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Monis and our duty of care : Comments
By Bruce Haigh, published 19/12/2014The result is that there are now many Australians with a refugee background who live with untreated PTS and by so doing pass the condition onto their children, which is also the case for many Australian veterans.
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Posted by Bazz, Friday, 19 December 2014 7:23:35 AM
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Bazz, that post is simply idiotic on every level. Nothing you've said is supported with any evidence and when you make such an exaggerated and completely false comment as "Oh by the way it is Halal to kill, BBQ and eat an apostate" you loose all credibility, if you ever had any.
Also to continually and purposely misspell the word Muslim makes you look stupid. Perhaps its you own little protest but its still dumb. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Friday, 19 December 2014 8:07:44 AM
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the poor gunman had such pts that he raped heaps of woman and helped kill his wife. Nothing to do with ideology. Bruce's hopelessly flawed narrative is quite disgusting.
This man was offered kindness and heaps of welfare not 'cruelty and oppression'. What is Bruce's excuse for the 9/11 murderers some of which were trained doctors (no doubt at Western expense). Bruce and the abc luvvies are more part of the problem not the answer. Having egg all over his face with Morrison stopping the boats his pig headed views dressed in compassion are atrocious. Posted by runner, Friday, 19 December 2014 9:33:01 AM
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Conservative Hippie,
"Also to continually and purposely misspell the word Muslim makes you look stupid. Perhaps its you own little protest but its still dumb" Nothing dumb about spelling Muslim as 'Moslem' it's a perfectly acceptable alternative spelling in English. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 19 December 2014 9:43:57 AM
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We need better screening to keep the patent nut jobs out of our country! That's our real duty of care!
Asylum seekers ought not to destroy critical ID, which if kept, might help support their often very dubious claims. i.e., we know which Afghans worked for us and therefore now need our protection, given they are able to produce credible documents that support their claims! Better entry point screening via the use of space age lie detection, would've prevented this nutter/compulsive liar getting in and among us in the first place. Yet we continue to rely on the same flawed system and self confessed experts, who time and again (human error) have allowed criminals and or very dangerous people to slip through the net. And gun laws need to be changed! Simply put, if just one or two of those law abiding citizens, (officers of the court) were allowed to carry concealed firearms, the only person needing to die, was the recidivist criminal offender/nut job! Places like Switzerland, a virtual armed camp, prove that more guns in law abiding and trained hands just doesn't equate to more gun crime, murders or suicides, than here or places with even tougher gun laws like Japan! And although the anti gun lobby may endlessly claim that the gun used by the nutter was once owned by a law abiding gun owner or dealer, they can present not so much as a single scaric of credible evidence to back their par for the course claims. The gun in this criminal's hands was neither licensed nor lawful; and in all likelihood, passed through neither a licensed gun owner or dealer's hands! When knee-jerk reactions coupled to dogma and ideology, replace reason and logic, the decisions that then flow from that, almost always result in very bad outcomes. Simply put, the anti-gun lobby are more responsible for the death of very decent law abiding and completely innocent citizens, than the nut job who caused their deaths; and years of PTS for the survivors! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 19 December 2014 10:13:17 AM
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It doesn't matter what type of relationship you had with Monis. Where you say Monis was a victim of our society "This neglect represents a significant failure in the duty of care on the part of Australian authorities." Yeah Monis should have had a sweet young leftwing psychologist he could rape. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 19 December 2014 10:16:47 AM
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Obviously living for any length of time in Pakistan and Afghanistan can send anyone mad.
This bloke has about as much loyalty to Oz citizens as Monis. My guess is he found the burqa a very fetching form of attire, & secretly wants to see Oz ladies so clothed. Well either that or he's a nut case, although I suppose both, simultaneously, are possible. It really does make you wonder who is choosing our diplomatic staff. This bloke, Rudd, it really does look as if the selection criteria has gone very wrong. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 19 December 2014 11:37:18 AM
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HipCon, before you sound off at my stupidity I suggest you examine
your own, What I quoted re apostates was a quote from either the Hadith or the Koran, I can't remember which. It was only a couple of days ago so I will try and remember where I read it, so just settle down and wait while I see if I can remember it. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 19 December 2014 11:54:44 AM
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'Bruce the goose' once again emerges from his dusty little nest and pontificates about issues that he has absolutely no fundamental understanding whatsoever ! The fact he's had a couple of diplomatic postings in Islamic countries, has obviously whet his enthusiasm for Islamic ideology and lifestyle. Perhaps with his uniquely specialised knowledge of Pakistan, he may be well placed to locate a lovely home in say, Lahore or Karachi if he doesn't mind the noise or pollution ?
