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The Forum > Article Comments > Adelaide – heaps indifferent! (Part one) > Comments

Adelaide – heaps indifferent! (Part one) : Comments

By Malcolm King, published 13/5/2014

What are we going to do about a girl called Adelaide?

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When a talented footballer loses everything due to gambling the usual advice is 'stick to what you're good at'. Well SA has more uranium than any comparable province in the world. You'd think they would flog that advantage to the max. They are crying out for something to replace Holden and in case the Sub Corp doesn't get new work. Why not build a nuclear complex with baseload electricity, uranium enrichment and perhaps cheap desalination?

Instead SA slides towards the edge of the cliff waiting to be bailed out by Canberra. Even the water they can get from the main river is controlled by Canberra. The Feds may take away their wind power subsidies and have already allowed their main gas supply to be diverted to Qld. As an ex SA person now Tas the difference is that SA has more young people needing future jobs. I think those holding SA back are middle aged greenies including the premier Weatherill. Time for a shakeout.
Posted by Taswegian, Tuesday, 13 May 2014 3:03:01 PM
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So true Taswegian, & at the same time Tasmania has a huge wealth standing cellulose reinforced lignin, a really great building material called wood by most. Not only does it have heaps of the stuff, it has a climate ideal to grow lots more, once the way is cleared by harvesting some of what they already have.

Tasmania could generate great wealth in paper, fine furniture, & building materials.

With the ordinary people getting sick of being beggars so a minority can worship at the foot of the cellulose god, they have elected a government that just might make the state self sufficient.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 13 May 2014 4:52:35 PM
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The funds necessary to keep a community running don't necessarily have to be generated within that community, or at that time. One characteristic of modern life is that people are mobile -- the elderly in particular. We know that self-funded retirees retire from NSW and Victoria to the Gold Coast, for instance, providing wealth that makes a large and active community there viable. I wonder if the same is happening in Adelaide?
Posted by Jon J, Wednesday, 14 May 2014 7:17:34 AM
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You've got to be kidding Jon. Why would anyone retire to Adelaide, it must have one of the worst climates in Oz.

Freezing one day, & boiling the next.

I once raced a Brabham, [open wheeler] at Mallala. On the Friday we were freezing, & had to find a shop to buy more warm clothes. On the Sunday it was so hot that patches of the track melted.

I had to throw my visor away, as be couldn't get all the bits of bitumen off it.

Why on earth anyone would want retire to a place like that I really can't imagine.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 14 May 2014 12:49:00 PM
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