The Forum > Article Comments > Save Meriam: save our sense of humanity > Comments
Save Meriam: save our sense of humanity : Comments
By Mal Fletcher, published 2/6/2014Appalling, horrific, inhuman are all adjectives we might use to describe this atrocity, but 'unprecedented' should not be among them.
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Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 2 June 2014 10:00:44 AM
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The most damming thing about this article is the way its author goes out of his way to avoid naming and shaming ISLAM.
Standard etiquette now-a-days among “commentators” seem to be that one dares not criticise Islam unless one does so as part of a broader critique of all religions. So whilst it is okay to single out Catholicism or Protestantism or the Americans It is just not the done thing to single out Islam for the same. Lest we forget: -"A suspected French jihadist who spent time in Syria has been arrested over the shooting deaths of three people at a Belgian Jewish museum... -The attack and the arrest revived memories of Mohamed Merah, a Frenchman who trained with extremists in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and then attacked a Jewish school and French paratroopers in southern France in 2012". Posted by SPQR, Monday, 2 June 2014 11:37:38 AM
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damming s/r damning
Posted by SPQR, Monday, 2 June 2014 11:43:42 AM
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Time for "decent" world leaders to unite and slam the glove into the ground, and tell these tinpot potentates, thus far and no further!
Perhaps a few cruise missiles coming in the front door, would emphasize that salutatory message! We Christians have turned the cheek too many times! It's time to tell these stone age advocates, that conversion by the sword or its' modern equivalent is over! I mean, just what sort of primitive primate, would lock up an entirely innocent women, and then force her to give birth in a flea laden germ riddled prison! Send the Leader of this primitive stone age nation, a personal just for him; and or, a few cronies in the so called legal system, a few cruise missiles, with a personal message written on the sides; "may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits"! Just in case these missiles miss their initial targets, and other signs are needed!? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 2 June 2014 11:49:23 AM
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Combine this shocking story with the ghastly tragedy of that poor women beaten to death with bricks by her own family members (and where are the feminists these days ? You've got what you want, sister, now pull up the ladder, is that it ?) - culture overlaid with a religion which is so backward and in accord with those barbarous practices that it can be used to sanction such brutality ? Could a Christian trawl through the Bible and find justification for such horrific acts ? They would probably have to go back to the Old T4stament - the basis for so much of the Koran, or at least from its most reactionary bits. So where do we place the responsibility in these cases, on culture or religion - or both ? On culture ? Then we can include them alongside the rape and hanging of two little girls in Uttar Pradesh for their sheer barbarity. And the rape every 20 minutes across India, 90 % unpunished. On religion ? Then we can include them alongside the slashing of students' throats and kidnapping of hundreds of girls by Boko Haram, and the blowing up of market places by Boko Haram, terrorists in Urumchi, Rawalpindi, Karachi and Syria. Is it a coincidence that all of the perpetrators of these atrocities call themselves Muslim ? Is terror part of Islam ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 2 June 2014 11:50:25 AM
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...Never mind Mal; this story is probably one of the better ones to come out of the Sudan. Sudan is the "wild West" of Africa, where currently four million Sudanese face starvation right now in the South. Their death will be slower than an execution! Small mercies!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 2 June 2014 2:36:54 PM
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And, there are people fighting, tooth & nail, in Australia to get the people who commit these atrocities into Australia. Sick puppies.
DD: where currently four million Sudanese face starvation right now in the South. And in 10 years there'll be seven million starving in the South if these 4 million are saved. 4 million that will be trying to kill any infidel they can catch, even the ones that saved them. Posted by Jayb, Monday, 2 June 2014 5:58:44 PM
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...Yep Jayb...They are called terrorists, since George Bush invented the term, and are encouraged to retaliate by the Western war machine, which grinds on endlessly creating global enemies out of underdogs while, all at the same time, securing oil fields in far flung corners of the Earth; coincidentally :-)
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 2 June 2014 9:08:38 PM
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My prayers go out to Meriam.
No religion could do this to her - only irreligion. Evil people may abuse the name of God, but none of us should be deceived and believe their false claims of being religious. Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 12:48:50 AM
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Good posts, Loudmouth and SPQR. Pretty much sums it up.
