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The utopian dream of controlling the uncontrollable : Comments
By Paul Russell, published 10/9/2014Limited legislative models are a Trojan horse for a broader application. Whether such limitations are honestly held objectives or simply 'a foot in the door' matters little.
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Howard pinched our guns, which was the easy way, requiring little skill or ability.
I once threw up, just because I had an inch or so of wooden splinter sticking out of my big toe, so anything with much blood, like wrist slashing, is out for me, & many others.
Jumping off the harbor bridge is only possible for those who are fit enough to climb the damn thing, & if you are that fit, why jump? Not many know much about poisons, or have the ability to acquire them making them a bit difficult too.
We have the problem with many things, that once one really wants to get out of their lives, they are no longer mobile enough to do much to help themselves.
I often wonder how many single vehicle accidents, on straight roads, involving elderly drivers may be suicide events.
Even this requires one to still have access to a car, & the ability to get into the damn thing as well. This then requires one to go, while there might still be some pleasure in life.
Still as an old racer it has most appeal to me, if done properly. Lets face it you would not be worried about getting booked for speeding, so at high enough speed it would be very quick, so probably basically painless, & you could thumb your nose at those clowns who reckon you can't take it with you, as you go. Well, at least with one car, you can.
Now where is that Rolls Royce dealer?