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The Forum > Article Comments > Blueprint for an ageing Australia > Comments

Blueprint for an ageing Australia : Comments

By Everald Compton, published 4/9/2014

If we act now, we can ensure that we will turn ageing into a significant social and economic asset, not a liability, and the Blueprint for an Ageing Australia that we present to the nation today strives to do exactly this.

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That's hilarious, individual. It's definitely the funniest post this year

>>This is about our society losing all focus & descending into unrecoverable chaos & you don't want to act ? Are you a masochist ? Or are you just another Leftie who thinks doing nothing will prevent it all from going bad ? Crickey mate, you scare me especially if there are many more like you. Did the Arabs or Chinese offer you good money for your mother by any chance ? It certainly looks that way. You don't really give the impression of doing your bit to keep Australia from sliding into the same mayhem as all the other countries whose populace had the same mentality as you.<<

I particularly liked the bit about my mother - priceless.

A surefire cut-out-and-keep.

And all that, just because I questioned your idea of compulsory National Service to solve the ills of mankind.

It would be fascinating to see what you could come up with if we ever discussed anything serious.
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 13 September 2014 10:24:01 AM
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That's hilarious, individual. It's definitely the funniest post this year.
Your mentality is unique, have you considered offering it to some University study ? You could provide sufficient material for a whole conference on mentality.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 13 September 2014 6:53:13 PM
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