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Australian multiculturalism now : Comments

By Sev Ozdowski, published 29/12/2014

In the end, the violence committed by Man Haron Monis did not inspire communal hatred, but brought us together.

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If "multiculturalism" was a success it wouldn't have to be defended all the time.

And if this is a multicultural society that tolerates different cultures why is it I'm constantly being told I have to change my ways? Why is my outdoor rural culture not tolerated?

And why do the "multiculturalists" always bang on about "racism"?
What's ethnicity got to do with it?
Or is "ethnicity" what it's really about?
If it's really about changing the ethnic makeup of a country then it's more a form of ethnic cleansing than anything else.
Posted by jamo, Monday, 29 December 2014 2:00:25 PM
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Sev Ozdowski gets his income by being part of the multicultural industry. So when a Muslim "refugee" on the dole does exactly what his prophet orders him to do and declares Jihad on the infidels, then starts shooting Aussies in Martin Place, Sev has to get creative to put a positive spin on it.

This is very hard to do, what with multiculturalism increasingly on the nose in western Europe, primarily because of Muslim terrorism, high Muslim crime rates, and high levels of ethnic welfare dependency. It is getting so bad in Europe, that several prominent western leaders have now publically declared that multiculturalism is dead in their own particular countries. Then, to make matters more difficult for Sev, we have the spectacle of thousands of "western" Muslim jihadis taking off to join ISIL so that they can declare a jihad on the entire western world, and indulge in a little crucifying, beheading, slavery, massacres, and ethnic cleansing. Australians may feel relieved that these creeps no longer live in our country.

So Sev came up with the novel idea that a Muslim "refugee" shooting Aussies in Martin Place is a good thing, because has brought Australians together. He notes that the Muslim leadership in Australia has publically condemned Man Haron Monis. even though these self same Muslim leaders were only two weeks ago condemning Abbot's new terrorism laws because they claimed it unfairly targeted Muslims.

Sev tries on the spin, that both Labor and Liberal governments support multiculturalism. He ignores the fact that immigration of non English speaking people has become so overwhelming, that both sides of parliament feel the need to suck up to the ethnic lobby, and do nothing to offend any of them.

The fact that freedom of speech is now defunct in Australia because of the ethnic lobby's insistence on keeping18C, is something that Sev forgot to mention when he rather surprisingly claimed that multiculturalism supported freedom of speech. He even made the idea of prosecuting Australians who had the effrontery to criticise the behaviour of their new fellow citizens sound like a wonderful idea.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 29 December 2014 4:06:10 PM
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Being the dumb bum that I am, I've had a good look at this multiculturalism model. From the empirical evidence that I've seen, and had in my possession, post the civil wars in The Lebanon. I've deduced that multiculturalism has been a great success. That was of course before many of the Muslims started arriving !

After many of these people left their countries (most were from 'The Lebanon') to resettle here in Australia, our country inexorably started changing ? Those who'd chosen to leave their homelands, because of the various wars, political unrest and the spontaneous sectarian disputation, and other areas of 'explosive' civil violence ? They've come over here, albeit we've extended the hand of welcome and friendship. That really doesn't matter, because since their arrival, they've caused so much trouble, created much of the violence in those areas they decided to settle, contributed to complex religious division(s), annexed peaceful suburb, after peaceful suburb, many of them, now appear much like foreign ghettos, suitable only for some Islamic aspiration and occupation ?

Certainly much too risky, and uninhabitable for any reasonable Australian families. Now suitable only for some nefarious Islamic purposes ? This sadly Doctor Sev OZDOWSKI, is the failed dimension of your erroneous academic model, of Multiculturalism.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 29 December 2014 4:27:21 PM
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O Sung
There are millions of Lebanese and Lebanese descended people in Brazil, Ecuador and Argentina, most of them are Christians but some of the most powerful drug gangs are run by Lebanese. There was a case in 2007 where a Lebanese syndicate was busted moving several tonnes of cocaine from South America into Europe and a money laundering business headed by Lebanese was taken down in Sao Paolo, they'd washed something like $5 billion U.S in drug money.
Organised crime is not so much a Muslim thing as a Lebanese thing, it's alleged that Hezbollah was running guns into Brazil through Christian Lebanese middle men in order to gain hard currency.

Lebanese gangs also control the drug trade in many German cities such as Bremen and Berlin:
Arab gangs in Detroit:
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 29 December 2014 5:12:58 PM
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Ojnab, what advantage would there be in making them become Australian citizens? Surely it would be better if they retained the choice?

jamo, multiculturalism has to be defended from the people who think it's something it isn't.
Posted by Aidan, Monday, 29 December 2014 7:40:44 PM
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Aidan I do not mind so much them retaining their country of origin, but do not expect me to bow down to your way of life you left behind, I am an Australian, no longer of my original Scottish ancestors, if I no longer expect you to don a kilt then do not expect me to become part of your original country traditions or religion, I have a right if not more than you to do as I see the Australian way of life, not your way
When in other countries I respect their way of life , traditions and religion, do nothing to upset that country, I expect the same from you, unfortunately the reverse is happening regardless of what country they come from, stay where you are if you do not want to change and do not expect me to change for you.
Posted by Ojnab, Monday, 29 December 2014 8:30:23 PM
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