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Skirt-fronting Putin can help eradicate Islamic state crisis : Comments
By David Singer, published 23/10/2014Ms Bishop - meeting Putin again in Brisbane on the sidelines of the G20 Summit - could be the catalyst persuading Putin to back a Security Council resolution to eradicate the Islamic State.
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Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 23 October 2014 9:25:56 AM
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If PM Abbott gets his chance to speak with President Putin in Brisbane, he might want to ask about the lack of satellite imagery showing a ground-to-air missile, the lack of eye witness accounts reporting the vapour trail left by a missile, the lack of any air-traffic controllers report from the Kiev station, the presence of large bullet holes in the crashed remains of MH17 as it lay on the ground after it came down and eye witness accounts of two planes in the sky that day. Unless Abbott goes into any meeting with Putin better prepared than he has so far indicated himself to be, instead of "shirt-fronting" he may end up losing his shirt. As for stopping the growth of ISIS, I have no doubt Russia would be more than willing to lend a hand as one of the future directions of ISIS could well be north into the Caucasus and into Central Asia. But is the aim of getting Russia to join the fight against ISIS really to get help to take down Al-Assad in Syria and then to dismember Iran? If so, that agenda might not be in Russia's interest. Posted by halduell, Thursday, 23 October 2014 10:42:30 AM
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Dear David,
<<Australia - also currently a member of the United Nations Security Council - should be increasingly concerned at the lack of a specific Security Council Resolution authorising the use of force against IS.>> But have no worries - the Messiah will come sooner and solve all problems, definitely sooner than they would! <<Only a UN Security Council mandated force - backed by Russia - can degrade and destroy IS and end what has become a crisis of increasing international concern.>> Is this the same criminal organisation which supported the genocides in Rwanda and Darfur? That same organisation who invited Ahmadinejad as key speaker on "human rights" that you are talking about? So you actually expect a Mafia like this to fight their brothers in the IS? After watching this movie - , you will be ashamed that Australia has a seat on that council or indeed anything to do with them. You will also feel ashamed of making references to this rogue organisation in support of Israel and its right to exist. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 23 October 2014 11:21:41 AM
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Almost as possible as to get pro Russian sympathizers to stick to the actual facts, instead of the highly sanitized Russian version of events! Just don't hold your breath!
Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 23 October 2014 12:16:55 PM
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And what facts would those be, Rhrosty? Do you have any facts to account for the lack of satellite imagery showing a ground-to-air missile on the day MH17 went down, or the lack of eye witness accounts reporting the vapour trail always left by a missile such as that reportedly used to down the airliner, or the lack of any air-traffic controllers report from the Kiev station, or the presence of large bullet holes in the crashed remains of MH17 as it lay on the ground after it came down, or eye witness accounts of two planes being in the sky that day. If you do, please share.
Posted by halduell, Thursday, 23 October 2014 12:32:58 PM
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This is the biggest load of rubbish I' ve read to date on OLO. Which country has the track record for aggression since WW2 ? By far it is the USA.
Russia was part of this New World Order concept until Vladimir Putin decided to nationalise energy and kick the Rothschild Central Bankers out of Russia. The countries which now do not have a Rothschild Bank controlled central bank,include Russia ,China,Venesuela ,Iceland , North Korea, Iran, Hungry,and Cuba .Notice how all these countries are demonised ? Lybia was the other country which had not a Rothschild controlled central bank .Gadaffi was working on an African currency backed by gold. The New World Order of fascism is falling apart and people like David Singer are clasping at straws. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 23 October 2014 1:01:52 PM
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Hey halduell
Bet you can't prove that it wasn't MH17 that smashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. I hear from Russian Intelligence that Putin demolished the North Tower all by his-selfie. Petrovko Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 23 October 2014 3:12:56 PM
