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Australia's Buddhism : Comments
By Ian Nance, published 13/3/2015In the 2006 Census, Buddhism is marked as the second largest 'religion' after Christianity; Buddhism is enjoying considerable expansion here.
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Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 13 March 2015 8:40:18 AM
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Buddhists will tell you they don't follow a religion, but a philosophy; given there's no God or creator in their belief system; just a decision making hierarchy/highly evolved beings/Buddhas/enlightened ones?
However those beliefs are so similar to the very first esoteric Christian teachings, they could easily be taken as one and the same? i.e., to get into the kingdom of heaven you must be born again. And backed up by phenomena like a kid coming out of a long term coma, able to speak flawless Mandarin, even though he'd never ever had any contact in this lifetime, with any Mandarin speakers! So where and when did this well reported kid learn this language? If not in this lifetime! Then when? Or perhaps you swallow that BS that his absolutely remarkable human brain taught itself while he was out of it? Perhaps someone could hit me really hard,[not while I'm looking,] so as to render me unconscious for the next 5-6 years; I'd like to learn to play the piano! [Excuse me Mr piano man, but do you know your fly is open? No! But if you hum a few bars I'll try and play it.] Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 13 March 2015 11:21:33 AM
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Great essay describing the situation re the influence of Buddhism in the modern world.
However there are some inherent problems with Westerners trying to take up and practice any form of Eastern religion including the many forms of Buddhism. And even any kind of now archaic esoteric Christianity too. This essay describes the situation. This reference is a modern translation of one of the most sublime Buddhist texts (indeed any text) ever written: namely The Mahayanavimsaka of Nagarjuna Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 13 March 2015 12:21:47 PM
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Thanks DD, your link to the The Mahayanavimsaka of Nagarjuna discussion is a piece of wisdom I've been seeking.
Of late, I've been getting the notion there is a connection between what scientists refer to as Dark Matter and what the East might call the dynamic void, Supreme Consciousness or now possibly the Radiant Transcendental Consciousness. Consciousness being the cosmic glue everything in the universe is floating in and emanating from. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Friday, 13 March 2015 12:56:06 PM
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The author wrote: Another way that it differs significantly from religions is that Buddhism has no hierarchy.
I wish the author knew more about different religions or he would not make such a statement. Branches of Judaism, Christianity and Islam also have no hierarchy. In Judaism some rabbis are quite influential, but they are are not part of a hierarchy. Each congregation hires and fires its rabbis. No hierarchy assigns them. Christian Quakers and Baptists do not have a hierarchy. Neither do Unitarians and many other Christian denominations. Islam does not have a hierarchy although the opinion of some imams is greatly respected. One fundamental feature of the Islamic religious system is that there is no equivalent of "church"—no religious institution with doctrinal or legal authority, no ordained priesthood, no sacred/profane dichotomy, and no doctrinally sanctioned "official truth." The author also wrote: Although it is convenient to brand Buddhism is as a religion, I suggest that this is not so; it is more a lifestyle practice without being faith-driven. The author directly contradicts himself when he wrote: Buddhism draws heavily on the ancient Hindu tradition of karma which is essentially action seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation. Belief in reincarnation is just as much a matter of faith as belief in life after death or a virgin birth. In short the article is both inaccurate and self-contradictory. Posted by david f, Friday, 13 March 2015 2:13:05 PM
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Yuyutsu makes some good points, but gets a little distracted by the Chinese people calling themselves Buddhist, yet who worship goddesses without any real understanding of what Buddhism is about.
