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The problem of research funding : Comments
By Don Aitkin, published 18/6/2014Good research is better in the long run, and much cheaper for all of us, than convenient research, let alone pretentious rubbish.
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...Medical researchers know, they ply a trade which taps into a “crowd neuroticism” of industrial proportions! Does snake oil ring a bell?
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 9:04:53 AM
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The whole point of the government being involved in scientific research funding is to address the market failure. There are large numbers of research areas that have no immediate economic pay-off, so won't be invested in by industry. These areas may have significant societal pay-offs (e.g. much of preventative health research) or may have economic spin-offs way in the future (e.g. early research into wifi).
Failure to invest in scientific innovation leaves a country more at the mercy of international drivers. Australia will soon be importing most of its innovation from China. Innovation will still occur, but Australia will only get what is delivered to it. Priorities are something governments impose to reassure voters taht they are spending money wisely. They do skew the landscape as researchers look at ways to bring their skills to bear on new problems and you can end up training too many people in one area at the expense of others. Posted by Agronomist, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 10:15:40 AM
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research never..a problem..[any/\an..opportunity].or.[test]...
plus..insider/ share* the big payoff [hint] the..research..into/new*smokeless-cigarettes..with..infinite-tastes..[artificial/FLAVOURS\COLOURS..ETC..]..*MOSTLY MORE..*CARCINOGENIC THAN CIGGIE-SMOKE]..but/yet..arnt part of//.the inclusion\limitation..of smoking..*[yet] but*..its..the fastest/all/them\tastes..steamed..into your mouth.its/a growing fad* and.if you looked..[researched] it..under the..'name'..of nicotine[instead\of 'smoking] one..'new'-method of..fad'delivery'..THEN THE/NUMBERS\re-search/WOULD show/.these new*products\ outstripping the market..they capture..[20years ago]..see/the\re-search. QUOTE..*<<..This is a..'social experiment'..*that..the Cancer=Council has been working on..for at least 13 years,.[that I know of]...They received funding..and political support..from the Howard/government, then..the Rudd gov,..then..Gillard gov,..and will likely continue to receive funding..and support..from the/party..that wins the next election>> resear[ch/indicated\32..bilion[per year-pay/day] so/spin/ the cost-of/smoking[actual/cost=800 milion] <<>.The bury*[research/the volume\of tobacco.>> much/depends..on what/volume\measured.[how/ neED?] COMPLETELY..IGNORES\THE\'HARMFULL..NICOTEEN* IE/THE..*[ACTUAL DRUG]..ADDICTION..'PROBLEM?' but many caffeine-addicts..drink coffee lol OH/NO..FALLING REVENUES*..SMOKERS MARKET/DEAD/DYING REVENUE/STREAM..TAX TAKE..DECLINING..research/RESEARCH*..facts [confidential/fact] what/next\..rebrand? lab-got? nicotine replacement/delivery\systems? ..its repackaging..of,,a fast\dying habbit/oldies/smoking [ever/more govt mandated/smelly;oldies dying..we need..a gimmick for the young..liKe lolly ciggies../cause\thumb..sukKing/NANNY-STRAIGHTS/feels good <<..entering into Australia..on this excuse is>>>..easy for two oppertuinity[with infinite smokeless 'tastes'// malbro taste anyone..its smokeles [even uses batteries]..EVER-READY SMOKE..GUILT-FREE STREAM the stream..[GREAT/PRIVATISED-RESEARCH...MORE MONEY-SOON thaNKs/heaps..CANCER COUNCIL WHO FOund..the blaming.all the causation's of cancer.onto smokING-LEAVES..NOT INDUSTRY-POLUTION..s[at best toobaco kils 10 percent of the number..' smoking leaves.. ha/ha/ha..JOKES/ON\ME* First,..tobacco companies..[ETC]..have long*>>..[note]<<.*bought commercial shelf/audit data..from the main supplier of this information in Australia>>,.. GOVT-AGENCY.IE..bUying influence/directing/from\the rear <<so they already/have\very detailed\SECRET/[IN-CONFIDENCE]..*in-formation>> ditto..the cancer council [and..other..SECONDARY...lobbies]..feeding the cancer cure/sham Reich harmonics/.kills cancer//\\*..simply with vibration[sound-WAVES FOR FREE*..but then..we wont,..need* more*cancer council TO hide/subvertde-fund/research..into reiche*harmonics..[not one ever].. too clever/by half <<research.>>Data..on brand also published.>> reveal the gum/and the patches and the data..on smokless ciggarettes..=GROwth* [in stead/of allowing us\to die off/the publicity..has revived the petro-pharma industry into a huge addictive payday[just like dupont stole hemp/via the same lies of science/lobby/spin..propaganDA SAME SAME SHAME a LOttA- treason/malfeasance/focus groupies plenty/of\WORK/BUT..HUGE PAYOFFS.ALL ROUND This is a 'social experiment' that the Cancer Council has been working on for at least 13 years, ..funding and political support from the Howard government,..then the Rudd gov,..then Gillard gov,..and,.. now/phoney-toni..[sold-out/by..official malfeasance/ protect..industry/corporate-mercantilism..orjust/oppertuinism Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 11:24:59 AM
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Ironically, I made some of the same points about directed research in a speech I gave last night on the issue of scientific research.