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Hi David Singer
Where you say "The idea that China and Iran should offer any help to Iraq outside the American-led coalition – which itself is operating without Security Council authorisation – seems a recipe for disaster." raises some issues. Fortunately for Iran the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Ibrahim_al-Jaafari, is from a Shiite faction that has been well disposed to Iranian support for decades. "[Ibrahim_al-Jaafari] left for Iran in 1980 and became involved in the movement against Saddam Hussein there as part of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq where he represented the Islamic Dawa Party." see Iran has also been providing manpower and direction, via undercover Iranian Revolutionary Guards, for the Iraqi Government's shadow army - the Shiite militias - particularly since US forces largely withdrew in 2011. Iranian miltary units in Iraq have also provided more open assistance to those Iraqis who are Shiite . So I understand opposing Iran is very much an objective of Israeli foreign policy. However Iranian interests, money and personnel are very much operating in Iraq along Shiite sectarian lines. The Shiites are currently dominant now just as the the Sunnis were under Saddam...with the West returning to the Long War in Iraq to prevent the wrong type of Sunnis from rising again. About the only positive note are the Kurds, who have worked with and occasionally been trained by the Israelis. Regards Pete Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 23 October 2014 8:08:36 PM
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'morning David,
I can't ever remember agreeing with any of your articles in the past however, relatively speaking, this is a balanced article and I quite enjoyed it. The USA has faired badly, in reputational terms, in trying to be the worlds policeman. IMHO they have done their fair share of heavy lifting and have paid a heavy price in all respects. It is high time that the Arab nations stopped playing the victim card and started trying to solve the many problems they have been instrumental in creating. If they are supported by such as Russia then fine. The Islamic terrorists have demonstrated their willingness to die for their causes and I have no problem in assisting them. There is no negotiating with them, they renege on any deal that has the potential of preventing them from doing what they want to do and we should embark upon an irradication program, preferably by those closest to them, the Arabs. If Putin can help and can secure geo political advantage, then let him have it. The sooner the Arabs realise that they own their problems, the sooner we can all sleep better. In the West we see these conflicts through a socialised perspective of human rights, PC and the UN ideology rammed down our throats, without these attributes I suspect there would be no problem at all. We just make it one. It is time to put and end to their 1,400 year old war. Posted by spindoc, Thursday, 23 October 2014 8:38:15 PM
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I agree with Arjay the most in terms of comments on this article.
It seems to me that most of you guys believe the crap you are fed on TV. Its all just propaganda to sway public opinion to go along with whatever foreign policy agenda the US has. I think I should bring this to your attention firstly. Next this... German Intelligence: Flight MH-17 was Shotdown by Ukraine What about this? Nuland Admits US Invested $5 Billion To "Assist" Democracy (Dec 2013) Or This - Blackwater troops in Ukraine (So the US is allowed to send proxy armies in but Russia isnt?? Or this in the SMH I heard another rumour that the Ukrainian fighter jets purposely sent MH17 into a warzone and were using it to shield themselves in order to prevent being shot down. - And why isn't Air traffic control info from Kiev available?? Maybe this.. US arms ISIS again. And Spindoc.. You say the US has faired badly in acting as the worlds police officer.. Well the truth of that statement depends on what the US were actually trying to achieve. The US aims are DESTABILISATION and they have been quite effective in doing this. Next watch this: General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years. I really cant be bothered right now to think about all the smaller bits of info Ive watched (and get the links) but you people are all total fools if you believe what the mainstream media tells you. Its all war propaganda to justify wars and most of you naively buy into it. Im not even sure I wanna start on Ebola, the UN countries own track records of human rights abuses or the G20.. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 24 October 2014 2:29:41 AM
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And yes, I realise now that I worded my comment wrong in regard to the Ukrainian fighter jets..
