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It’s time to review Australia’s gun control laws : Comments
By Stuart Horrex, published 16/1/2015We need stronger gun control measures, not more people with guns.
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Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 16 January 2015 8:52:42 AM
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Its obvious that if thousands of people were carrying handguns around Martin Place ready to shoot terrorists it would be a safer Place.
Yes some downsides - misfires and toddlers pulling a handgun out of a Mummy's handbag and shooting Mummy - and most gundeaths being suicides and other family members and all - but still... Ain't carrying guns our Constitutional Rarght? It was in Gympie! Who won the war anyway? Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 16 January 2015 10:39:48 AM
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The first fault in the Charlie Hebdo shootings was that security failed, the attackers got into the offices.
One might reasonably ask why, as the journalists and staff were under threat of death, from a known violent and murderous broad group, that they were not armed. Australia's gun laws are being reviewed, there is a Senate Inquiry on at the moment, but it's not going well for its initiators, the Greens. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 16 January 2015 11:10:49 AM
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Had there been a few Gun owners, trained ex-service personal perhaps, owning a few concealed weapons; the Port Arthur killings could have been significantly limited, and included Bryant! A sure and certain method to prevent further deaths at his hand, and even more so, in the cafe, when Man Monis held hostages for hours! Perhaps someone with a little testicular fortitude, having seen the sawed off shot gun and understood that a raving lunatic was holding it, could have limited the loss of life to just Monis! As always, when a crim or a nutter is lose in the community, with an obviously illegal weapon, the anti gun parade yet again call for tighter gun laws. Perhaps we could disarm the defense forces as well, and instead, issue them with wet tram tickets! In Japan, with ostensibly, the worlds toughest gun laws; at least 40% estimated, of the law abiding population, owns (illegal guns) for personal protection, which possibly explains the very low break and enter crime rate in that country. Finally if any of the anti-gun control freaks believe that tough gun laws will lower the crime rate? Well, thus far they haven't made one iota of difference to gun toting crims, who now feel empowered to use our suburban streets as battle grounds to settle their differences. And with the weapon of choice! Perhaps if we were allowed to shoot back as self defense as the bullets flew, there'd be less of this. I mean, in almost any street in suburban Australia, there's several ex-servicemen/trained marksmen, able to react when it's needed, as opposed to police arriving minutes after the event, and then investigating yet another crime! Who is going to tell them anything, if the armed criminal element is able to seek reprisals; and only because current gun prohibitions mean they can and with complete impunity. Why not just disarm the entire law abiding community, leaving the lawless element with even greater opportunities, to conduct their street wars, among our homes and our kids! Such logic and from such powerful thinkers! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 16 January 2015 11:44:01 AM
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Rhrosty can you give us few examples for say the US where conceal carry has stop a terror attack?
Posted by Cobber the hound, Friday, 16 January 2015 12:01:06 PM
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Well Rhrosty
You're still writing rubbish - but at least its almost grammatical - in paragraphs. Putting aside your God, Guns and Guts Make Australia Great message - what about realities? That the vast majority of gun deaths are: 1. suicides 2. family members killed in domestics 3. murders by criminals holding guns, and A very distant 4. honest folk (legally?) shooting back at criminals commiting crimes? Ponder and reconcile the above. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 16 January 2015 12:04:06 PM
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Criminals perform criminal acts.
Why punish the law abiding? Posted by The Mild Colonial Boy, Friday, 16 January 2015 1:37:06 PM
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It would be helpful, to all concerned, if posters when making assertions would post a reference.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 16 January 2015 1:46:11 PM
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Hi Is Mise
A good instruction. Here's a start - since 9/11 there have only been a handful of deaths due to terrorism in the US. However in one year alone - 2010 : "...there were 31,513 deaths from firearms, distributed as follows by mode of death: Suicide 19,308; Homicide 11,015; Accident 600. This makes firearms injuries one of the top ten causes of death in the U.S." But we got rarghts to execute and then git a stamp of legal approval. In that rarght Rhrosty? Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 16 January 2015 2:05:03 PM
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We don't need more guns in practice, but ownership of guns for self-defence should not be illegal, so that criminals will never know where and when one of those few guns that ARE around in the community is going to be pointed back at them.