That's a bit like a wine lover claiming to be a connoisseur who relishes almost any drop without knowing its provenance. Yuyutsu says that the real number of Buddhists is therefore smaller, instead of stating that the number of REAL Buddhists is smaller. I guess that if you take a broad view of Buddhism, it could be defined as a religion which is defined by Wikipedia as an organised collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. However, many followers would favour the cultural system component of that definition, thus refer to it as a way of living. Faith is similarly defined as confidence or trust in a being, object, living organism, deity, view, or in the doctrines or teachings of a religion. Perhaps Yuyutsu also could have given a slightly clearer outline of what is meant by taking refuge in a Buddhist sense. That means that we have some understanding about suffering, and we have confidence that the Buddha, the truths which he revealed, and the spiritual community in which Buddhists dwell the "Three Jewels") can help us. We should however not be taking refuge in Buddhism to avoid problems in this very life, there are many non-religious organisations for that, but we should take refuge to avoid problems in future lives, or even better, to avoid future uncontrolled rebirths. Posted by Ponder, Friday, 13 March 2015 2:13:39 PM
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Ian writes
'It is an extremely practical way of living based on the principle that every person is totally responsible for the outcomes of his or her life, with the denial of the existence or power of any form of supreme being, or deity.' really so the woman who was raped and murdered is responsible for the outcome of her life. The cyclist run down by the drunk driver is responsible for his/her outcome. The poor beggar born into abject poverty is responsible for his outcome. 'with the denial of the existence or power of any form of supreme being, or deity.'' and so all the order and beauty of creation came about by chance Posted by runner, Friday, 13 March 2015 3:50:17 PM
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"Islam does not have a hierarchy although the opinion of some imams is greatly respected. One fundamental feature of the Islamic religious system is that there is no equivalent of "church"—no religious institution with doctrinal or legal authority, no ordained priesthood, no sacred/profane dichotomy, and no doctrinally sanctioned "official truth." - David F
What Islam are you referring to? The one without Mosques, Sharia Law and the Koran (Quran); the Koran that is the final word on God's Truth and message to all mankind according to the prophet Muhammad Praise be with Him? Try telling a Muslim the Koran, that dictates all non-believers are sinners, is not the sanctioned official truth! Sure there are Muslim scholars and academics that can dance around the question of a hierarchy, clergy or sanctioned truth but the practical application is the same as any other religion. There is always an inner circle with more influence over the followers, and within that inner circle another greater level to the pecking order. Becoming a Grand Mufti requires an evolving career and does lead to becoming the recognised top man. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Friday, 13 March 2015 4:41:48 PM
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Dear ConservativeHippie,
A hierarchy means having a ruling person on top who directs a series of higher and lower ranks. Every person in a hierarchy reports to a person above him or her in the hierarchy until it gets to the person on top. Having mosques, Sharia and the Koran does not mean having a hierarchy. Having a place of worship is not the same as having a hierarchy. There is no one Sharia that all Muslims must obey. There are different Sharia laws as there are different Christian sects. There are eight main kinds of Sharia laws. In talking about Sharia one should say what Sharia they are talking about as they are different. Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki and Shafi'i and and Zahiri are the five Sharia Sunni laws. The Shii sect of Islam has three: Ja'fari, Zaydi and Ismaili. There are still other kinds of Sharia. They are all different. One can look them up and find out about the differences. Having a holy book is not having a hierarchy. The Grand Mufti can only recommend not order. The Grand Mufti ") is the highest official of religious law in a Sunni or Ibadi Muslim country. The Grand Mufti issues legal opinions and edicts, fatawa;, on interpretations of Islamic jurisprudence for private clients or to assist judges in deciding cases. The collected opinions of the Grand Mufti serve as a valuable source of information on the practical application of Islamic law as opposed to its abstract formulation. The Grand Mufti's fatawa; (plural of "fatwa;") are not binding precedents in areas of civil laws regulating marriage, divorce, and inheritance. In criminal courts, the Grand Mufti's recommendations are generally not binding either. Islam does not have a hierarchy. Posted by david f, Friday, 13 March 2015 5:18:56 PM
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Karma is just another way of saying, so as you sow so also will you reap! If not in this lifetime, then the next!