To even comment on the fact this individual is suffering from some form of PTS as a result of his inability to assimilate into Australian culture or as a consequence of his apparent criminal activities in Iran, well is patently absurd, but considering it's from 'Bruce the goose' well...? Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 19 December 2014 11:58:47 AM
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Well ConHip, I have not found the original quote but I have found
another article on it from the Al-Azahr university which has placed that ruling in school text books. So the highest recognised educational university in Islam believes cannibalism is OK provided you do not eat moslims. I note someone else picked you up on my spelling. What did you say ? Posted by Bazz, Friday, 19 December 2014 12:13:27 PM
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Cont: Yes, perhaps due to the collapsing economy in Egypt and the loss
of subsidies for food, tourists should be careful of hungry Egyptians ! Posted by Bazz, Friday, 19 December 2014 12:17:25 PM
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Dear Bruce
We need to say categorically and on reflection that we were mis-informed regarding any relationship with Monis. This is in view of reports at lunchtime today of death threats against some in the judiciary who decided to free Monis on bail. All goes to show pillars of our society, be they liberal lawyers or liberal journalists, can make mistakes. Furthermore given the antipathy between Hindus and Muslims in South Asia it is a question mark whether Hindu Tamil refugees appreciate being lumped in with Muslim refugees. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 19 December 2014 12:24:34 PM
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the sort of people experiencing pts Bruce Posted by runner, Friday, 19 December 2014 2:32:52 PM
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99.9% of Muslims choose to live their whole lives in their birthplace and staying on the good side of Al Shabab, the Taliban or Al Nusra or for that matter the Sri Lankan Police is no more taxing for a pious Muslim than it is for any other law abiding person. What's the common sob story? "I've been threatened by the Taliban!", so what? Threats, violence and intimidation are everyday occurrences when you're poor, it's only middle class White people who've never had a hand laid on them and who have no idea how the world works who fall for these sad stories of "persecution". I'll wager the author has never lived on a housing commission estate or in a dirt poor rural community, never had to live side by side with drug addicts and people who are so dumb and unpredictable that anything you say to them can trigger an outburst of violence. What's it like to live in the Banlieus of Paris or the tower blocks of Warsaw or Glasgow? Should we give those people asylum as well? Maybe a diagnosis of PTSD and a proven background of extreme poverty or neglect should be a black mark against an asylum claim, not a free pass? After all we don't see a stampede of silly White bourgeoisie to live among the mentally disturbed and brain damaged housos at Olympic Village or Hampton, why do they want disturbed Afghans and Tamils living in the Carlton and Fitzroy flats? It's actually funny, I had a client in Fitzroy tell me the other week that the Aboriginals and Sudanese from Atherton Gardens will always put a brake on gentrification down there because the "Yuppies" are scared of them, so there's some element of "biological warfare" in play on the part of old school inner city dwellers who want to hold on to their turf LOL Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 19 December 2014 4:33:03 PM
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You have to hand it to Bruce Haigh, he definitely comes from a parallel universe.
Bruce has a problem. He unequivocally supports the idea that anyone who claims to be a refugee should simply come to Australia and impose themselves on the Australian community. But hundreds of those supposed "refugees" have declared war on the Australian community, and hundreds, perhaps thousands, are openly supporting those that have done so. So, Bruce has to blame somebody or something for this. Bruce will never blame the "refugees" or their religion, even though Islam's teachings are self evidently hostile to Australians. Bruce is left with no choice except to blame the Australians. "We" are not doing enough to help the poor refugees. The poor buggers are all suffering from PTSD and Australians have to spend a lot more taxpayer money helping them Or, it is only understandable that they will kill and bomb us. It is all our fault. Bruce appears to be a pathological altruist who can never bring himself to criticise any minority for anything. And he thinks that taxpayer money will solve any social problem. If any minority becomes a serious social problem, just keep throwing money at them until we live in multicultural splendour. If the problem persist, then that just proves that not enough taxpayer money was used to solve it. Bruce has a few problems with that analysis. First, the taxpayers are somewhat leery of forever blowing their money fixing problems that people like Bruce created with their absolutist humanitarianism. Secondly. taxpayers could ask why only Muslims get PTSD? Hundreds of thousands of traumatised post war immigrants from Europe did not declare Jihad on Australia even though their economic circumstances and abodes after arrival were usually not anywhere near as pleasant as those of our new arrivals. Man Haron Monis and Abdul Haider are poster boys for everything that is wrong with Australia's refugee policies, and Bruce will never admit that. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 20 December 2014 6:04:03 AM
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Good one LEGO
Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 20 December 2014 9:00:18 AM
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Its simple, Multiculturalism destroys any country it touches. We should return to a white Australia only policy.
