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The Forum > Article Comments > Farewell Dame Marie > Comments

Farewell Dame Marie : Comments

By Allan Pidgeon, published 30/9/2014

Such is the esteem in which she is held that her appointment in the Queen's Birthday Honours List this year as a Dame of the Order of Australia was seen as entirely natural and appropriate.

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Shakespeare 'as said it right: the world's a stage;
An'all us 'uman duck an'dames ingage
In actin' parts. Mostly the men cuts loose.
An' fights, an' throws their weight about a lot.
But, listen. It's the women weave the plot.

From "Narcissus", Rose of Spandgers.
Fare thee well. (farewell)
Thank you and well done, thou good and faithful servant!
Contributed by Rhrosty
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 30 September 2014 11:51:08 AM
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We do not need titles of Dame and Sir, please leave them where they belong in class system England, I am sure there are as many in society who deserve titles as much as the person mentioned, if not more than her, but the lower echelon will never ever get them. Australia had its own recognition medals for society until Abbott decided lets move a step higher and create an upper crust English version, let's hope this anchroism will be put in the rubbish bin if Labor resumes office in the future.
Why does a Mrs become a Lady when a man becomes a Sir, she may have only washed clothes in her life so should not become "Lady" just because he has been class elevated to Sir.
Posted by Ojnab, Tuesday, 30 September 2014 3:10:09 PM
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