<<It is also appropriate Australians living in our capital and regional cities and our towns - feel safe in the knowledge their Government is doing everything it can to protect them in their communities by permanently disqualifying unfit Australians from legally accessing firearms for any purpose.>> Yes, but "everything it can" is not reassuring - who can feel safe as a result when we already know that it's close to nothing?! Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 16 January 2015 2:37:24 PM
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"We're now seeing a concerted effort by the Abbott Government to use events including the Sydney siege, and the recent events in France as justifications for new and amended legislation"
We're now seeing a concerted effort by the Greens and at least one Democrat to use events including the Sydney siege, and the recent events in France as justifications for new legislation. We are even seeing the Greens lying about it, to their supposed advantage. "SYDNEY SIEGE SHOWS TOUGHER GUN LAWS NEEDED NOW Thursday, Dec 18th, 2014 Today's revelation that the gunman at the Sydney siege had a gun licence must lead to tougher gun laws across the country. NSW Police Commissioner Scipione must immediately explain how a man charged with such serious violent offences retained a gun licence with the NSW Police Firearms Registry...." This wild allegation was cleared up, two hours plus before the Greens posted it on their website, by the AFP who admitted that they had made a mistake and had wrongly advised the Prime Minister. Yet it is still, 29 days later) on their site. Charity leads me to think that they are just being their normal incompetent selves. One wonders when David Sandalplank will have the courage and the courtesy to apologize to the Commissioner and to the NSW Police. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 16 January 2015 2:44:29 PM
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God it's a worry.
I thought the Democrats had gone back down the garden path with the rest of the fairies. It's a real worry that some people may still think they are of some use to the community. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 16 January 2015 3:25:20 PM
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You know immediately that Stuart Horrix is an eastern suburbs, ABC luvvie, when he writes a 2000 word article about how to solve Australia's terrorism problem, without mentioning the word "Islam" at all.
The problem which Stuart thinks we are too stupid to figure out, is that most of the gun crime in Sydney involves already illegal handguns in the hands of mostly Muslim men, who's primary pastime in Sydney appears to be shooting other Muslim men. According to the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics, in the year 2000, 55% of the handgun shootings in the entire state of NSW occurred within the precincts of two notorious Muslim ghettoes (Canterbury-Bankstown) and (Fairfield-Cabramatta). Gee Stuart, who lives there? You can't blame the Aussies for that, Stuart, they fled those suburbs in terror of the people that you wish to import, long ago. No matter how good a job Stuart does whitewashing the ethnic component to serious crime, his ilk are not yet in the position to airbrush history. And Australia's history, Stuart, reveals that Australia's crime rate was at it's lowest when there was almost no firearm laws at all. Things began to change in the early seventies. The White Australia Policy was discarded by Labor's Gough Whitlam, and this led to a serious reduction of immigrants from Northern Europe, who knew how to behave themselves. It also led to the and the importation of people from cultures who have always been a problem in every society they have immigrated to. It also coincided with the liberalisation of Australia's entertainment censorship laws, so that now our boys are educated to understand that real men are violent men, who kill people without remorse. They are taught that criminals are really heroes who lead adventurous and exciting lives with great cars, plenty of money, and fabulously sexy girlfriends. And the pop music industry seems to have become the official advertising arm of the illegal drug industry. Movies, songs and videoclips extol drugs and the drug lifestyle, while you can not be an immortal pop star unless you die of a drug overdose Posted by LEGO, Friday, 16 January 2015 5:54:14 PM
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The following link is to the Australian Institute of Criminology data showing that homocide by firearm in Australia, monitored by the institute since the early 1990s, has declined since that time. The spike in 1996 indicates that the sample size is so small that a single event can have a significant impact on the year's result, yet with no change to the overall trend. Baker and mcphedran (link not available for the time being) have been able to demonstrate that the overall trend in firearm deaths has remained consistent for more than 30 years. The AIC data relating to homocide over many years is shown at the link. To place this into context, here is the report of the audits of surgical mortality in Australian Hospitals. In short, there are 250-300 homicides per year in Australia, around 30-40 of which involve a firearm. The bureau, nor anybody else seems able to indicate how many of these murders involve a licenced firearm owner. Given the lack of reporting, the number is likely to be exceptionally low. Put it another way, more cyclists were killed on Australian roads than may be expected to be murdered by firearm in Australia in recent times. The proportion killed by an appropriately licenced person is unknown. Anecdotally it can be expected to be massively more licenced drivers killed people than licenced firearm owners. What does all this mean? Kicking licenced gun owners isn't going to do a thing other than provide a convenient rallying cry for misinformation. So much for inclusion.... Posted by The Mild Colonial Boy, Friday, 16 January 2015 6:35:33 PM
