The Forum > Article Comments > Letter to Sydney Uni from Colonel Richard Kemp > Comments
Letter to Sydney Uni from Colonel Richard Kemp : Comments
By Richard Kemp, published 17/3/2015This seemed to be a clear attempt to impose their own authority as faculty members, thereby hoping to intimidate the security officers into allowing the abusive demonstration to continue.
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Posted by Aristocrat, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 11:20:39 PM
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Oh yes, and here they are, coming out of the woodwork.....Online Opinion Forum anti-Semites.
Constance, words escape me about your strange long diatribes above. A more intolerant person I am yet to find. Aristocrat, why are you bringing up white people? Aren't we talking about the Jewish people, of which are composed of just as many different skin colours as Christians at least. Just strange.... Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 11:39:37 PM
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Yonks go, when I was well and truly on the far-Left, and Hans Eysenck was due to give a talk at Flinders University about IQ and (what turned out to be fraudulent) the twin studies of Sir Cyril Burt, a Left colleague told me that they were going to 'confront' Eysenck by shouting him down and not letting anyone hear what he said, getting violent if necessary, since the main aim was to get publicity.
I was a bit nonplussed, coming from a sheltered background, and suggested that Eysenck's arguments be confronted by better arguments, but my friend wasn't having any of that. The Lynch mob has clearly degenerated into just a bunch of pseudo-Left quasi-fascists who can't, and don't want to, distinguish between Zionism and being Jewish. It's time to declare that 'Je suis juif, toujours juif.' Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 7:17:31 AM
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It would pay to also read Paul Duffill's account published on this forum yesterday - . Posted by McReal, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 11:33:36 AM
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Dear Colonel Kemp,
on behalf of the 99% of Australian's who respect your right to an opinion, I apologise for the loony leftists and the staff of Sydney Uni. It sickens me , that someone who has vast knowledge and speaks with compassion should be rudely interrupted and have his audience intimidated so violently. Those simple minded sheep "rent a mob" students and their "teachers" should be removed from Sydney Uni immediately. They don't deserve to live in Australia nor have a right to education. Go live in Syria and teach and protest there. I'm sure ISIS will welcome you with open arms. I'm Sure Colonel you realise that the majority of law abiding citizens of Australia support you. Don't let mindless morons make you think we are all pathetic violent sheep. Posted by kirby483, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 2:07:25 PM
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by the way,
what if it had been the Mufti of Sydney giving a speech and right wing students protested? The ABC and Fairfax papers would have had a field day about racism and how it's Tony Abbotts fault and the Bali nine. Double standards Posted by kirby483, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 2:13:48 PM
What is academia now other than a 'think tank' or propaganda committee for Labor and the Greens, and any other far leftist group? I suggest ruthless funding cuts. Find all the departments and 'centres' that run a leftist agenda and cease all funding immediately. Let them go to the Greens or Socialist Alliance to write and research their propaganda.
Criticism of Jews in the academe though is small compared to what white people/countries receive. The entire Humanities and Social Science departments (probably a few others,too) are almost completely based on criticising white culture and white history. There's even an entire discipline called "whiteness studies" that is based purely on creating negative generalisations of whites. Jews get off easy.