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People you don't want to hear from : Comments

By Babette Francis, published 25/7/2014

An email circulated from what looked like an atheists boot camp recommended that their supporters send fake requests for registrations for our WCF Event and not turn up, thus wasting precious seating.

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Backed by Jesus? Runner you don’t even know what Jesus said, the teachings of Christ were written by men who mostly were not even alive when Jesus was. The church then selected which of those writings suited their expansionist wars and cobbled it together in a book you fallaciously call the word of god. You probably don’t even read it in the language it was written. It was translated from Hebrew to Latin thence to English and there have been numerous “updates” which conveniently change the meaning of the text to suit the latest crusades of the church.
Posted by Helga, Monday, 28 July 2014 3:08:31 PM
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Dear SuseOnline,

Talking about discredited theories, remember the West Australian scientisit Barry Marshall who claimed that it was bacteria, not stress or excess acid that caused peptic ulcers? His was regarded as a discredited theory and he was laughed at until he was proved right. This how science progresses - someone proposes a theory and it is tested out. The Abortion-Breast Cancer link has survived the test according to the large number of studies coming out of China, India, Bangladesh etc., and the tragic rise in the incidence of breast cancer not only in developed nations but also in the developing ones, which sadly do not have the facilities for early diagnosis and treatment that we have. Come on, let's hear your explanation for the rise in incidence of breast cancer in Australia while the incidence of other cancers is dropping? And what is your explanation for the "dose" effect in the study by Chinese researchers, Huang et al which I mentioned in my previous post?

Posted by Gadfly42, Monday, 28 July 2014 8:09:32 PM
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Gadfly42, I prefer to take notice of Australian statistics on breast cancer rather than 3rd world countries.

No mention of any breast cancer / abortion links in our main breast cancer website:

I never found anything re abortion/breast cancer link on any credible Australian government medical websites either.....funny that.

I respect people who just come right out and say they are anti-choice because of religious reasons, or because they would prefer women just did as they were told, or whatever, rather than trying to think up crazy reasons to take the choice away from women.

Another strange thing I read on one mad website was that the high prostate cancer rate was caused by the increasing incidence of sinful masturbation by men today, which was dreadful because of the waste of potential baby-making spermatozoa.......
Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 28 July 2014 11:17:32 PM
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You say that Australian sites don't have anything on the Abortion Breast Cancer link? You are so right. They don't which does not prove that a link does not exist.

The great majority of academic studies support the abortion breast cancer link and our experts welcome any opportunity to debate these issues but the mainstream "experts" don't want a debate. These "experts" are a bit like Al Gore on climate change who will not debate with experts from the skeptics camp.

I understand what you are getting at but what does this tell us about the mainstream cancer organizations other than that they don't want to be out of step on abortion.

We had a similar situation with lung cancer where the tobacco lobby put up millions of dollars to keep the lung cancer - smoking link out of the public arena. When eventually the cancer experts had to come clean millions of Americans had contracted lung cancer which was inoperable and therefore these people were killed by an avoidable disease. The same thing is happening with abortion and breast cancer.
Posted by Gadfly42, Monday, 28 July 2014 11:35:59 PM
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Sorry Gadfly42., we will have to agree to disagree on this one.
We can talk again when your 'experts' have their mad theory vindicated.
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 10:07:13 AM
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Dear SusieOnline,

There is a tinge of racism in your rejection of studies from Third World countries - you really think those little brown and yellow men cannot research as well as the white men of Australia and the USA? Let me explain why the Abortion/Breast Cancer link does not appear on developed countries websites - it is because the Cancer organisations in the West are dominated by feminists like you and have to be "politically correct", i.e. they cannot say anything to imperil the status of abortion as being "good" for women - even when a famous person like Charlotte Dawson commits suicide and explains that she never got over the depression caused by her abortion.

However, chinks are appearing in the feminist "dam" of silence: Louise Brinton, a top official of the National Cancer Institute in the USA, the foremost cancer organisation in the world, co-authored a study admitting the abortion-breast cancer link is true, calling it a "known risk factor." The study, conducted by Jessica Dolle, appears in the April, 2009 issue of the prestigious cancer epidemiology journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. Come on, SusieOnline, read the study, I have given you the reference.

When Brinton was questioned about her acknowledging the abortion-breast cancer risk factor in view of her previous refusal to acknowedge the link, she said "no comment". However, she and the NCI cannot keep stone-walling for ever - the number of studies from around the world will cause the "dam of silence" to burst or overflow.

Posted by Gadfly42, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 12:09:25 AM
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