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The hound’s cultivation of his ignorance would ensure that he has never heard of the town which had a drop in crime rate after passing a law in 1982 which mandated gun ownership by its citizens
“The Kennesaw law has endured as the town's population has swelled to about 30,000 from 5,000 in 1982. "When the law was passed in 1982 there was a substantial drop in crime ... and we have maintained a really low crime rate since then," said police Lt. Craig Graydon. "We are sure it is one of the lowest (crime) towns in the metro area. Residents say they are comfortable with the image the gun law projects on the city as a bastion of gun freedom. "There's been no move to get rid of the law. Why would you?" said Robert Jones, president of the Kennesaw Historical Society. "The law is a great tourist attraction. It's the town with the Gun Law.” Our gun laws ensure that guns are generally owned by criminals, and not by law abiding citizens. Posted by Leo Lane, Saturday, 17 January 2015 11:18:54 AM
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There are more deaths as domestics by Wiltshire stay sharp knives than firearms, yet none of the anti-gun brigade ever ask that the kitchen knife be banned.
They also adroitly avoid explaining how disarming law abiding gun owners, will lower the level of criminals holding unlicensed guns, and using them to commit armed crimes, or drive by shootings; perhaps with even more impunity? Laws have to be enforceable to work. And shutting the stable door after the horse is well and truly bolted, has little prospect of success either! The real problem here is gun shy/or terrified politicians (vest anyone) unable or unwilling to admit they just got it wrong! Given the death toll and permanent injury on our roads and genuine comparisons; you'd ban cars before you took the guns from legally licensed shooters. Sometimes all that stands between us and being overrun with ferals, or something worse, like foot and mouth disease. Good metal detectors will keep them out of our schools, places of worship and or, inappropriate buildings. Politicians and the wealthy, surround themselves with guns. Explain that difference in basic rights! Perhaps the Magna Carta only applies to them, or the more sane Swiss? Without that level of personal protection for that exclusive club, how long would it be before gun laws finally reflected sanity and the nature of life in our city streets? I've read statistical evidence that gun crime among the legally licensed law abiding community is roughly equal that attributed to law enforcement agencies. And it could also be argued that the anti-gun brigade are most vociferous when it comes to euthanasia, but even more vociferous when it comes to limiting the means to achieve it! When seconds count, [and in every gun crime they do,] the police are invariably minutes away! Rhrosty Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 17 January 2015 11:38:03 AM
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The article 'Mild Colonial Boy' refers to can be obtained through Google Scholar. Search using "Baker and McPhedran", click on the appropriate response, then follow the PDF from uni-muenchen.
Posted by Brian of Buderim, Saturday, 17 January 2015 12:07:24 PM
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The gun man in the Martin Place siege was not licensed and was carrying an illegal weapon.
I ask the author one very simple question, How would tighter gun laws have prevented this terrorist from having that gun? Of cause I don't expect an answer, simply because there isn't one. Guns don't kill people, people kill people and when a gun is involved it's mostly with illegal firearms. Actions such as laws against clothing that can conceal such weapons, tighter restrictions on bail for suspected criminals, and of cause security guards who are not asleep at the wheel is what are required because tighter gun laws would not have made any difference to the outcome in Martin Place. Looser one maybe, but not tighter. The other problem we have is political correctness interfering with police work, because had they (the police) not had to consider the ramification of shooting this terrorist at the first opportunity, chances are the two innocent victims would be alive today. My view on terrorism is shoot first and ask questions latter as this would get the message across far better, that being, we don't negotiate with terrorists and once one claims to be committing an act of terrorism, their days are up. Zero tolerance. Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 17 January 2015 1:17:22 PM
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One only needs to read Mild Colonial Boy's post above to see that our strict guns laws are effective right now, in that we don't have many people killed by firearms in this country.
