show that kind of bravado in the face of facts:
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 8 May 2015 12:28:00 PM
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Has the increase of anti-Semitism been in proportion to the huge increase in Muslim immigration to Europe? Muslims are the leading anti-Semites, calling for their deaths and the obliteration of Israel. The do this loudly and publicly, despite the 'hate speech' laws that we often hear about.

Anti-Semitism from other groups and individuals, except for Nazi copy cats, rarely call for such hateful fates for Jews.

Why, instead of just blaming the Jews (or at least some Jews) for hatred against themelves, don't people who write and talk about anti-Semitism name the actual people and groups who are anti-Semitic? E.g : some Muslims, Nazis, some well-known individuals, some leftists.
I have no particular brief for Jews or Israel. But the the anti-Semitic debate usually ends up blaming Jews themseles for hatred towards them.

Whereas, if anyone dares cricticise Islam or Muslims, the subject of the criticism claim 'racism' (even though Islam has nothing to do with ethnicity) and also fall back on 'victimhood'.

The Jews, perhaps more aware of the freedoms, including freedom of speech, they have so often been denied themselves, just take it on the chin like other mature people and get on with their lives, hard though that must be for Israelis under constant physical threat from their haters.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 8 May 2015 12:29:02 PM
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In the Middle East we have 'true'muslims killing, beheading, raping, brainwashing thousands of other 'non true'muslims, Christians, Jews and other infidels and then we have Dr. Alon Ben-Meir criticising the only democracy in the Middle East whereby the desert has been turned into productive land. Dr Alon's total imbalance along with the rest of the lying leftist media does more harm than anyone else when it comes to anti semitism.
Posted by runner, Friday, 8 May 2015 3:33:37 PM
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They're not even really Nazi copycats, they copy the Jewish Hollywood Nazi stereotypes and parrot the American Jewish Holocaust propaganda. In any case Hitler was wrong about the Jews on most points except their widespread involvement with Bolshevism and organised crime so even if these "Neo Nazis" did take his words literally and try to repeat his actions they'd fail. Hitler had some valid points in 1920 however those arguments don't stack up in 2015, the Europeans don't have a "Jewish Question" to answer anymore, they need to concentrate on dealing with the Atlantic powers, Russia and the literal invasion from the south.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 9 May 2015 10:10:20 AM
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Is not the basis of all these problems to holding of non- evidenced based beliefs, whether religions involving god concepts or ideologies?
We have a history of Jews killing non- Jews ( men women and children), whether or not walls collapsed when they blew trumpets, Pagans killing Christians, Christians killing pagans (Charlemagne),Jews ( Inquisition) Muslims killing beheading every male of a Jewish tribe and enslaving all women and children, Facists and Nazis killing Jews, Communists and Christians, Christians Catholics killing Protestants, Protestants killing Catholics, both killing particular sects such as Anabaptists and Anti-Trinitarians,
Muslims killing Christians etc. ,

Would we have war at all if we had no religions and ideologies?

If you study history at all and are not an atheist and sceptic you are an intellectual cripple
Posted by Old Man, Saturday, 9 May 2015 10:29:00 AM
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'If you study history at all and are not an atheist and sceptic you are an intellectual cripple'

if you are so blind not to remember Stalin, Mao and lets not forget the millions of babies murdered each decade. The fingers are pointing back at you old man.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 9 May 2015 10:51:22 AM
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Alon ben Meir seems to be another lefty pseudo intellectual and a Jew, prepared to dump on his own people as a fashion statement, to gain the grudging approval of the Lefty academic goys.

Alon conveniently does not mention that anti Semitism in Europe is increasing primarily because of the importation of Muslims into European (and Australian) societies under the banner of Multiculturalism, which to my perception was enthusiastically endorsed by the Jews in the first place. My own perception (which could be wrong), was that very prominent Jews in Australia were foremost in championing Multiculturalism when it as first submitted as government policy.

The second reason, is because the Arabs have replaced the Jews in the left wing pantheon of "the poor oppressed minority" who need the protection of the Left.

