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The Forum > Article Comments > Palestine: Australia rejects fiction to recognise reality > Comments

Palestine: Australia rejects fiction to recognise reality : Comments

By David Singer, published 10/6/2014

The world has been duped into the use of language that reflects fiction - not fact. Used often enough it takes on a highly damaging life of its own.

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I wonder where you'll stand when trade sanctions start being applied to Australia's $2 Billion worth of livestock trade with Mid Eastern partners?

Are you going to call on Israel to compensate our farmers? Or do you expect them to carry all the stench Israel's disgrace earns?

You have conflicted interests David. How are you to address that or are you going to just continue with your fantasy and pretend there is no conflict between our interests or Israeli interests?

You know David the Jewish people are insane, according to the logic of the 20th century.
'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.'

How many times have the Hebrew/Jewish people suffered genocides, pogroms, military annihilation, evictions, wars, oppressions and general hatred and mistrust simply because of beliefs written in a 3000 year old book.

Sane people would recognise the root cause of their problems and would stage an enlightenment or a reformation.

Believe me when I say all the backward focused religions of the mid east region should do the same.

What the heck do you think is likely to occur in that region once the world tires of all the propaganda and decides to support no side? Do you think your neighbours will give a hoot if you use nukes? The fallout will infect all the mid east and what do you think the rest of the world will do to those who support such an action?

Take off the blinkers David, your blind belief in the dictates of a 3000 year old book, based in vengeance, most of which was rejected by Christ and is rejected by generations of Christians in favour of equality, forgiveness and peacefulness will simply lead to the Jewish people suffering a repetition of their past.

It will be laid at your feet as much as at the feet of those others who also believe in vengeance. The cycle will merely repeat.

Why can't you, as someone who has received a western democratic education, see that? Surely you are not stupid?
Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 10 June 2014 9:09:57 AM
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If they are not "occupied territories" and the people who live there "arent palestinians" then it must be isreali territory and israel is practicing apartheid against its Arab inhabitants.

Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 10 June 2014 9:51:41 AM
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Much the same kind of rationale used by Joseph Goebbels when the Nazis invaded the Sudetenland.
Posted by Graham Cooke, Tuesday, 10 June 2014 10:38:16 AM
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The menace of Israel will go on festering as long as the world goes on accepting the ridiculous notion that any ethnic group - ANY - is entitled to be treated as any more “special” than the rest of the earth’s 7 billion human beings including the vast majority of Australians. No state based on this notion has any moral legitimacy and all damage it creates in the effort to maintain and consolidate its existence is a direct criminal assault on all humanity including those sharing its “chosen” ancestry. This or that atrocity and land grab isn’t the core problem, it’s racism in its Zionist form that has thrown down a gauntlet that has to be picked up globally. This means that the response to whining Zionist pressure groups and hasbarist propagandists can only be “You are not special. We owe you nothing but contempt for your pretensions”.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 10 June 2014 12:41:58 PM
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There are many people like Singer in our world. To be like Singer you need to be infinitely gullible, one-eyed, have no conscience, believe that racism is a gift from a non-existent god, and that fairies live at the bottom of your garden.

Jews, Christians, worshiping Buddhists, Hellfire Hindus, Sincere Muslims, Flat Earthers, callow Catholics, all are grist for the mind-numbing mill of religion.

Singer has conclusively shown us that religion overcomes intelligence, that it totally stifles morality and conscience.

We need his false preaching no more!
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 10 June 2014 12:54:40 PM
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As I understand it, the Territory of the Judean hills and Samaria were owned and occupied by the Ottoman Empire and recognised by international law as such. Sovereignty was then transferred to the British under mandate at the end of the 1914/18 war, again recognised by international law. The territory was then under Jordanian sovereignty untill 'occupied' by Israel.
Jordan has since relinquished sovereignty and, from that time, the sovereign status of the region has been subject to negotiation and or 'dispute. The term 'occupatied territory' is therefore incorrect.

Very simple people. Delighted that our government prefers an accurate use of language in this regard, as it can only serve to assist in the resolution of this dispute.

I am sure the 'anti live export' people will be quite delighted with this development as well.
Posted by Prompete, Tuesday, 10 June 2014 2:31:48 PM
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