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Don't lift taxes to fix the budget : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 10/12/2014

Moreover, the tax-to-GDP ratio is higher in Australia than in many countries with which we compete for investment and skilled workers, including South Korea and the United States.

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Comparing Aus to Sth Korea & the USA is interesting -

Sth Korea is a much smaller country geographically with twice the population. The USA is similar to, or even worse than, Australia in terms of having multiple states with multiple levels of govt (hardly any small govt in either place, despite the libertarians desire for such while lauding the USA).

Blame-shifting to Labor & the Greens is disingenuous, as is talking about a 'tax "burden"' and some nebulous "politics of envy."

The notion that modest increases in taxation to address the Primary issue of lower govt revenue, such as modest income tax increases, would cause "huge damage" is also spurious.

Especially when the Howard and Rudd (Mk 1) govts reduced taxation: many people were commenting on media sites & comment-pages such as Online Opinion they would rather the govt didn't provide tax cut and put the money to infrastructure and services (such as education and health).

Employing more ATO staff is hardly a big issue, if one at all.

The issue of "a Commonwealth tax on mining encroaching on the States' tax base" is best dealt with by doing away with the States level-of-govt
Posted by McReal, Wednesday, 10 December 2014 9:43:56 AM
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My point about the Howard-Costello tax cuts are highlighted by these articles -

The effects of the Bush-era tax cuts are highlighted by these articles -
Posted by McReal, Wednesday, 10 December 2014 10:02:18 AM
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Nonsense about Australia being high taxed. It is low taxed; second lowest of 22 OECD countries, at about 28% of GDP.

To increase tax take, Government should first do away with the unfair middle class and corporate welfare given by the Howard Govt:
- Negative gearing on established homes
- taxing only half of profits made from speculation - shares and property

This would deliver over $6 billion

- Reduce the amount per year that high income people can put away in superannuation at 15% rather than their marginal tax rate. It should be a few thousand voluntary contributions not 50,000 - that would deliver several billion more in tax.

The above points are recommended by the Murray Inquiry

- Index and increase fuel tax. Coalition has my support in bringing back indexation. This 'user pays' tax would also mitigate traffic congestion

- Introduce a modest but increasing- revenue neutral carbon tax on electricity generation and vehicle fuel, starting at about $12/ tonne CO2e; this works well and is popular in the Canadian state of British Columbia.

Carbon trading schemes are unstable and open to rorts - a tax is far more efficient and gives more certainty to investors

The above two taxes are avoidable i.e. can be more than offset by being more energy efficient. They are the fairest and most effective type of tax because they are 'user pays', pro-rata.

Levying a GST on groceries and necessities thus mostly effecting the least well-off is the worst way to get more tax.
Posted by Roses1, Wednesday, 10 December 2014 10:39:49 AM
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Right on Roses!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 10 December 2014 2:28:09 PM
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"Nonsense about Australia being high taxed. It is low taxed; second lowest of 22 OECD countries, at about 28% of GDP. "

We have already established the dishonesty and stupidity of that argument.

According to your theory, if the tax rate was 100% - i.e. total slavery - then a country with a tax rate of 99% would "not be highly taxed".

Why did you repeat that argument, when you know it is wrong? Why don't you care that what you're saying is untrue. Plus you've done this in other threads, knowing that something is untrue, and still saying it. Admit that what you're saying is stupid and dishonest, and you knew it was when you said it.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Wednesday, 10 December 2014 10:39:01 PM
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Jardine, though a 100% tax rate would mean total lack of economic opportunity, it wouldn't equate to total slavery, as it would not destroy our right to choose what we do or don't do. And as OECD membership has been strongly associated with economic success, comparison with its other members is entirely aporopriate.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 10 December 2014 11:57:45 PM
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'Untrue, stupid, liar' - words you have repeatedly used in response to my posts, with no provocation from me. You wouldn't have the guts to say them to my face.
These are the words of a troll and loser. Your posts containing such insults will elicit no response from me other than to call you out for what you are.

A certain political leader we all know - Tony Abbott - used the same tactics - CALLING 'LIAR' - with the help of 2UE. That leader has proved to be just that - through breaking many of his election commitments - and the opinion polls are treating him accordingly.

Your accusations are remarkably similar to his. Those who keep calling people they disagree with 'liars' are usually liars themselves.

So my advice to you is to give yourself a break and desist.
Posted by Roses1, Thursday, 11 December 2014 12:42:40 AM
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Good points McReal.

The Bush/ Howard tax cuts/ breaks for the rich 1% were installed in a crazy binge before the neoliberals' trickle down economic theory was discredited by the GFC melt down. In the US this left the country with huge government deficits (taxpayers bailing out the banks) which is slowly being paid off due to Obama's winding back of some of the Bush tax cuts.

Re taxation in the USA - it is complex, with states levying many different taxes. I am currently staying in New York State. It levies income tax of 4 - 8.8% plus sales taxes of 4% with up to 5% more added by some counties, in addition to property and other taxes. States also levy different rates of fuel tax and estate taxes.

People, particularly retirees move from interstate to get lower taxes.

It appears that the Coalition wants the states to do more taxing in Australia. I don't think it would be a good thing but would like to know what others think.

PS It is even more expensive to live in the US than in Australia. You pay through the nose for most things except for fuel which is only about $1/ L. Restaurant meals are expensive plus you pay tips even though the waiters are only getting a few dollars per hour. My grandson had a small cut on his forehead stitched and the bill was $5,600!. Some people are engaged in legal gouging / robbery. God forbid that we allow that to happen in Australia. Their fully privatized health system costs twice as much for poorer outcomes; 'Obamacare' is mitigating that to some extent but the system is still broken.
Posted by Roses1, Thursday, 11 December 2014 2:38:07 AM
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Dear Roses,

<<My grandson had a small cut on his forehead stitched and the bill was $5,600!>>

The reason for that is regulation: why are only medical doctors allowed to stitch wounds? Having such a cartel backed by criminal law, is why they can charge whatever they like.

Medicare is a conspiracy between government and the powerful AMA (perhaps even more powerful than government itself). If ordinary people could legally do their own stitching and get their own medication, then competition would force doctors to improve, reduce red-tape and serve their clients/patients directly instead of their patrons in government.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 11 December 2014 6:36:55 AM
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Yes, indeed, implicit in the author's arguments is the perennial favourite of Neo-liberal ideologues, that tax is a 'burden' ie public goods and services have no utility.
Conservative politicians could also save taxpayers' funds by stopping subsidies for private schools and stopping soft loans to farmers who cannot survive droughts. They should practise what they preach.

Some plebs have finally realised that 'fixing the budget' is just camouflage for an attack on social democracy.
Posted by mac, Thursday, 11 December 2014 7:53:24 AM
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