The reason for that is Israel/Palestine.

The Impossible Dream of Leftist academics is to create a world community free of war. The fools have identified "Racism" and "The Oppression of Minorities" as the primary reasons for war. Just destroy Racism and Oppression, and hey presto, all human conflict ceases. The Lefties expected the Jews to be their natural allies in this Quixotic quest, and they were horrified when the Jews engaged in a bit of Racism and Oppression in Israel against the Arabs. Of course, the Jews were simply returning the complement to the Arabs who had been "oppressing" and murdering Jews since Mohammad got the ball (and the heads) rolling in Medina, in 627 AD. But that inconvenient fact is inconsequential when you have a formula to Save The World and you can't see around your ideological blinkers.

So the lefties turned on the Jews and became the champions of the Muslims. Although that little alliance is under some strain at the moment, since the Muslims see nothing wrong with murdering left wing editors, journalists, cartoonists, or anybody else who dares to criticise their murderous religion.

Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 10 May 2015 6:33:36 AM
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This has left the Left in a quandary. They refuse to acknowledge that Muslims, and Arabs in particular, are a threat to all that they hold near and dear, because acknowledging self evident reality would be Racism. And they may have to do what the Israelis did and do a bit of Oppressing of Muslims themselves to stop it.

Forced to choose between everyday reality, and a perfect ideology which will Save The World, they naturally preferred to go with their dreams. The problem is how to reconcile the fact that the people that they are championing are a bunch of violent crazies who want to turn the world back to the 6th Century, with the Multicultural ideal that Muslims are all just noice people who want to live in peace and harmony with everybody else?

At the moment, the Left is engaging in human conflict and war with itself, with some Lefties realising that Muslims are a real threat to lefty values, while others are pretending that no problem exists and it is business as usual. That "business" is blaming white people (and the Jews) for everything that ever went wrong in the world, studiously refusing to acknowledge that that is Racism also, while taking the three monkey approach to Islamic terrorism.

So the Jews ( and white people) continue to get belted by the majority of the Left while the Arab Muslims they seek to protect daily show their total contempt for the traditional Left wing sacred cows of free speech, homosexual equality, gender equality, secular values, and religious tolerance.

It really is quite funny.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 10 May 2015 6:35:04 AM
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The left were never able to socialise Muslims even when the Soviets controlled all of central Asia and had significant influence in the middle east. Ditto the Chinese, all socialism can do in regard to Islam is "keep the grass down" so to speak by killing and deporting people from Muslims lands.
What it really boils down to though is that the Left have never forgiven Israel for siding with the U.S.A in the cold war, that's just how petty and stupid the baby boomer academics are.
What we need is a government which is going to come in, close down the schools of arts and make the few useful arts disciplines, like law into apprenticeships.
Liberal education is good for nothing but churning out terrorists, traitors, entitled crybabies and lunatics seeking approval of their perversions and mental problems.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 10 May 2015 9:31:35 AM
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J.O.M. How do we know that there was indeed a Holocaust that murdered six plus million Jews?

Because the Germans were the most meticulous record keepers, and that's is where those numbers came from?

Whereas, your plucked from thin air numbers seem closer to the number of Gold Fillings stolen from the corpses?

I've seen the Gas Chambers/"bath houses" where the meticulously recorded gassing of men, women and children took place!

And only recorded on superior German film, because the ultra arrogant master race, thought they'd never be beaten or face justice!

Thank God General Eisenhower demanded a documentary be made, given he said, get some of this on film, otherwise nobody could possibly believe what was done here!

So we have the still unedited films, (certified physical evidence) replete with the filmed and recorded eyewitness accounts in archives!

Endlessly repeating patently scurrilous lies won't make them true!

Albeit, perhaps convince o few of the more feeble minded!?

I'm almost sure others, should they want to see for themselves, can use due diligence and a search engine; and access the archived films; some of which was liberated from the extremely overconfident master race!

