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No contraception, no dole : Comments
By Gary Johns, published 31/12/2014If a person's sole source of income is the taxpayer, the person, as a condition of benefit, must have contraception. No contraception, no benefit.
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Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 1 January 2015 7:06:11 PM
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In Israel health workers were implanting female African migrants with the contraceptive bar without telling them what it was for. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 1 January 2015 7:20:15 PM
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An ideal parent is one from the 1950's & early 1960', we brought up our children on one wage with all the love we could give them, we lived within our means, the house we had was built with a maximum of three thousand pounds, we bought floor coverings and furniture when we could afford them, we only had an endowment payment of a few dollars not the hand outs given today to keep all in the lifestyle they want, remember this was one wage,, mortgage to pay, children to rear, children we had when in our early twentie( cloth nappies to wash) not forty plus as of now,where grandparents are expected to rear them, or sent off for other people to look after them, we survived and our children have had university education, we worked hard to support our family, children new how to play with frugal toys, they were happy, I am sure many other writers here would agree with me of that era and perhaps could enlarge on what I have said, not the me, me society of today where selfishness abounds, and what I can get from the taxpayer, we were a family back then.
When writing I have mentioned males as well as females (Suseonline and others) who think one writes about the female gender only, read the posts Suse, having spoken to a lot of friends today on this subject,all agree, no contraception, no dole, no excuses, be responsible for your own actions. Posted by Ojnab, Thursday, 1 January 2015 7:25:49 PM
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OK, no contraceptive no dole; but supposing the contraceptive fails.
What then? Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 1 January 2015 7:50:10 PM
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"Would you like them to die of neglect and malnutrition that would be sanctioned by our Government?" Of course not, what a sick proposition. I would however like the fathers of these children to accept responsibility for their own offspring. Why would you wish to try to burden me with the decisions others make in their lives? Switching to my inhumanity or lack of care for children is quite disgusting. The focus should be redirected back to those who own their problems.. I don't own their problems and neither do you! Insert yourself into the social issues of others if you insist, but don't drag other Auastralian taxpayers into your twisted ideology. If you wish to side with the takers, at least put your hand in your own pocket rather than insisting that others fund your passion for supporting the children and responsibility of others Posted by spindoc, Thursday, 1 January 2015 8:03:12 PM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by spindoc, Thursday, 1 January 2015 8:40:39 PM
Spindoc, it is all very well to come on all high and mighty when discussing this topic, but if, despite all the warnings re offspring they can't afford to have, some couples still produce them, what to do with the kids?
Would you like them to die of neglect and malnutrition that would be sanctioned by our Government?
Maybe a move to some of the poor nations in Africa would be more to your liking?
We live in a democratic Western country that is reasonably well off....not a third world country.