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Australian multiculturalism now : Comments

By Sev Ozdowski, published 29/12/2014

In the end, the violence committed by Man Haron Monis did not inspire communal hatred, but brought us together.

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>remove the need for ethnic ghettos<

What need is that?

Where was that need when nations from around the world built the Snowy Mountains scheme?

What happened to the philosophy of requiring new migrants to settle where they were told,; and thus be forced to learn the language, and send their kids to a local school; rather than an ethnically/religiously pure one, replete with a hostile anti western/anti American bias/agenda?

And if it was better back there, then those are the very people we need to reject/ask them to go back to where you came from!
But particularly antisocial groups, unable to leave their social problems behind!

i.e., the Irish (Protestant and Catholic) left Northern Ireland and settled here, to leave the troubles behind them, not to bring them here!

So also must it be for people of (Arab Jew) Middle eastern decent; otherwise, why bother to come here and infect the local culture.

Were we to toughen our stand in this very area, far fewer Man Minos's would be able to come here and sow the seeds of discontent or disharmony, (murder kill) already tough enough to manage in a truly multicultural/cosmopolitan society!

By all means throw the door open, but only for people who genuinely want to become fair dinkum Australians first; and only add their ethnic, curious or quaint culture after that!
And I'd want to thoroughly test the veracity of their claims with space age lie detection equipment first!

Had this been common practice in the States, those Middle Eastern miscreants, who high-jacked and flew airliners into the trade centre (9/11) and elsewhere, wouldn't have gotten past the front door, let alone into a vulnerable airliner!
[Only extremely over inflated egos (we know best) coupled to human error, made that act of extreme terrorism possible!]

Moreover, we only have one marriage partner (particularly where the state may be required to provide basic support) at a time, and female genital mutilation is a crime, not a tolerated custom!

This is Australia, and the new chums need to adapt to our ways, not visa versa!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 29 December 2014 10:13:26 AM
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Only a lefty academic could have written this bit of bumph.

You do seem to be good at picking up taxpayer dollars Sev. Nice academic job, commissioner for this, commissioner for that, & a nice chairmanship now.

I can only wonder just how much you have cost real Ozzies, compared to paper cut-outs that is, with your ratbaggery.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 29 December 2014 10:56:49 AM
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Great stuff!
Remember that Sev was appointed as the chairman of the Multicultural body by Kevin Andrews who is hardly a bleeding-heart leftie.

Perhaps it could be said that such a multi-cultural body reflects the 21st century human situation as described in this essay:
Posted by Daffy Duck, Monday, 29 December 2014 12:24:42 PM
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Thank You Sev Ozdowski for an intelligent and
well reasoned article. I also believe that
Australia is a happier land than most because
of the programs that our consecutive governments have
had the wisdom to install - to help migrants find
their footing in a new land.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 December 2014 12:32:24 PM
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Others have observed that Monis' actions really were an attack on multiculturalism and that the leftist narrative had to be dropped for a couple of days in the interests of public safety.
By the Tuesday afternoon two identitarian blocs had formed in order to present a united front for the media, "Australians" and "Muslims" united to keep the peace.
It's not gone past the notice of a few racists like myself that the CBD of Sydney is actually an Asian city, as is the city of Melbourne, they're more like Shanghai and Singapore in the 1930's than anything of European descent.
The lefties overplayed and badly mismanaged the "backlash" narrative and that's what's spoiled it for a lot of people but it's pretty hard for a White racist to get worked up about an attack on a foreign owned cafe staffed almost entirely by Asians in a city dominated by Chinese and Indian migrants or expats.
The threat posed to multiculturalism was mitigated by proactive (if ad hoc) practical multiculturalism, good for you Sev, slow clap...but it's had no effect upon real Australians.
We'll see how strong the social fabric is when Muslims attack a primary school or a Synagogue or a citizen is beheaded in the street.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 29 December 2014 1:13:10 PM
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All different nationalities should be made to become Australian citizens after five years, if not return to the country you came from, many females marry Australian men but do not want to renounce the country they came from, it is a far better lifestyle here, (they admit that) than what they left behind, but mention the word Australian citizen, definately not.
Posted by Ojnab, Monday, 29 December 2014 1:53:36 PM
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