Or those who like yourself, seemed to be suffering from the, Sargent Schultz Syndrome?

These still retained films show naked women and children being herded into the gas chambers; and or, the routine mass murders of clearly unarmed civilians (dig your grave and then fall into it after being shot) and mass burials, that were part of that almost unbelievable story!

Thankfully, the evidence remains and accessible to those that want to see with their own eyes, the indisputable truth!

As opposed to the mendacious disingenuous denials of patent propagandists like yourself?

I urge all other posters to go look for themselves and having seen the physical evidence; decide for themselves what is propaganda and who's telling the pork pies; and indeed, report back here, with their collective findings! Please/thank you.

It's not a crime to be a Holocaust denier but it should be? And when it is, may justice prevail!?
Posted by Rhrosty, Sunday, 10 May 2015 12:21:07 PM
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Where you say "Alon ben Meir seems to be another lefty pseudo intellectual and a Jew"

Are you the kid or the dancer?
Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 10 May 2015 1:53:13 PM
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Rhrosty you're all getting mixed up because your opinions about WW2 come from fiction, there are 1.5 million negatives in the Auschwitz archives showing camp life throughout the war, yet we're told that the only evidence available is those three photos, the women undressing and some men tending a large fire. The footage of people being run into open pits and shot comes from Latvia, there are also pictures of that sort from Jasenovac and from various massacres in Romania and Ukraine, nobody denies that Jews were murdered.
The 1945 film "Nazi Concentration Camps" to which you refer doesn't show any of the alleged extermination showers and has been de bunked by Holocaust authorities like the Wiesenthal centre and Yad Vashem.
Just as one example the testimony given in the film by OSS Lieutentant Jack H Taylor of gas chambers at Matthausen is false and sadly it was his perjury at Dachau which condemned many Germans to death.
These matters were settled back in the 1970's, the official death totals for the Auschwitz camps were accordingly lowered by 3.5 million by the Polish authorities in 1992 but for their own reasons the American Jews still stubbornly cling to the fiction of six million.
I've posted this video dozens of times but here goes again, Tony Judt explains the mindset of secular, American Jews:
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 10 May 2015 6:54:13 PM
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Sorry, Plantagenet, that one flew over my head. Please explain the metaphor?
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 10 May 2015 7:00:45 PM
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Oh, and Plantagenet, please stop truncating my sentences to change their over all meaning. That is misquoting and is not acceptable. Perhaps you only read part of the sentence before you leapt for your keyboard? if so, please be more careful.


Good post from you. Your premise that the left academics hate Israel because it sided with the USA in the Cold war is valid, but I think there is a lot more to it than that.

There was once a time when the Left were enthusiastically pro Israel. You were not really fashionable unless you had gone to Israel and worked on a kibbutz. Socialists were lauding the successful kibbutz system as true socialist communes which displayed how a truly socialised and socially cohesive people could work together as a group for the common good.

Trendies think the primary reasons for war are racism and the oppression of minorities. In those days, the Jews were seen as world's most oppressed people because of European racism. And since Israel was a country of only two million people that was surrounded by 500 million hostile Arabs bent on their destruction, there was no question about who was the oppressed, and who was the oppressor.

The 1967 Six Day War which the Arabs started when Nasser used the Egyption Navy to blockade the Israeli port of Eilat, was a war the Israelis were expected to lose. But amazingly, they won it. And they kept on winning every other fight they were in against the Arabs. The rule of thumb for trendies is, that winners are always oppressors, and losers are always the oppressed.

Suddenly Israel lost it's "oppressed" certification from the trendies and became the "oppressors". This was also because it was the hated USA which had given military aid to Israel to prevent it's people being exterminated, raped, and sold into slavery like the Yazidis. The academic Left hate the USA, because it is the leading power against socialism, it believes in freedom of speech, and it's people are armed to prevent their own government from becoming tyrannical.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 11 May 2015 3:26:36 AM
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Your drooling LEGO ;)
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 11 May 2015 11:02:40 AM
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