It should have read 'I heard another rumour that the Ukrainians purposely sent MH17 into a warzone and were using it to shield their fighter jets in order to prevent being shot down.' I know I haven't actually commented on the 'shirtfronting' of Putin. The point I was trying to make was that you cant really write a article worthy of discussion when all the primary facts the article is based upon are factually incorrect. But if I did, Id say Tony would get his butt handed to him after Vlad makes a mess of him with his 6th Dan Judo.. And its really just pathetic that he has to send a woman in to smooth things over after mouthing off. No hard feelings sorry David, Im not trying to put you down, but you need to look at things a little more in depth and not just go along with the first piece of information (propaganda) you're told. - Scott Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 24 October 2014 2:48:35 AM
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My definition of "skirt fronting": "the ability of female politicians to persuade their male counterparts to adopt policies without threatening confrontation to secure their approval." #halduell Putin hasn't shown any real interest in stopping Islamic State to my knowledge. He can show he is serious by sponsoring a Chapter VII UN Security Council Resolution to involve an international response to eradicating Islamic State. He does not have to wait until Russia experiences the same trauma as has befallen Canada this week. #Yuyutsu If the UN wants to retain what little credibility (if any) it possesses - then it needs to get involved in eliminating Islamic State or go the way of its predecessor the League of Nations which proved totally ineffectual in preventing World War II. #Arjay You are welcome to embrace Iran and North Korea. Enjoy.I prefer to keep clasping at straws. #plantaganet Iraq is one big mess as Shiites continue to kill Sunnis and vice versa in ever increasing numbers. Letting Islamic State loose is like letting a fox into the chicken coop. What is your solution for stopping the unmitigated carnage of Shiites and Sunnis occurring almost daily before our very eyes - not to mention the Christians, Kurds and Yazidis? #spindoc How do you put an end to a 1400 year war? Come up with the answer and I will nominate you for the Nobel Peace Prize. Posted by david singer, Friday, 24 October 2014 3:40:15 PM
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#Armchair Critic
You state: "The point I was trying to make was that you cant really write a article worthy of discussion when all the primary facts the article is based upon are factually incorrect." My article was based on the following primary facts: 1. Islamic State now occupies parts of Syria and Iraq in an area larger than Great Britain 2. Australia is a member of the UN Security Council - as is Russia which holds a power of veto 3. Iraq is frustrated at the lack of Security Council action to counter the advances of Islamic State 4. There is no UN Security Council Resolution mandating the use of force against Islamic State as a threat to world peace and security affecting all member States of the UN 5. Chechen fighters for Islamic State have threatened to go after Russia 6. Russia and the USA were able to agree on a UN Security Council Resolution that has resulted in the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons - whilst putting aside their differences on whether Assad should continue to remain in power. Which of the above are factually incorrect? Or perhaps are there other primary facts appearing in my article that I may have not mentioned above - which you claim are incorrect? As they say in the classics - "put up or shut up". Here is your big opportunity. Fire away and tell me which primary facts are factually incorrect in my article. Posted by david singer, Friday, 24 October 2014 3:52:48 PM
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Note in 2012 Malaysia held a war crimes tribunal and found George Bush , Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld guilty of war crimes. It was prosecuted by Prof Francis Boyle.
Isn't it interesting that a mostly Govt owned Malaysian Airlines was targeted twice under very suspicious circumstances . MH 370 has never been found nor has the black box. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 24 October 2014 6:55:52 PM
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Dearest Davo Singo
As you most wantonly disregard my charitably provided info on your lamentable lack of knowledge of Iran's current influence in Iraq, I recount the following. I was attending the Sixteenth Netanyahu No-Name Trannie Pride Galah in Tel Aviv tutha day when Netybabe again asked my sage advice. "Pete I gotta nother problem. This guy Singer in Oz is one of our reguler stringers but he's performing below par. Giving the Israeli Empire a bad name an all dat kinda stuff kapisch?" I say "Why you talking Creole Yiddish you silly man King's English Benny! Well funny you should say that. Singo richly deserves 5 years conscription on the Gaza front wasting Arabs but the slot is already filled by the Ariel Sharon Deaths Head Division." Benny says "Well Pete can we send him to Iraqi Kurdistan to practice what he preaches." "Yeah Benny its worth a shot. Maybe he'll discover the real world." "Yeah OK Pete. Your wish is my command as per usual." So it came to pass-over that Singo was ejected from his recumbent big city legal practice to the real world. This story will be continued when Singo publishes his next Israeli-Likud Press Release concerning the Moshe Dayan ("I'm no Pirate Agggrrrh") H-Bomb Revival.* It'll be a hoot :) * :) Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 24 October 2014 7:41:02 PM
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Hello David,
Sorry if I came across the wrong way in my response to your article. You had every right to challenge or question me in regard to my statements. Although you did not state who you believed was responsible for MH17, your article started with the general presumption that Russia or Russian rebels were responsible, and it was on this issue that I made the comments I did. I do not dispute any of the facts you stated in your response to my comment. Also I noted that you support the Palestinians, as do I. I believe they have a right to defend themselves against the Israeli occupation and as such cannot be called 'terrorists' simply because they choose to resist Israeli aggression or choose to fight for their country or people. Its also interesting to note that in relation to this issue that in the article from the first link I added in my previous comment it included a statement from Ed Snowden where he said “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders”. I can also corroborate this statement from an Islamic perspective (though I am not moslem) where a man named Sheikh Imran Hosein stated many years ago in a Sydney lecture that Israel wants to start a big war but it cannot do so if it is seen to be the aggressor. It must do so by stating that it faces enemies and that if it does not act it will be destroyed. I will add the link to this lecture when I can find it. I'd also like you to know that I wasn't specifically trying to attack you or the article you wrote specifically, but rather that I feel we are all being misled by the mainstream media, and this was the context in which I wrote what I did. Many Thanks for your response, - Scott Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 24 October 2014 11:23:09 PM
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Vladamir Putin is a real leader of his people. He represents the Russian people. Not the Syrian people. the Sri Lankan people, or the Samoan people. Vlad will do whatever is good for the Russian people and that is why so many Russians really like the bloke. Being proud of your own people and their culture, and always acting in your own people's interests is something that our own leaders have forgotten in their quest for the multicultural vote.