If we cast our eyes over the gun-related homicides in America for example, where shoot-em-up lifestyles are considered a 'God given right', we would note a vastly different result. If we are intelligent, we should all agree that we are better off in Australia.... Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 17 January 2015 2:34:39 PM
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Oops, forgot the link! Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 17 January 2015 2:42:40 PM
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Suze, it's always hard to compare a country with 22 million to one of 300 million. When I was a teenager we carried loaded guns in our cars, often on display. I am of the opinion that much of our crime has been imported. I say this because you need an interpreter to watch the news these days. Besides, criminals today are pretty much guaranteed that their victims are either gun less, or their guns are stowed away in such a way to make them inaccessible in an emergency. Is it little wonder crime has increased.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 17 January 2015 3:51:49 PM
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Once more for the dummies.
If lax gun laws causes crime and terrorism, then every society with lax gun laws would be awash in crime and terrorism. Conversely, every society with very strict gun laws must be almost crime and terrorism free. Both of these premises are self evidently wrong. Armed societies like Israel, Switzerland, rural Australia, and white areas of the USA, have very low rates of violent crime. The homicide rate in Mexico is three times the US rate, even though the private ownership of firearms is banned. The USA has long been touted as the trump card of gun prohibitionists like Susioncrack. People like Susie really believe that the reason why the USA's rate of homicide is five times that of Australia's, is because of firearms. But if all the people murdered with firearms were removed entirely from the US homicide statistics, the US homicide rate would still be twice the Australian rate. Clearly, there is something other than the mere presence of firearms which makes some Americans think that killing a person for personnel reasons is justified. The elephant in the room that people like Susioncrack ignore, is that there is much more of a causal link between ethnicity and homicide, and Islam to terrorism, then there is any link between the presence of firearms to homicide and terrorism. Take the author of this article as an example. Keith Forrex's says he wants to reduce terrorism. He does not mention the word "Muslims" at all because he does not want to make the obvious connection. He also does not want to give the police the powers they are asking for to prevent Muslim terrorist acts. So, the only thing left he can suggest is to ban guns. Ban guns and everything will be wonderful in multicultural utopian Australia. We can keep on pretending that Islam is not a problem and Muslims will not do what Allah orders them to do. But violent crime and Islamic terrorism will continue to rise in Australia long after all guns are banned, and Susie and Keith run out of scapegoats. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 17 January 2015 4:02:06 PM
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However in one year alone - 2010 :
"...there were 31,513 deaths from firearms, distributed as follows by mode of death: Suicide 19,308; Homicide 11,015; Accident 600. This makes firearms injuries one of the top ten causes of death in the U.S." So are 19,308 suicide gun-deaths in one USA year doing the US a favour as this presumably involves more non-whites killing thar-selves than righteous Aryan KKK folk? Anyways we wants to be like the US cos its sooo exciting having shootouts and "PACKING HEAT" instead of having gonads. DEPUTY HUBERT T. REDNECK Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 17 January 2015 4:30:00 PM
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I looked up the link that you provided and was intrigued by the first graph, that shews the US at the top of selected countries. The author(s) didn't put in South Africa, would that be because their murder rate is higher than that of the US? What is also interesting about their graph is the high incidence of African and Hispanic people in the top register. Also they say ".... This is reflected in the U.S. constitution, whose second amendment guarantees that "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Though the application of this amendment applied to maintenance of a militia, and not private gun ownership, the second amendment has been consistently interpreted to protect private ownership of many types of guns...." They appear to lack not only a useful knowledge of English but a disdain for their own Constitution and for their High Court. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 17 January 2015 6:05:41 PM
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"A study by two New York City cardiologists found that the U.S. has 88 guns per 100 people and 10 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people - more than any of the other 27 developed countries they studied." Rather a restricted study, now I just picked the top 14 countries for'Firearm related deaths' and found Honduras 64.80/100,000 population Venezuela 50.90 El Salvador 46.85 and in decreasing numbers till we reach the USA in 14th place with 10.3 Which just goes to shew that the US is a safe place. For details see: Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 17 January 2015 8:58:45 PM
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We must first take the guns off our Govts before dis-arming our populations. Mao murdered 60 million of his own people. Starlin murdered 40 million of his own people. Hitler at least 6 million. Millions killed in Vietnam and Cambodia during those illegal wars. At least 2 million killed in Iraq.180 million people were killed during WW2.
