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Abbott's Australia: country of lost opportunity : Comments

By Dino Cesta, published 9/12/2014

Abbott appears more interested in reintroducing knighthoods than re-engineering Australia for the twenty first century to ensure future prosperity for all, as distinct to a select few, Australians.

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Somehow I knew this article would degenerate into a nutty Climate Change rant and I wasn't disappointed.

Every time I hear a Lefty praising China, usually about their environmental efforts, I have a good chuckle. Here is a country who has stolen much of its information from US companies, treats its citizens like swill and are focussed on militarism and bullying smaller Asian nations with an expansionist foreign policy. But the Left care not. The Chinese don't care about the environment and resist transparency in relation to their environmental efforts. They simply want money from the West under the guise of Climate money to further their nationalistic ambitions but don't want anyone to know how its spent.

They have been building coal fired power stations like there is no tomorrow.They now have one quarter of the worlds coal fired power stations. All they do is promise to become "greener" and the Left swoon and froth at the mouth in praise.

California and Spain nearly went broke by becoming "greener". California has upwards of 15% unemployment and Spain is still a basket case with 25% unemployment. Going "green" is an economy killer. China knows it and the string along the gullible Left politicians with hollow promises while pushing ahead with their own expansion.
Posted by Atman, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 9:58:56 AM
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Australia could of lead the world in Pollution reduction Technologies
We had the head start
Better Solar Panels / Electric cars (nice Holden complex to use )
New Technologies not even Developed Yet
Then we could of Sold this to the World
Attracted Many/Many Dollars in Research and Development
But no we decided to look after Gina
It Doesn't matter if you Believe in the Science we have missed a huge opportunity

The World will go green one-day and we will be forced to pay through the nose for all our energy
Posted by Aussieboy, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 10:26:50 AM
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Very true Aussieboy.
Who to believe though?

Do we believe the world's economists and scientists, or do we believe people like our resident OLO Ol' Boys who blame feminists, non-whites, non -Christian, University educated, non-tradies and....well....ALL females really, for the world's problems?

Yet, they seem to like Abbott......a University graduate. I suppose he ticks all the other boxes though.
Go figure.
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 11:01:15 AM
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more Abbottphobia as well as criticism for not adopting the climate cha nge religion. No amount of failed predicitions, corruption, contradictory information can move those who need this 'moral ' cause. Just shows when a society trashes truth they then need to adopt a quasi religion. Look at the backers and you will realise why they need this 'moral'cause.

btw did it the Greens try and block an increase to petrol prices. What outright hypocrites. Scotty should of also said that they would refuse to be lectured by Labour/Greens on religion as well as immigration.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 12:12:54 PM
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Hi Suseonline

Don't get me started on Abbott. In a moment of wrong-headed weakness I voted for the Liberals (Sept 2013). The result(?) after a cruel attempted Budget and counter-terrorism hysteria (the Night of the 800 Police Raiders for 1 lasting arrest) we are again at war in the Middle East.

The only thing that keeps me going are my shares in Chinese car companies. It is projected that China will be producing 30+ million autos next year. A boom pollution causing industry that any develping, smoke-stack, country would be proud of.

Funny that the types who praise China's climate change Declarations (who don't study the Actions) are the types who praised Mao's "quaint Asian Communism".

The conclusion? We shouldn't follow political extremes, be they Abbott-Hockey rightwingers, climate change extremists or China's hybrid capitalist-left.

Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 12:43:23 PM
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Oh god, here we go again. Don't you people ever follow the actual facts?

Germany is going broke on it's fool rush into alternate energy, & is rushing the building of a dozen BROWN coal fed power houses just as quickly as it can go, before the lights go out. A good cold spell is all it requires, after billions wasted on windmills & solar panels. It's power is twice the price of France.

The UK will have the lights go out in a cold spell this winter too. They even have all the emergency diesel generators in factories, hospitals & high rise offices, primed to start up to keep the lights on. If CO2 really does warm the place, they will be generating enough to not need heaters.

The factories will have to shut of course, to keep power to the voters, but who needs jobs in a lefty ratbag system of renewable energy.

Of course Dino would employ every one on a gallery, or a film festival, provided the taxpayer subsidise them. Who needs real jobs.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 1:03:07 PM
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Abbott’s Australia is like a ship without a rudder. Policy laden with barnacles, and cigar smoking fat cat’s.
2014 was ragged and torn with self confessions, backflifs, and watered down compromises, but it’s steady as she goes we can only hope we don’t drown in a tsunami of debt.
If we manage to stay upright in 2015, with a new budget due in may we can only hope and pray for different authors to guide us through the hazards we are headed for.
Calmer waters are not due until November 2016, if we can survive a never ending battering from relentless and uncaring higher-achy who are in charge of the good ship lollypop
Posted by 579, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 1:07:35 PM
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You may of noticed I said Pollution not carbon , This focus on carbon is killing the whole debate, Let's see if any of you skeptic's can deny we have pollution problems, Air/Water land.
I am talking about lost opportunity world wide we had a start and we blew it.
So focus on calling each other idiot's I for 1 know 100% We have Deep rooted Pollution Problems Do any of you deny this ?

