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State-sanctioned killing : Comments

By Bill Calcutt, published 8/5/2015

The different legal and moral justifications for state-sanctioned killing between citizen/criminal/internal/law enforcement and alien/armed conflict/overseas/military contexts have become increasingly blurred.

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It is time we had safe humane voluntary euthanasia for all that require it, just like abortion for all those who require it.
Posted by Ojnab, Sunday, 10 May 2015 11:09:16 AM
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Dear David F, what a sad story, but one repeated quite often in the past I fear.

I often wonder whether anti-choice proponents really care about life at all, or whether it is all about wanting to control women, or whether it is about their religion.
Abortion should be a last resort and contraceptives should be free, and maybe our increasingly secular world will see that happen one day.

Personally, I doubt I could go through with an abortion, but at least I have that choice...
Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 10 May 2015 11:13:54 AM
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State sanctioned killing?

Well surely there are some despicable heinous crimes; gang rape/murder rape/mass murder, committed by those with no redeeming features whatsoever, and who will like (born again Osborne) indubitably repeat their unspeakable crimes when released!?

And after costing the taxpayer millions for a veritable smorgasbord of delaying (completely clogged) costly court actions; and, keeping them in comparative comfort, in high cost high security prisons!

Where incarcerated association with them, turns young (salvageable) victims into contaminated criminals/uncaring thugs/recidivist criminals, when released!

If they are proven guilty without a single shadow of doubt, then surely the death penalty, ought to at least be on the table/open for discussion. And where we have the means of removing any trace of those shadows!

We have DNA testing, which could be done in duplication by no less than three independent expert analysts, to remove any possible doubt; and we have noninvasive space age lie detection; that simply and completely validates other indisputable findings; even in people who can beat a current polygraph test!? No ifs, buts or maybes!

That being so, then surely a single .22 silenced bullet fired fail safe into the back of the brain, would be both instant and therefore, completely painless and entirely humane!

And with the heart stopped in that instant, there is little if any bleeding or unseemly mess!

And no, that should never ever be seen as revenge killings, just deserved justice, and a positive guarantee, they will never ever re-offend!

I mean and in the final analysis, it could be your son or daughter, wife, husband, mother, father or partner or lover, who is stabbed in the back; or gang raped/bashed into a permanent life long comma/vegetative state, without cause, concern or warning, the very next, next time; unless, it really can't happen to you or yours!?

Besides, a single bullet costs just cents; whereas, lifetime incarceration may cost many millions! Which could instead be diverted into genuine rehabilitation for those we can still turn around.

Everyone deserves a second chance, except those who's PROVEN unspeakable crimes and recidivism, simply rule that out!
Posted by Rhrosty, Sunday, 10 May 2015 1:28:35 PM
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Rhosty, to me it seems hypocritical to say to a criminal and the rest of society that murder is a terrible crime, so we are going to murder you!

If they are the really terrible criminals that murders or rapes indiscriminately, with no remorse, then I see a lifetime of incarceration with hard labour as a just punishment.
These sorts of criminals should have no comforts at all in their cells, and perhaps spend their endless days cleaning the toilet blocks.

But we shouldn't shorten their punishment by murdering them...
Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 10 May 2015 2:10:30 PM
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To Susieonline.

Gary ridgeway, the Green river Killer, admitted to murdering 48 young women, but it is believed that he killed twice that many. Life in prison is a manifestly unjust sentence for such a crime. Even a quick death is manifestly inadequate. I think the bastard should have been burned at the stake.

And no, I don't see any problem with killing murderers like Ridgeway, Milat, Bundy, or Oba Chandler. All societies have soldiers who will kill the enemies of their people on command, so what is the difference?

Please don't say that soldiers only kill each other. My uncle Charlie was on the RAF bomber mission over Hamburg when they "murdered" 51,000 Germans, mostly women and children, who died horribly from blasts, suffocation, or burning to death
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 10 May 2015 7:12:12 PM
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Lego 51,000 Germans killed, of course that is legal Government killing, life means nothing to any Government where war is concerned, 51,000 voluntary euthanasia requested killings, oh dear no, not legal killing and we can't have that can we, let them suffer in pain and loss of dignity, we do not care says the Government
All those who are not with VE should not be with Government sanctioned killings, there is no difference, get it.
Posted by Ojnab, Sunday, 10 May 2015 10:02:14 PM
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