The biggest killers are our own Govts, so we need to disarm them first. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 17 January 2015 10:00:20 PM
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Susieonline has completely missed my point, which is that current rates of firearm homocide in Australia are exactly in line with a trend that began many, many years before the current legislative regime came into effect.
Lionising those involved in 1990s legislation changes serves only to reward the cynical application of political expediency at the expense of completely uninvolved constituents. Hardly a monument to inclusive society. Posted by The Mild Colonial Boy, Saturday, 17 January 2015 11:04:11 PM
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No Mind Colonial Boy, you missed my point!
I used your own data to make my own point, which Legob then took and added his own racist slant to. Legob, it doesn't really matter what race or culture in the US are shooting each other with guns, the fact remains that that country has a huge problem with guns. It seems that arming 2 thirds of the 'law-abiding, God-fearing, gun-loving'" citizens of that country hasn't really helped to keep the crime rate down at all has it? And no, I am not talking about Muslims or terrorists on this thread.....just guns. Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 18 January 2015 2:22:34 AM
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Dear Susioncrack and Plantagenet. If you really are serious about reducing violent crime, here are some interesting statistics that may stimulate some neuronal activity within your vestigial brains as to what should be banned.
Danmark Aftenposten April 16: “Alarming rise in reported rapes in Oslo“: In Oslo, 100 percent of rapes are committed by non-Western immigrants with a “view of women” that makes them rape, according to the leading police officer, Hanne Kristin Rohde. With 76 rapes during the first 91 days of 2012, the number of rapes in Oslo has increased by an alarming 69 percent compared to the same period last year. Daily Telegraph Feb 9 2010 Sydney has Australia's largest proportion of Middle Eastern-born residents, but in a city of more than four million people they still number only about 120,000. Undeniably the community is disproportionately represented in criminal activity. Somalis have five times the crime rate in Victoria and their unemployment rate is four times the national average. London police hold black men responsible for more than two-thirds of shootings and more than half of robberies and street crimes in London, according to figures released by Scotland Yard. In London, in 1983, Blacks made up 13% of the population but accounted for 50% of the crime. U.S. crime statistics found that whereas Blacks made up less than 13% of the population they accounted for 50% of all arrests for assault and murder and 67% of all arrests for robbery. . Blacks assaulted Whites 60 times more frequently than Whites assaulted Blacks. The 1987 U.S. Department of Justice showed that whereas over 97% of White criminals victimized White people, 67% of Black criminals also victimized White people. The White population of 200 million committed 87,029 violent assaults on Blacks while the nearly 30 million Blacks committed 787,660 violent attacks on Whites. This averaged out to 1 out of every 2,298 Whites assaulting a Black and 1 out of every 38 Blacks assaulting a White—a rate about 60 times higher Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 18 January 2015 5:20:14 AM
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Careful there Lego, People on this site don't want the truth, and if they get it, they then turn to the racist card. The undeniable fats are,
In Australia the majority of violent crimes are committed by foreigners and, of these crimes involving a firearm, most are illegal, which in plain black and white says that the gun laws have not prevented criminals from sourcing and/or using guns. They have merely resulted in every day Australians being treated like ciminals themselves simply because they wanted to own a gun. As for Mulslims, racist comment or not, the plain undeniable fct is, they are well imbedded in our societies now and they have one agenda, and that's to one day rule. Of cause I will be accused of being racist, but there is racism and there is realism, it's just that some prefer to bury their heads in the sand. The plain simp,e fact is, that while every Muslim may not be a terrorist, pretty much every terrorist is a Muslim. I just hope that one day, hopefully not too far in the future, we have leaders who see this race for what they really are, and ban them from our peace loving nation before it's too late. That's provided it's not already too late. Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 18 January 2015 6:54:56 AM
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Seems to me this is arse about. Has that thinking worked in reducing illicit drugs ?