And good post to you, Rhosty. it is god to see that you are coming to your senses. I am an exponent of colonialism too. The advanced societies do have a "white man's burden" to civilise the world, the third world has been going backwards since colonialism ended. Did you hear about the two Indian girls who were raped and lynched in India, recently? It brings to mind the true story of the British officer who stopped a "suttee" murder in India during the British raj. When an Indian protested that the British should not interfere in an old Indian cultural custom, the British officer replied that it was an old British cultural custom to hang any man who committed such an outrage. And now Diver Dan wants us to feel sorry for the Southern Sudanese. The Sudanese are barbarians, DD. They always have been, and they always will be. Prior to coming under British/Egyption control, they were worse than the Taliban and Al Qaida combined, when it came to starting wars in neighbouring countries (like Christian Ethiopia) where hundreds of thousands were slaughtered. Since "independence", they have amused themselves by slaughtering each other, which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing. It gives them something to do. The Arab Muslim north wanted to take over the Christain negro south (where the oil fields are). Then came partition, which Sudan was divided into two countries, which underlines the fact that if you want peace, monoculturalism is the way to go. Unfortunately, the Southern Sudanese are still tribal and the West South Sudanese hate the East South Sudanese, so they are happily slaughtering each other again. TIme for another partition. What you have is a third world country with abundant valuable resources, where people are starving to death because they can't stop murdering each other. Time for some sensible colonial power to step in and put a stop to the idiocy and exploit the oil for everybody's benefit. Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 4:25:25 AM
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These inhumane situations arise because do-gooders aren't putting their own philosophies to work. Why create a hugely expensive outfit like the UN & only watch these situations develop & escalte ? Go in there, knock the crapheads over the noggin & be done with it ? Don't on one hand whine & saturation publish that you're "deeply concerned" yet when someone like the Coalition Forces goes in & actully takes action, they get condemned by being called all sorts of unsavioury names.
Bad things happen when good people do nothing, attrocious things happen & get tolerated when morons take the wheel. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 5:34:39 AM
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there is no humanity my thoughts are they have to create ways to set the prisoners free but more clear of what has now drawn near. those thinking the scam run deep/aint seen nuthin yet comes he home from deep cover/or bigger plan..the actors/switching a double play[or just to make other news go away[ie the damages to the va] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 9:27:52 AM
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...Only one truth in this o’l world OUG, “The corrupt shall inherit the earth”! Quite contrary statement to Biblical teaching is it not?
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 10:17:54 AM
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Anyway it's all "mute point" as they have announced, yesterday, that they are going to set her free.
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 11:35:40 AM
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Only last night we had a yarn about the situation of our society now & one the fellers said that it is written that the first sign of the horsemen of the Apocalypse will be Man having to pay for water. I'd never heard of it but it certainly has a thought provoking ring to it.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 11:51:40 AM
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'Did you hear about the two Indian girls who were raped and lynched in India, recently?'
Actually Lego you hear more about the racist/sexist Abbott from the media or an overpaid footballer being insulted by a 12 year old girl. And don't forget the racist white aussies at Melbourne unis. Sudan, Nigeria, Iran, Saudi Arabia just doing what their prophet did or told them to do. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 12:25:34 PM
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runner: Sudan, Nigeria, Iran, Saudi Arabia just doing what their prophet did or told them to do.
Shouldn't that be, "Sudan, Nigeria, Iran, Saudi Arabia just doing what their Racist, Camel Train Bandit, War Mongering, Paedophile prophet did or told them to do." Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 2:15:35 PM
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The great majority of people in South Sudan are Christians. They fought a fifty-year war to get out from under the yoke of shari'a law. They have their own problems, but being Islamist terrorists, justifying all manner of crap in the name of religion, or pseudo-leftists, justifying all manner of crap in the name of culture, is not one of them. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 3 June 2014 2:24:50 PM
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HERE IS A PROBLEM..BIGGER PROBLEM THAN ONE SO EASY TO FAKE/yesterday i saw the vidio..of the parents of them 200..'missing girls'..[all but 4 of whome have been home..for weeks[anyhow last night on tv..we see a protest to raise publicity[30 people at best..[not 400 parents uncles aunties/etc..if 200 young ladies really went missing/abducted raped mrded etc see its all media spin/lies to set us up in a fear state but why? so true evil can do as it does loot the very last cent then kill off 2/3 rds of us useless eaters// sure..evil happens..but any evil is only karma.. no innocent..can be hurt..[see lamb island thread] life is just to humble our spiriTS GET INTO ETERNITY. NOTHING SECRET THAT SHALL NOT BE REVEALED BUT allow freewill.. as we gave..[be-get]..shall we get of../the same coin*\..we created..the the Posted by one under god, Thursday, 5 June 2014 9:22:08 AM
The upshot of that is that many cultural practices are abhorrent, designed (and cloaked in all manner of 'cultural' obfuscations and justifications) to keep those NOT in power in their place. The conservatives in a social group might try to justify a particularly abhorrent practice in terms of ideology, religion or the sanctity of time, but any practices which penalise women or other subordinate groups in a society are surely to be opposed and extirpated in the modern world ?
One suspects that there is more behind this story, to do with straight-out racism, the stigmatising of the disabled and most certainly the right, in a modern society, to make choices.
I wish Mariam and her husband and children the very best, in such a vile 'cultural' environment.