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Nuclear nations in the dock : Comments
By Sue Wareham, published 23/2/2015The small nation state of the Republic of the Marshall Islands is taking the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, France, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
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Posted by ybgirp, Monday, 23 February 2015 10:35:19 AM
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Interesting article.
Presumably the ICJ would send its sheriff to enforce its judgment. However sometimes - often - it is the fact that a court is armed only with judgment that makes it so influential. One thing about nuclear weapons is that since their proliferation there hasn't been any of the major world wars that there were before. Compare the 70 years since 1945 with the 31 years before. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 23 February 2015 11:03:13 AM
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J K J. The U.S.A has been at war with the world for over a century, and Australia has aided and abetted them. Syria has become at least the 14th country in the Islamic world that U.S. forces have invaded or occupied or bombed, since 1980.
: Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001-), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-) and now Syria. In May, 2013, the Senate Armed Services Committee held a hearing on whether it should revise the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF). A committee member asked a senior Pentagon official, Assistant Secretary Michael Sheehan, how long the war on terror would last; his reply: “At least 10 to 20 years.” At least. A Pentagon spokesperson confirmed afterward “that Sheehan meant the conflict is likely to last 10 to 20 more years from today — atop the 12 years that the conflict has already lasted.” As Spencer Ackerman put it: “Welcome to America’s Thirty Years War,” The USA has murdered some 60 million people since the end of the WWII, as Andre Vltchek explained in his recent book with Noam Chomsky. The U.S.A and its allies can butcher millions of people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Somalia, in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Papua, Kashmir, Syria and Ukraine. The USA overthrew every decent government in Africa, in the Middle East, Asia and until recently, in Latin America. It liquidated peaceful and secular Muslim governments and replaced them with thugs or extremists. And you say there has been no war. André Vltchek’s latest book is with Noam Chomsky: On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare. Posted by ybgirp, Monday, 23 February 2015 12:38:06 PM
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Looks like an opportunistic attempted court case in which the highly dependent aid recipients, Marshall Islands, will embarrass even more aid out of the US.* This is the settle out of court method.
It would be interesting to know the percentage of lawyers representing the Marshall Islands who are not liberal American lawyers from Boston or California? I don't think the Marshallese are expecting China and Russia to pay up? * Note: : US government assistance is the mainstay of the economy. Under terms of the Amended Compact of Free Association, the U.S. is committed to provide US$57.7 million per year in assistance to the Marshall Islands (RMI) through 2013, and then US$62.7 million through 2023, at which time a trust fund, made up of U.S. and RMI contributions, will begin perpetual annual payouts. The US Army maintains the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll. Marshallese land owners receive rent for the base, and a large number of Marshallese work there. The main airport was built by the Japanese during World War II. The only tarmac road through the capital was built partly by the Taiwanese and partly by the Americans. Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 23 February 2015 3:58:06 PM
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Yes indeedy. I hope you're not a statist are you? "And you say there has been no war." I didn't say that. Go back and read what I wrote. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 23 February 2015 8:19:50 PM
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Plantagenet, They would not have needed such aid if their islands hadn't been all but destroyed by the USA.
JK.J, No, I'm not a statist, and I can't see the relevance. You said there'd been no major world wars. In what sense are the endless wars over most of the globe, mentioned in my post, conducted by the USA and it's allies not major wars? I imagine the Syrians think it's pretty major, as do the Libyans; Iraqis... And the despoliated countries of Central America ground down under vile USA installed dictators after decades of terrible war think it's pretty major. And all the innocents burned to death by drone strikes, and... you get the picture... Or is a war only major if it's us being attacked? Posted by ybgirp, Monday, 23 February 2015 8:44:47 PM
It is long past time for a total ban, but like the ban on chemical and biological warfare, it will have no effect, because the USA's 'doctrine of exceptionalism' states that they are unaccountable for anything they do. They are above and beyond all laws.