Anyone killing someone is already committing an offence, we don't need to make it more of an offence to kill someone. All the guns were illegal, making them more illegal won't help, it acts as a lightning rod for the stupid to say "something is being done" I used to sling a rifle over my shoulder as a teenager, jump on my motorbike and ride out of town to shoot at a friend's property. If I did that today, I would probably be labelled a terrorist and shot by police. I find we've gone beyond stupid into the realms of lunacy. and here's the thing, no I don't own a gun, I have a license but the checks you apply are to onerous for me to bother. I live on property with feral pests and I just let them be. So decent people can't be bothered, lunatics won't be stopped... and that seems reasonable to some... and why I am indeed a stranger in a strange land. Posted by Valley Guy, Sunday, 18 January 2015 10:47:08 AM
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A gun will kill you, regardless of who pulls the trigger.
Make it harder to buy or steal guns, then you are less likely to have problems with them. Guns are only useful for shooting and killing, so no point ranting about cars and knives causing more deaths, which obviously have their other uses. Simple intelligent people. Those who like playing cops and robbers and enjoy the cowardly power of a gun, won't agree. Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 18 January 2015 11:26:35 AM
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You is rarght boyo. Iise is done trading in mar Banjo for a happy go lucky M-60. A ways to ickspress marselve Real man - BIGGER Tool Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 18 January 2015 11:51:25 AM
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Using that logic, Susioncrack, we should take every firearm away from the police and the armed forces, and replace them with frying pans.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 18 January 2015 12:09:01 PM
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Hi Plantagenet.
You seem to be suggesting that my values, attitudes and behaviour conform to a racist stereotype that you have of white people in the south of the USA. I never figured you for a racist, but welcome to the club. Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 18 January 2015 4:49:16 PM
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In search of guns in America's culture - I reckon The RED NEX are a barely discovered delight. Especially at check out: - 50 seconds strawberry blonde singer - 1 min 20 secs blonde riding large robot animal - 2 min 25 secs - blonde large robot rider jumping his bones :) My kind of cultural immersion. Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 18 January 2015 5:03:03 PM
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What about the Zimmerstutzen? Designed for indoor target matches. How do you feel about swords, spears, hunting boomerangs and nulla-nullas ? Should Scotsmen in kilts be prohibited from wearing the dirk and the scian dhu? Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 18 January 2015 9:28:01 PM
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To Is Misee.
It is still the law in York that any Scotsman found within the city limits carrying a bow or a sword may be killed. Posted by LEGO, Monday, 19 January 2015 2:58:12 AM
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We do need some review, especially of stupid laws that achieve nothing.
Now I may go to a licenced firearms dealer and he may hire a firearm to me if I have the appropriate licence. If I tell him that I want it to see how that particular model performs, then that's OK but if I ask him to hire me a particular firearm because I'm interested in buying that particular firearm then it is unlawful for him to hire it to me. Makes sense? Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 19 January 2015 7:22:56 AM
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Anyone who has read Joseph Heller's 'Catch 22' would immediately recognise the awesome lunacy, the Catch 22, of ex-PM John Howard's 'gun control' that (just to give a few examples):
- lists the thousands of law-abiding licensed citizens - those police are most assured will not offend - on police computers as 'Persons of Interest', ominously red-flagging those character-checked, police-certified good citizens as likely dangerous offenders for police mobiles performing routine traffic checks and so on; - empowers and requires police to conduct routine compulsory inspections and questioning of those ordinary, law-abiding, duly licensed citizens in their homes; - diverts the manpower and resources of police weapons branches onto looking over the shoulders of those law-abiding, licensed citizens; - require the same law-abiding, licensed citizens to personally attend local police stations to even get a copy of bureaucratic application forms (the police have to print forms individually after checking the licensed citizen on the police system); and - devotes police resources to registering and recording legally bought and held firearms on the gun registry, which is universally referred to as a White Elephant (it does not record illegal guns because criminals do not register their tools). At this stage it should be unnecessary to state the obvious but here goes with that Catch 22 anyway: none of the 'gun control' regulations, bureaucratic paper chase, random police inspections and so on affect criminals. No prizes for guessing why. Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 19 January 2015 6:13:59 PM
The Gendarme who was guarding the journalists was a trained shooter and reports suggest he only got off two shots from his pistol before he was killed, both of which missed the attackers.