And if you add in reincarnation, then all the bad things that seem to happen to good people or the innocent, makes not only perfect sense, but perfect justice as well! And if that is so, then the way to get off the wheel of life and karma, is just not seek revenge! Which could just as easily be replaced with small acts of kindness? An eye for an eye can only keep the cycle of revenge and or Karma, going on and on! Forgiveness is divine; but very had to practise sometimes! Nor can you just stand idly by and watch patent wrong doing/injustice, without reacting/taking a stand against it, even where that ensures you are beaten within an inch of your life? How many times have you thought to yourself, that billionaire has got away with it time and again; given he has all this money and the power or the rich man's justice it purchases! Or simply allows her to take an unfair advantage of others she has virtual control over? And truth be known, (s)he might well be reborn in the slums of India, where the shoe is well and truly on the other foot? And what of the rapist who seems to have gotten away with it, and time after time? How about a rebirth in a culture where women are little more than goods and chattels/sex slaves and raped on a daily basis; and get so unhappy with their situation; when charged with adultery and threatened with a bullet in the brain pan, can only respond with a,"get on with it R sole"! So also as you sow so also shall you reap! A stone thrown into a pond always creates ripples, which flow on and on until they run out of water! The immutable law of cause and effect! Dismiss that with an airy wave of a dismissive hand, if you can? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 13 March 2015 5:41:37 PM
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I must of been very good in my previous life Rhrosty by the standards you use. To me married to a beautiful woman, have great kids/grandkids, to be in relatively good health. On the other hand that cripple in the wheelchair must have been terrible. Please give us a break. Its nonsense.
Posted by runner, Friday, 13 March 2015 9:56:00 PM
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Runner, how can you so lightly dismiss as nonsense something which needs more though than given by just a superficial opinion?
Where do you think the "storehouse" of your good and bad actions is sited? Can't you accept that the EFFECT of your actions can take place anytime in the realm of infinity, or is your measure of existence limited to this particular exixtence only. Don't ever be unwilling to admit to yourself that there are some things which you don't understand, yet are worth pursuing. Posted by Ponder, Saturday, 14 March 2015 7:34:05 AM
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I know very little about Buddhism but everyone who does seems keen to tell me that it involves no gods, no dogma, no rites and no obligations.
So how is it different from ordinary rational behaviour? If it's merely a matter of behaving reasonably, then surely we don't need Buddha to help us there; and if it's not, then why bother with it? Posted by Jon J, Saturday, 14 March 2015 8:15:23 AM
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Runner's perspective is unfortunately limited to his narrow Christian parameters. A more open minded Christian might see it's possible even Jesus believed in reincarnation.
Karma isn't an easy concept to fathom and much harder if you don't understand that Life is infinite; the body dies but we are more than a lump of flesh, bones, organs and fluids. Our deeds in this life sow the seeds (Samskara) of our condition in the next; the seeds wait for the perfect time to generate; when the conditions are right they manifest as the particular unique code we inherit in our genes. From there much of the life we are born into is set. We are all interconnected in a very grandiose web of illusion. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Saturday, 14 March 2015 8:22:56 AM
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Jon J - "I know very little about Buddhism but everyone who does seems keen to tell me that it involves no gods, no dogma, no rites and no obligations. "
Buddhism provides a path to follow. There is definitely a teaching and philosophy associated with Buddhism. There are techniques such as meditation for calming the mind, achieving inner peace, acting patiently and appropriate to each situation. The Buddha never claimed his was the only path to follow nor that you need him. There are some however that choose to follow the path and the teachings of Buddha. As they say in Buddhism, all roads lead to Nirvana. Being aware there is more to this life than the superficial conditions most believe is all there is, is the first step. Some roads are longer. Accepting advice and/or directions can be useful and perhaps shorten the journey but its not essential. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Saturday, 14 March 2015 8:41:31 AM
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'Runner's perspective is unfortunately limited to his narrow Christian parameters. '
true Conservative Hippie especially when the alternatives are self contradictory and totally illogical. Christ certainly spoke of a narrow way of which you seem to of rejected. The bottom line is that He is who He said He was all He wasn't. Misrepresenting Christ is as bad as denying Him. A man is appointed to live once and then comes judgement. Thank God that Christ took my judgement and anyone elses judgement )who chooses Him) on the cross. Posted by runner, Saturday, 14 March 2015 9:39:45 AM
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ConservativeHippie -- yes, I understand all that. But my point is that if the techniques associated with Buddhism are therapeutic in their own right, we should be doing them because they're therapeutic, not because they happen to be associated with a long-dead mystic. If Jesus had invented the wheelbarrow, we would be profoundly grateful to Jesus, but that wouldn't provide any reason to believe any of his mystical claims about God.