Dennis Posted by Pollie, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 11:31:32 AM
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US studies show, that for every government dollar spent on research, 30 more are handed back as tax.
Of course the usual mantra muttering simpletons are going to reject that, and for the same simpleminded reasons they have always rejected research; or indeed, incontrovertible evidence? Professional forensic auditing, will invariably expose the cheats and the corrupt. One or two very occasional rotten apples or forged credentials, has never ever meant, they all are, and the rest can be saved, just by exposing and eliminating the one or two bad apples! To use the colloquial. As for scientific research into cheese? If we can develop a powerful variety that drive rats absolutely bonkers, like that found in the ancient quartermaster's store, we could put two or three hundred rapidly running, cheese chasing Rodents, in a medieval lifting wheel, and adapt it to run Jon J's motor car? More tea anyone, jolly nice party what? What is that incredibly uninviting smell? I can smell it from here! What? Jon J's cheese crackers? I thought it was something that exited out of the south end of a north bound camel? Y'uck y'uck y'uck. Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 11:39:04 AM
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frosty/note..<<>.US studies show,..>>
wow//it took..more than one..? a study/is done by\those doing studies..? its/much like..a fox protecting..his hen house dinning table THIS/believers\found..<<...that for every..*government dollar spent..on research,..>> HOW/ABOUT\PRIVATES? actual hard research?[SOUNDS/MORE\LIKE..number/crunching[publish-or-perrish /by what measURE/QUAITY/CONTROL/QUALIFICATION ..AS A GENERIC/statement..THEN REFUTES ALL EVERT..DOLLAR..[NOT YEN FRANKS..NOR ANYTHING NOT YANKI..?.. OR..SIMPLY..WIThin the outliNe/parrameters govt/gave\..$1 =30 more..are handed back..>> that ..30/fold..sounds silly enough but..then this little bit..< handed;lol..back..< tax.}..=fraud/math\accounting? please mate..i need challange that govt gives you one dolar you give them 30 tax revenue [yet still claim full detuctability..too cever by half in other words..[if no 'for proffit tax minimisation funds get one tax dollar//govt gets 30 back?..mate its too pat.. [every research..or just specific/like sure..making gmo [ie.we\buy seeds/for life\from monsanto\..but heck pal/how about that study/that gives a thesus..on wether fred flintstone is real or not monsanto sure/*/give them..a dollar/they steal 30/BUT TAX RETURN? NEVER A PENNY/PAID IN TAX?..BUT..THE TRANSACTION-TAX.ON THE SEED OR..[SO THE STUDY FOUND]..LOL I DONT LIKE OPINION POLLS..[THATS NOT RESEARCH/BUT YES WE TASTED..YA MARS BARE/AND WOUD LIKE TO HAVE SOME MORE..*tESTS..[BUT 9 OUT OF product/movies/songs/business/parties..STILL FAIL WHERE IS GRAHAM..he loves numbers so these..polls on who is the best leader i studdied..*them allowing..a factor for error for fraud but then i checked..the numbers..[in 1999\...APPARENTLY 900 out of 1000 got tested for drunk driving[same study that modified the deaths from booze numbers studied results..indicaTE A BIAS..of that payed to be studied but 30-percent[sorry 30/fold] return..on study..of juliars fat dressings charts..where is the return[but/from the wage taxes/on the grantees. lets keep it real not all worth the price not all gives return/ fact most the returns are..only studying yet other 'modified study/numbers'.. how goes the saying..rubbish-in/rubbish/out..fools\damm lies and them carefully..most studies..are limited/bought/paid\4..thus generalised as to only summise generalisations..OR/BULK-UP..BIASED CONCLUSIONS the return..on this now gaining 30 fold tax return that means at dollar returns value..of 100 dollars anD IF WE ADD AN EXTRA 0..[LIKE..1999/QLD\SATUDIES]-THAT 100 FOLD EXTRA TAX..BECOMES..1000/FOLD_4_OLD-WEALTH STUDY..MY HAND..the bias staNDS.. IS..TOO LOUD/TOO-PROUD\sold-out/bought-off.. spin for hire-4-ever/more\higher[taxation]read govt funddd dddddddddddddddding* Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 12:27:34 PM