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The Forum > Article Comments > Anyone can do the house-work; but who is doing the home-work? > Comments

Anyone can do the house-work; but who is doing the home-work? : Comments

By Bernard Toutounji, published 20/8/2014

Even when the situation is reversed, and women are the main breadwinners, the data still shows that men are not taking up their fair share of the load.

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It is the will of God that the Church order women to return to the kitchen and become perfectt lil horsewives agin.

View this essential Little Women Training Film

Dedictated to Priests and Elders of the Church (who aren't already in gaol) everywhere.
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 12:59:50 PM
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Many young men, in increasing numbers, are avoiding this dilemma, by just remaining single.
Who needs all this endless aggravation, and an endlessly changing role!
And for what? An endlessly bitching, I'm making more money than you, r sole, spouse, and a tiny bit of physical comfort?
Something that one can just pay for, as and when needed? And far cheaper than the traditional alternative!
A lady comes in once a week and in around an couple of hours, takes care of all the house/home work!
It's just not all that hard!
A women who earns more than a man, can afford home help, that also avoid this dilemma, or something patent control freaks, always bitch about.
As someone who attended all those little home maintenance jobs, took care of the grounds, lawns, gardens, babysitting, as well working a 14 hour day, if you included the commute!
And then handed over an unopened pay packet, I believe I more than carried my fair share of the load.
As did most of my contemporaries!
Fortunately, I had a spouse, that actually appreciated that, and what time I was actually able to contribute to actively involving myself, in quality time with Family!
And when I needed a few hours of very occasional relaxation, with the blokes, as do all blokes!
She was the smiling mine host, gladly topping up their glasses, and or, making sure they had some salad with their steak, or desert!
And showed them where the caravan was, if they needed to sleep a little very occasional overindulgence off!
Thank heavens there are some out there, who still believe in traditional roles!
Other wives would be out there asking, don't you think you've had enough, gimme the keys r sole, etc?
And just endlessly contributed to their blokes feeling they needed to escape!
If you can't stand the heat Ladies, stay out of the kitchen! And be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 4:31:37 PM
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Women are what you described, it's the females that are out to wreck it all & they don't even know what for.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 6:04:08 PM
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Why should one person be the only or main 'home' worker? Why on Earth can this not be an enjoyable shared business?

I agree there is a difference between housework, the chores that need to be done, and the making of a home, but the chores should either be done by someone who is paid to do that, or shared by the inhabitants of the home. If one person, be that a spouse, or older children, be at home more on a particular day, then clearly that's the person who does the chores that need doing on that day.

It's frustrating adults are still having an argument on who does the dishes or brings in the laundry in this day and age. My kids got past this puerile nonsense when they were about 14. The sooner something gets done the sooner we can all sit around the dinner table or play board games with each other, or any other activity in the 'Home'.
Posted by yvonne, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 8:46:09 PM
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Excellent article!
I would LOVE to be able to stay home and complete my womanly chores in a timely manner so I can then devote all my non-housework time to my daughter and husband.
Yes indeed, and so would all my friends.

The only problem is that all the poor fathers I know are unable to bring home enough money to allow us to stay home to care full-time for the family home.

So if I stayed home we would have to be heavily assisted by Government welfare payments, like most of the single income families need.....unless the father has an extremely well paid job.

The Government would not be happy with this of course, so they encourage mothers to work outside the home.

So it would seem that this 'ideal' little 1950's holy family ideal will never see the light of day again....'unfortunately.
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 21 August 2014 1:00:27 AM
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