At what point does Buddhism leave behind mere rational concern for one's well-being and become a belief system? Posted by Jon J, Sunday, 15 March 2015 7:41:31 AM
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Hi Jon J
I'm really not sure what you are driving at or what your concern is; I'm also not sure if practicing Buddhism can be described as therapeutic. The art/practice of meditation pre-dates Buddha. The philosophy underlying Buddhism comes from ancient Hindu texts known as the Vedas. The ultimate goal of the ancient teachings is a guide to reaching Enlightenment (Nirvana in Buddhism) - freedom from the cycle of birth & death; freedom from the illusion this is all real. Buddha achieved Enlightenment. He is an example that it can be achieved and through his teachings others followed, some have also been successful. It is not an easy process and requires serious dedication. There are other great Beings in history as well as plenty of unknowns and yogi masters who have also achieved Enlightenment. The Eastern philosophies happen to be more focussed on discovering the True Self and provide techniques for those who are interested. Belonging to a religion is not a requirement. "At what point does Buddhism leave behind mere rational concern for one's well-being and become a belief system?" This is a question that doesn't actually make sense to me. Who is saying Buddhism has a mere rational concern for well being; and how does abandoning such a concern automatically equate to becoming a belief system? "Buddhism" is a religion created by the followers of The Buddha as Christianity is the religion of the followers of Christ. The religions and the followers are not creations of those great Beings, they are entities in themselves with, at times, the same flaws as the rest of humanity. Your question is word play; what are you really asking; is this some form of playing Devil's advocate? All teachings are there for the taking but not all are suitable for everyone. Each has to pick and choose what makes the most sense to them and then find their own Path. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Sunday, 15 March 2015 9:06:37 AM
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The goal of Buddhists is enlightenment, become our own Buddha and get off the endless wheel of life.
Some Christians believe they alone are the suppositories of all wisdom? Even so, when the master spoke to Nicodemus, and said, verily verily (truly truly) I say unto you to reach unto the Kingdom of heaven, ye must be born again! And allegedly said by a plain speaking man, who went as far to invent analogies in order to not be misrepresented, or misunderstood, rather than one who spoke in riddles, that could only ever confuse a largely illiterate people! This being so he could have been speaking about reincarnation. And again when he replied to his followers, this man was not born blind for his sins or the sins of his father, but so God could work in him. This suggests that both he and his followers believed in reincarnation, given the premise of the question? He also said, seek ye first the kingdom of heaven within. And how can that be anything but meditation? And meditation has so many benefits. One can go into it needing to decide what to do or believe, and come out knowing what to do, as why didn't I think of that! It can help with PTS, and far far better than booze and or endless self harming rage; or taking it out on the very people who mean the most in the world! Everyone has the ring of truth within them, (the goose bumps you feel when you hear the most beautiful music, see the most enchanting scene or hear words of absolute truth) Know the truth and the truth will set you free! And you need to meditate to discover yours; rather than be mislead by people who only want to exercise control? Try it, it can't hurt, but may well help you all the remaining days of your life, regardless of what creed or conviction you CHOOSE to follow. If we all learned to meditate, we likely end all war, poverty and disadvantage! I kid you not! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Sunday, 15 March 2015 11:57:23 AM
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What a number of folk tend to overlook is that the Buddha was a teacher of facts which he had uncovered.