Posted by ozzie, Saturday, 20 December 2014 12:05:51 PM
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HI there LEGO...
Don't be fooled by BRUCE'S diplomatic antecedents, he was quite low down the totem pole in all his F/A postings, and like many wannabe's he feels somewhat unappreciated for the work he did accomplish on station. Now he's relatively unshackled and free to speak out of his views and convictions, OLO is his preferred vehicle for him to do so, eh BRUCE ? Still, we're all entitled to express an opinion. Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 20 December 2014 12:33:58 PM
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What are you going to do about the white Muslims? Perhaps you could define 'white' for us. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 20 December 2014 2:25:23 PM
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Is Mise,
You know who's White, that's why you're posing a rhetorical question in order to bog Ozzie down in a pointless digression. This article answers any questions you might have and frames the discussion in purely racist terms: Is Islam Good for the Whites? A brief Summary: 1. Assuming Islam is Arab Supremacist, how would that save whites? It places them in a servile position, forfeiting any achievements to their Arab masters. 2. Assuming it actually IS Universalist, how would that save whites? Isn’t Universalism the thing we are trying to escape from? 3. Besides Christianity (which is itself inclusive) what religion meets this criteria? I can’t think of any religion that could suitably save and unite the white race. Certainly not Paganism, after all which European pantheon would we choose? Maybe the solution isn’t going to be found in Religion. Maybe Islamophilia is just another form of white Messianic hope. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 20 December 2014 7:55:03 PM
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I do know what white is but does Ozzie. It's always best to have similar definitions to work from, my definition of white has nothing to do with skin colour , 'whites' come in many hues. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 20 December 2014 8:21:44 PM
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Giday Bruce
Here's your poor victim of society Monis the mercifully Dead Terrorist Enjoy Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 20 December 2014 8:49:53 PM
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Is Mise,
Well that's the point isn't it? Everyone in Australia has access to White privilege whatever their race, some choose to take advantage of it and lead a normal life others are attracted to outside schools of thought and rebellion. Maram Susli (AKA Syriangirl) has taken advantage of White privilege and earned the respect of many people even though she's Arabic, Muslim and an immigrant, Nick Folkes of the Party For Freedom has thrown his White privilege away and become a pariah even though he's wholly European and was born here Whiteness should be seen as an aspiration or world's best practice if you like, it's accessible to anyone who is willing to obey the law of the land and treat themselves and others with respect. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 21 December 2014 5:41:17 AM
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I have got to hand it to Craig, not a single mention of Islam or extremist. Suddenly Craig has decided that on the back of a throw away comment from Monis's lawyer that he must be suffering from PTSD, and this nasty business could have been avoided if the authorities had just been nicer to him.
Most of what appeared to motivate this whacko was his Islamic extremism and his hatred of the West. This fruitcake was on the run in Iran not because he was being persecuted for trying to trying to spread peace and democracy, but because he was too extreme even for the Iranians. While I generally steer away from those fond of Mossi bashing, I feel that the left's frantic attempts to airbrush any suggestion that Islamic extremism might have been the prime motivation for this nutjob to launching a one man jihad to take and kill hostages in a copycat bloodbath of which Islamic extremist are so fond. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 8:18:16 AM
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Shadow Minister
Given Bruce Haigh wrote the offending article - who is Craig? Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 8:21:58 AM
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Sorry, Brain freeze, I meant Haigh. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 23 December 2014 9:53:09 AM
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Does Islam attract unstables or does Islam produce unstables? There seems to be a direct link between mental instability and Islam.
