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The Forum > Article Comments > Muslim communities must face up to bad apples > Comments

Muslim communities must face up to bad apples : Comments

By Tanveer Ahmed, published 15/8/2014

This is outlined by Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennell's groundbreaking work visiting Muslim criminals in jail, where he makes reference to the Arab notion of 'holy anger', which is completely foreign to English.

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Tanveer is also describing the migrant experience. Even with all our pretensions to multiculturalism, Australia still remains pretty much clueless about the socio-psychological impacts of migration.

The right remains largely reactionary and the left just lapses into sloppy sentiment.

While I don't agree with a lot of what Tanveer says, especially his views on how Islam 'differs' from Christianity and his obvious bias towards men, at least he's making an effort to understand the dark side of the migrant experience.
Posted by Killarney, Friday, 15 August 2014 6:39:53 PM
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The right remains largely reactionary and the left just lapses into sloppy sentiment.

To answer your question, if they not Australians.... then what are they?..

Posted by Tally, Friday, 15 August 2014 7:53:04 PM
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I should have made it clear that I was referring to a London equivalent of those Sydney suburbs where Australians are in a cultural takeover that excludes the Poms.
That number of Australians would largely go unnoticed, unless they've all taken to wearing wide brimmed hats.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 15 August 2014 9:17:06 PM
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I really don't understand the purpose of Tanveer Ahmed's article at all. He seems to be saying that criminal behaviour has a cultural link to Islam, then treats this fact as if it is just an interesting academic exercise. After suggesting that the way Muslims from Lebanon raise their kids is an issue, he then tries to distance himself from Islamic culture by saying that Muslims from other Muslim countries do not have the problems which the Lebanese have.

Such a premise would be actionable under 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, as it suggests that the Lebanese are more prone to criminal behaviour than other people. Of course, this is true. But we in multicultural Australia are not by law supposed to say what is true anymore, only what does not offend, insult or humiliate our imported minorities.

Tanveer then goes on to explain why the Arab Muslim way of thinking is different to the western way. Although he does not explain how the Lebanese Muslim Arab way of thinking is different to any other Arab Muslim way of thinking, which could account for any difference between Lebanese and other Arab and Muslim crime rates, if such differences actually exist.

Altogether, Tanveers article seems to accept the undeniable, that Lebanese Arab Muslim crime rates are very high in western countries and it has a definite causal link to Islamic culture, philosophy, and child rearing practices. I agree with Tanveer.

The $64,000 dollar question which Tanveer forgot to ask is. "Then why on Earth should western nations import people who have a cultural pre disposition to violence and criminal behaviour?
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 16 August 2014 5:28:32 AM
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Lego, you are concerned as to why the Arab moslem has a different way
of thinking about crime etc.
Again it is in the Koran, it is not a sin to lie or misdeal with an
infidel if it is to the advantage of islam or moslems.

So, you see that is why they often seem defiant when caught by the police.
That is an affront to Allah as what they have done is not a crime under Sharia.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 16 August 2014 8:38:02 AM
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Yeh it was the West that started ISIS.

Watch this training film in explosives

Not only was the leader with the flare pistol a Mossad agent but he was bin Laden's daddy-O.
Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 16 August 2014 9:34:29 AM
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