For this, he is venerated and followed, much as would be a professor in a university. Both are respected, not worshipped. Posted by Ponder, Monday, 16 March 2015 7:17:57 AM
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'If we all learned to meditate, we likely end all war, poverty and disadvantage! I kid you not!
Rhrosty.' largely depends what you meditate on Rhrosty. It has certainly led you to some warped interpretations of Jesus words and actions. Posted by runner, Monday, 16 March 2015 3:58:11 PM
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the Buddha taught a practice by which each individual could free him- or herself from suffering. He did not found a religion: Buddhism did not develop in India until about 500 years after the Buddha’s passing, at which time his main teaching had been lost there. The religion in many ways departed from his teaching, because it is not possible to fully understand it without practising as he taught.
You say “For a start, its basis lies in the appreciation and understanding of its tenets of psychology and philosophy … It is an ethical and moral compass to guide an individual's actions.” The Buddha taught neither philosophy nor psychology, nor did he teach any tenets, in the sense of beliefs. He taught a way by which each of us could understand reality at the deepest level through our own efforts. If you practice as he taught, then you do not need a moral compass, you develop wisdom and compassion and live a life which is good for you and good for others. Rules of conduct are for those who have not purified themselves, in whom right behaviour is not inherent. In the Buddha’s teaching, maintaining good sila (avoiding killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lies and intoxicants) is beneficial in itself, but its main value is in quieting the mind so it can develop samadhi, concentration of the mind, which in turn allows the practice of Vipassana, observation with detachment of reality as it manifests itself within each one of us from moment to moment. It is this practice which purifies us of past conditionings and leads to the development of wisdom, and ultimately enlightenment. You say that “In Australia this particular group ... has created ways by which our communities can be helped practically by providing Buddhist cultural information about customs, language, by creating and sustaining charities, and assisting the understanding of philosophy, psychology, and spirituality.” Okay, but if you practice Vipassana your base for whatever you do will be much deeper and stronger. The Buddha said “Distribute the Dhamma by making an example of your own pure way of life.” Posted by Faustino, Monday, 16 March 2015 9:37:44 PM
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ConservativeHippie wrote:
"All teachings are there for the taking but not all are suitable for everyone. Each has to pick and choose what makes the most sense to them and then find their own Path." Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha all subscribe to what I think are delusional systems. They all maintain there is a noumenal world beyond the phenomenal one we can perceive either through our senses or instruments. My Path is to be kind and question all authority. God, gods, the afterlife, heaven and hell are all creations of the human imagination and have no existence other than in the human mind. Posted by david f, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 6:11:13 AM
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Dear Faustino,
It is true that Buddhism as we know it somewhat diverted from the original teachings of the Buddha, but to that extent which it diverted it is no longer a religion, or Dhamma (Dharma), but a culture. Just because the spiritually-advanced no longer need a moral compass, does not devalue its importance for the masses. While Buddha taught religion to the highest students, there is nothing wrong in also providing beginner classes. Dear David, <<They all maintain there is a noumenal world beyond the phenomenal one>> Another world? No thanks - this world is already one too many! "Buddha" literally means the "awakened", the one who successfully awoke from the nightmare of this world, who no longer suffers under its spell - not in order to find himself in another! Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 7:39:15 AM
Regarding the numbers, unfortunately I encountered Chinese people who claim to be Buddhist, but have no idea who Buddha was or what his teachings are - instead they worship a number of goddesses in the belief that this is what Buddhism is about, so it seems that the number of real Buddhists is in fact much smaller.
While Buddhism places less emphasis on "the existence or power of any form of supreme being, or deity", it does not deny it outright as the author claims. Buddha himself was quite ambiguous on this matter.
Faith (Shraddha) is important in Buddhism as in other religions as one should take refuge in the three gems: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.