Posted by SILLER, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 7:39:30 PM
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I very much doubt whether mental instability
in any one can be blamed on any particular religion. Mentally disordered people are not concerned with reality. Their behaviour can range from irrational depression to delusions, hallucinations, and very fractured forms of thought and speech. Their behaviour can be unpredictable, incomprehensible, and often frightening to others, making mutual social interaction very difficult or even impossible. To complicate matters there are many mental disorders that have no known physical cause or definitive symptoms. This means that there is rarely a simple, clinical test to determine if and how someone is mentally disordered. Instead, the decision depends on the opinion of trained observers - who frequently disagree among themselves. We've had quite a few tragic cases of violence from mentally disturbed people in this country. Port Arthur springs to mind as does the murder of the eight children up North, just to name two incidents. Nothing can undo this latest tragedy. However, Australians opened their hearts and arms in the wake of this shock siege - and that is at least something good that has come out of this tragedy. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 December 2014 7:28:36 PM
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<Port Arthur springs to mind>
NO. Martin Bryant had marginal IQ but he was not mentally disturbed. That is fact, no debate at all. He is an evil S.O.B., that is all. <as does the murder of the eight children up North> Where is the evidence that the offender suffered any sort of serious mental condition that is blameworthy for that terrible crime? Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 26 December 2014 7:36:49 PM
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cont'd ...
I forgot to add that this nation had numerous mental institutions in every state long before the topic of "Islam" came into focus and most of the inmates were anything but Muslim. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 December 2014 7:39:30 PM
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Bryant is currently serving 35 life sentences plus 1,035 years without parole in the Psychiatric Wing of Risdom Prison in Hobart. He's had mental problems all of his life. Try Wikepedia - and Google the information for yourself. As far as the murders of the children are concerned - again - Google the information of the unfortunate mother. There's quite a lot on the web about the case in the Daily Mail - including the mothers "belief" that mobile phones are the work of the devill. I'm sure you'd have to agree that most mothers do not kill their own children or those related to them. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 December 2014 8:03:02 PM
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I would suggest that anyone who commits homicides in the name of any invisible being, a devil or a God, would surely have to have a degree of mental instability, even if they had never been formally diagnosed?
How many times have we heard the phrases "The Devil made me do it?", or "God spoke to me and told me to kill them"? Muslims are no different to any other humans in that they suffer from the same delusions of mental illness as anyone else. I agree with Foxy. If Martin Bryant is in a Criminally Insane institution there is no doubt he is insane! Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 27 December 2014 1:38:57 PM
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"....If Martin Bryant is in a Criminally Insane institution there is no doubt he is insane!" Piffle! Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 27 December 2014 7:10:59 PM
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Bryant had low intelligence that is all. No need to re-write history. Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 27 December 2014 7:26:07 PM
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OMG Is Mise and OTB, did you two know Martin Bryant?
If not, how do you know what his mental state was or is now? If he is in a Criminally insane unit I guess the police psychiatrists could have been wrong, and you two right.? Wait! What is that? Pigs are flying by..... Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 28 December 2014 12:49:56 AM
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This is not a question of "rewriting history." The information is already availble. This is a question of discussing and attempting to find out - what caused this disturbed young man who was prone to violence since childhood to become a mass murderer and try to find out what could have been done to prevent the tragedy. The same applies to the Monis case. There are questions that need answering as our Prime Minister indicated. There's a book that may clarify things for you: "A Dangerous Mind: What turned Martin Bryant into a Mass Murderer," by Robert Wainwright and Paola Totano. I hope this helps. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 December 2014 9:24:24 AM
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For get the speculative stuff, precisely what evidence do you have that Hobart Supreme Court Judge William Cox erred in his judgement? Because the court found that Martin Bryant was NOT insane at the time of his offence. To add, there was no evidence prior to the offence either, unless you claim superior skills to his medical advisers. Suseonline, "If he is in a Criminally insane unit I guess the police psychiatrists could have been wrong, and you two right.?" You can leave out the bellicose sarcasm. What mental state Bryant is in now after his goal time is irrelevant. I put to you the same question that was put to Foxy, what evidence do you have that Hobart Supreme Court Judge William Cox erred in his judgement? Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 28 December 2014 9:40:04 AM
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Hobart Supreme Court Judge William Cox gave Bryant 35 life sentences plus 1,035 years without parole and recommended that Bryant should remain in prison until he dies. Cox placed Bryant in a secure mental health unit - that houses inmates with serious mental illnesses. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 December 2014 10:07:52 AM
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Admit you were wrong and move on Onthebeach.
Why is that so hard for you? Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 28 December 2014 11:15:35 AM
small percentage of those arriving here.
There is a smell of asylum shopping involved.
The real problem is the incompatibility of our societies and Islam.
Pray tell me, where is there a non Islamic country that has received
significant numbers of molems that is not having problems with moslems ?
They cannot even reject their religion if they wish without punishment
including death.
Oh by the way it is Halal to kill, BBQ and eat an apostate !