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The Forum > Article Comments > Abortion breast cancer link explodes in Asia > Comments

Abortion breast cancer link explodes in Asia : Comments

By Joel Brind, published 12/8/2014

The Huang meta-analysis also showed a clear dose effect, i.e., women with two or more abortions showed a risk increase of 76%, and those with three or more abortions showed a risk increase of 89%.

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Whilst I do think the bias's of authors is generally relevant I won't dismiss their claims out of hand if those claims are based on underlying research that does not appear to be impacted by those same bias's.

Is it credible or are there good reasons to doubt the findings (the findings of this research from what I can find on line does appear to support the claims made in the article).

I'm trying to get a better handle on the credibility of the research. A task that might be better conducted by Foxy with her skills but as a starting place my impression is that a Huang Y shows up as an author in a lot of meta-data analysis of health impacts (especially breast cancer) on Chinese women of various factors.

No obvious link to any crusades on the causal side, but rather a wide range of factors - not sure it's all the same "Huang Y" (Foxy if you are following can you add your librarian expertise please).

A couple of links that might help others get started on a look at the research rather than how it's being used.[Author]&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=24272196

For an abstract of the findings

My impressions from previous looks at the topic were that there is no credible link between induced abortion and breast cancer, this article has pointed to research that appears to challenge that claim. Happy to have the research debunked if there is a good case for that as I have some personal objections to the way anti-choice advocates use whatever they can to attack choice but want that to be based on credible evidence.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 5:43:22 PM
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Just what OLO needs. Another idiot like runner.
Keep your filthy hands off other peoples bodies.
Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 5:46:57 PM
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>> Four years after receiving his PhD in 1981, Brind had a spiritual awakening, after which he decided to try to use science to pursue what he saw as a "noble" goal of discouraging women from killing their unborn children.[2]”<<

The link you provided for this is Judging from the formulation (and the rest of the article) it sounds more like a slander than something Brind would have written about himself. Could you please provide a link or quote, where he speaks about this “spiritual awakening” and its link to his professional research?

[Even so, there are many examples of people who have had what some psychologists call “a limit experience” (e.g. NDE, surviving a horrendous accident, a tragedy in the family, etc) that determined the direction of their future life.]

There are many scientists who spent their life finding evidence for something they a priori believed to be true. It is up to his/her fellow specialists, not us, to decide whether his/her work is of a sufficient scholarly standard (e.g. gefitting a university professor), irrespective of whether or not they like what the supporting evidence he/she offers points to.

>>Leave religion out of the science lab <<

Again, could you please give an example, or best quote Brind, where he uses his religion in his lab? I think more importantly one should leave religion out of debates about the meaning or acceptance of (claimed) scientific findings on this OLO.
Posted by George, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 8:58:45 PM
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Oh oh; what a confusion of mixed metaphors we have here! Mick Jagger was right after all; war is but one shot away!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 10:04:21 PM
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Piece of cake, George.

"Take the example of Joel Brind, the primary advocate for an abortion-breast cancer link (or ABC as he calls it). His own account of this "discovery" emphasizes his conversion to Christianity rather than any hard scientific data: "With a new belief in a meaningful universe, I felt compelled to use science for its noblest, life-saving purpose," he told Physician magazine (July/August 2000). He describes how the "pieces came together": "By 1991, I realized that my understanding of life was incompatible with a pro-abortion point of view." After "making contact" with a local right-to-life group concerning RU-486 (the "morning after pill"), he began to formulate his theory."

If you want to read the original

"Dr. Brind, by the way, is featured on the cover of the July, 2000 issue of Physician's Magazine, which is published by Focus on the Family. You can obtain a complimentary copy by writing Carrie Gordon Earll at Focus on the Family, P.O. Box 35500, Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3550."
Posted by Agronomist, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 10:06:05 PM
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If it is true that breast cancer is EXPLODING in Asia, then other possible explanations could be made, such as people from Asia adopting a more western lifestyle, thereby being exposed to artificial chemicals and hormones. Not to mention dietary changes.
Posted by Wolly B, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 10:14:00 PM
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