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The Forum > Article Comments > Hamas evil must be confronted and defeated in Gaza > Comments

Hamas evil must be confronted and defeated in Gaza : Comments

By David Singer, published 13/8/2014

One month of fierce fighting between Israel and Hamas has resulted in an enormous propaganda victory for Hamas as horrific pictures have appeared daily in social media and newspapers around the world.

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Susan you say "Mr. Singer, the Israelis have killed far more people in this conflict than Hamas have, so who is evil?"

How many are killed on what side does not an argument make.

By your logic Susan, Churchill was in the wrong when he flattened Dresden in February 1945 with up to 25,000 German civilians killed. And Truman was wrong when in August 1945 he ordered the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which pulverised 135,000 Japanese.

These two men saved more Allied lives with their actions. And brought forward the end of the war.
Posted by Jonathan J. Ariel, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 3:59:47 PM
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The RAF and US Fifth Air force killed far more German civilians than the Luftwaffe killed British civilians.

Which side was therefore evil? The western democracies or the Nazis?

Think before you type.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 4:10:33 PM
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Dear Lego and Jonathon

Here is the lesson that shows the difference between the Jews of Israel and the Christian west. It is a difference of philosophy.

Yes the west destroyed cities and killed civilians, in pursuit of a just peace.
After the war the west punished war criminals, rebuilt the Cities and economies of our enemies. We encouraged reconnection with the world.
We didn't exact retributions. We learned that lesson after the first war. We learn lessons and try not repeat mistakes. We did not repress with lengthy occupation nor indulge in stealing our former enemies lands. We became friends, allies and traded with our former enemies.

That was consistent with our philosophies of forgiveness and peacefulness.

Now these people you support, can you show me how they emulate our western behaviours?

You can't you can only show part parallels all of which in isolation are in essence evil, when adopted without the just war, the consequent forgiving, assistance, peacefulness and freedom.

Cheers and may my god bless you. The one you support only seems to seek vengeance and retribution.
Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 5:31:22 PM
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Well we cannot accuse Grahamy of bias. Hamas was created by Israel to eliminate the PLO. They needed a real enemy to justify the extermination of the Palestinians.

ISIS was created by the Israel/USA,but like Saddham Hussein whom the US created,they have got out of control and look like taking the largest oil supplies in the Kurd region. The Kurd region is the 9th largest oil producing region on the planet.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 8:57:20 PM
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We all agree that Hamas is evil & must be defeated. I don't know why Israel stopped. They should have gone house to house throughout the entire length of Gaza. It's only about 40k, X 12km. Killed all the Hamas leaders, destroyed all the arms of Hamas & removed any weapons from all Muslim people in Gaza & the West Bank. Any Muslim caught with a weapon is considered a Terrorist & killed immediately.

Let's not buggarize around with Political Correctness just because some sooky woofs might cry.
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 9:09:46 PM
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If you want to join more dots, listen. Prior 1936 Jews and Palestinians lived in harmony. Along came the Rothschild Banking family of the Khazars from Kharazira and decided they needed their own country. Hence the beginning of Zionism.

The Rothschilds are the major owners of the US Federal Reserve, Bank of International Settlements and thus control the IMF and World Bank. They control our pollies and most of our big corporations via the power of money creation. This is why Israel is untouchable.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 9:15:52 PM
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