We could have had Russia as an ally, at one time they were even offered NATO membership! But every time the Russians got into a fight with the Muslims or anybody else, we always supported Russia's enemies. Putin now intends to return the compliment. Vlad knows that the western nations were absolutely stupid to import Muslims into their societies and he will do whatever he can to stir the pot. He remembers how the west attacked him over Chechnya and other places where the Russians decided to give the Muslims some well earned stick. So he is hardly going to help us do the same when the west decides that they had better do a bit of Muzzie bashing themselves, for their own self defence. He knows that ISIS intends to going to cause a lot of problems in western countries by encouraging the local jihadi wannabees to commit acts of terror, so why should Russia care about that? The more problems the Muslims cause the west, the better Vlad likes it. If the west had realised that the Muslims were a real problem to every non Muslim, and supported Russia in it's own efforts to put the Muslims back in their box, Vlad might have been a lot more co-operative. But as usual, we were too damned self righteous and too intent on pleasing the Muslims by grovelling to them, to defend ourselves against Russia and the West's common enemy. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 25 October 2014 5:43:58 AM
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Here's the link I wanted to add earlier.
The video is 11 years old and quite long but its still quite interesting. Go to the 30 minute mark or watch the whole thing. Then combine that knowledge with the link I added earlier where Ed Snowden said “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders”. And you will start to see that things in the world aren't happening by accident and things aren't what they seem to be. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 October 2014 2:58:29 PM
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Lego while I think Putin is a good man for Russia I , do have doubts about his global power plays.
The BRICS nations of over 100 countries are iniating their own development bank. The crucial question is ,will this bank allow member countries to create their own money debt free money free from that BRICS Bank ? If not , it will be the same old story of another Global Central Bank like the Rothschilds making us all debt slaves. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 25 October 2014 4:11:18 PM
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Mr 'Apologist for the Zionists' try this one; Posted by markjohnconley, Saturday, 1 November 2014 6:17:35 AM
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I have written on this subject and been published by OLO recently. Here is the OLO link: Interestingly the same article was published by another site - JWire - which prompted a response from: Joe Meadors USS Liberty Survivor Director of Operations, USS Liberty Veterans Association You can view our exchange of correspondence at: I am not sure why you have taken the trouble to post your comment which has nothing at all to do with my current article but is clearly designed to delegitimize Israel and denigrate and embarrass Jews in general in relation to a tragic incident that occurred 47 years ago. The Al Jazzera article you referred me to stated the following: "The veterans were extraordinary. One after another, they were generous with their time, uniformly eloquent and passionate and above all, honest in their recollections. They all felt betrayed by the American government but were keen to exonerate ordinary Jewish people both in Israel and without, for any responsibility for the incident. Their beef was simply with the senior Israeli officers in the control room and their superiors higher up the command chain who had ordered the attack" The victims obviously have far more concern to exonerate ordinary Jewish people both in Israel and without than you do. Jew hatred is a terrible attribute - exhibited by so many who frequent OLO - who bereft of any arguments can only resort to name calling such as you have done in tagging me - Mr "Apologist for the Zionists". That is your prerogative and it is mine to condemn people like you who hold such views and are reduced to the childish level of name-calling so pathetically displayed by you. My article deals with the murder and mayhem being created by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria in front of your very eyes. Yet you ignore making any comment on this horrific state of affairs or taking me to task for something I wrote with which you disagree. What gives with people like you? How can you look at yourself in the mirror? Posted by david singer, Sunday, 2 November 2014 6:19:55 PM
I thought the shirtless he-man Putin preferred Real Men more?