As for Mr Abbott all I can say is I told you So When he first ran for office, You voted for him , Since then We have lost so many Job's, upset so many neighbor's and now he is selling out the country on free trade deals.
His one Claim to fame is stopping boat's, He is using the NAVY Do you guy's understand the cost involved in this the total waste of resources to do this I guess not, We need a dedicated Coast guard for this operation to be even slightly viable, It's like using a nuclear bomb to hammer a nail in. But go on and argue about Carbon it is all you guy's seem to do Around and around in circles
Posted by Aussieboy, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 1:23:24 PM
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Atman, those who criticise China's construction of coal fired power stations usually use it as an excuse to do nothing, and conveniently ignore the fact that China was shutting down old power stations much faster than building new ones. And they're investing more in renewables than anyone else.

I'm no fan of the Chinese government, but that doesn't mean we should ignore the things that they got right. They are competent economic managers, and when they decide to do something, they get it done.

BTW it wasn't going greener that almost sent California broke.

"Funny that the types who praise China's climate change Declarations (who don't study the Actions) are the types who praised Mao's 'quaint Asian Communism'"

Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 2:05:43 PM
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Hi Aidan


Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 3:05:23 PM
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The claim Abbott is on his own in relation to climate change doesn't stack up with the facts. The repeal of the carbon tax bought Australia in line with the US and Canada, the two countries most similar to us.
We maintain a commitment of a 5% cut in our carbon emissions which is more than China or the US, even after Obama's agreement with China.
Posted by Anthony P, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 8:42:09 PM
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Our resources should have been our nest egg for future generations to draw upon for the extras in life most of us wish fir, but simply can't provide for ourselves. Instead, they have become the very back bone of our survival fir the day to day needs of the people and, they are struggling to now do that.

When you see wages fir say electricians go from $27 per hour around 1999, to upwards od $250 K per year,and working only six months at that, something had to give.

We have simply allowed ourselves to become non productive and over paid to the point whereby there is no return. Welcome to our new world, one where we take as much as we can, for as little effort as possible.

If only it were sustainable it would be the prefect fairy tale.

God help us if we either loose mining, or allow some within our ranks to chase it from our shores because if we really want to taste tough times, this is the way to do it.

While the Chinese might be buying the farm now, given time we will be begging them to take over because we won't be able to afford the costs.

As for Abbott, I'd like to see him with the billions to spend that were wasted by Labor.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 10 December 2014 11:04:34 AM
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You must remember its a 2 speed economy atm yes some big pays but also a lot of low pay's as well 2014 $17-20 per hour don't go far
+ huge number of unemployed
It's the system that broken blaming this gov or that does nothing
Huge waste was Mr rabbits catch phase this still hasn't been proven correct ( he had to throw in house loans to boost the numbers up)
But where did all this wasted money go ? Back into the economy I do wonder what situation we would of been in without that splurge
Not defending Labour as they are Just as bad with this towing the Party line crap. We need Serious change in the way we govern
It will not come from Liberal or Labour So who ?I like many Australian's are wondering where do we go from here now. Do we vote next time for either of these Idiot or do we vote for independents to possibly force some change in the future.
Posted by Aussieboy, Wednesday, 10 December 2014 11:20:33 AM
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We are told of the looming deficit at 50 Billion, by the time it is due it will be 75 Billion.
Abbott had it all planned out, so what happened. All that has happened so far is Abbott stacking money on to the debt pile. Cutting incoming money programs, all for what, more deficit. And no results.
Unemployment is the worst for around 9 years. And it will take years to bring employment back to where it was, and that is without further unemployment.
We have been led up the garden path with this govt; in more ways than one, we are worse of now than we have been for quite some years.
Business confidence has now fallen away, and something needs to happen. Remember Abbott saying interest rates need to be lifted, well we are assured of another two rate cuts shortly.
The senate has no confidence in the Abbott Credlin alliance
Can we afford to let this situation carry on, or do we need an election.
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 10 December 2014 12:10:14 PM
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Another ridiculous article for the Abbott fixated, who ignore the mess which Labor makes when in power, and whine about Abbott, who achieves the objectives which he was voted in to implement.
It was only when the Coalition reversed Labor’s policy of leaving our wealth in the ground that we had a resources boom.

Dino starts with the tired nonsense of Donald Horne, and proceeds to his support of the climate change fraud.

Carbon dioxide is a beneficial gas, vital to all life on Earth. It is colourless and odourless, so is in no way a pollutant. Abbott is correct in referring to mainstream climate science as “absolute crap”, and ditching the carbon tax makes Australia a world leader in dealing with climate fraud. It is disappointing that we contribute to climate liar Obama’s green fund, but time may reveal this as a necessary strategy, and not effectively a support of climate fraud.

Human emissions contribute only 3 per cent of atmospheric CO2, and there is no science to demonstrate any measurable effect of human emissions on climate.

You need to re-think your nonsense, Dino
Posted by Leo Lane, Tuesday, 16 December 2014 2:47:40 PM
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