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On attracting Asian tourists to Australia : Comments

By Brian Hennessy, published 21/3/2014

David Scowsill, President and CEO of The World Travel & Tourism Council has urged the Australian Government to extend e-visas to high spending Asian travellers following a disappointing year for travel and tourism.

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Hello Brian,
You have written about the wealthy Chinese wishing to travel to Australia. There is a new market opening up - the young University students. I discovered in November that a number of these young people wanted to spend time in Australia between the end of December, when they finished their exams, and the middle of February when they had to resume their studies. They were applying for immersion in Australian homes offering their labour, not payment, via the Help Exchange organization. I took a couple for four weeks - they spent their remaining 2 weeks touring. Their English was excellent and they were willing, but as only children they had no work experience or stamina so weren't very useful.
However, the more such young people who get to spend time in Australia, despite visa restrictions, the better. They will speak highly of Australia to other Chinese nationals and as they become highly paid will probably seek to visit Australia again.
Posted by Country girl, Friday, 21 March 2014 9:42:43 AM
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We are already attracting rich Asians to Australia, just look at the property market, which has became vastly more unaffordable, for ordinary Australians.
The ones we expect to polish the boots and wait on tables of rich Asians, some of who, are both very arrogant and very rude, and expect preferential treatment?
I mean, just look at what they try to smuggle past customs, and the carry on when they are caught out, or worse, when their bribe money is rejected.
We don't need more tourists, we need more manufacturing and real full time jobs, not seasonal ones that ebb and flow, with the continually changing tourist tide; which seems to be way out at the moment.
We need to invest in our own people and their better ideas, not the whim and caprice of land hungry/resource hungry tourists, would be if they could be, our landlords.
We don't need to race to became tenants in our own land, or race to the bottom or lowest common denominator; or, become the virtual slaves of Asian masters?
That'll happen soon enough!
We just need to keep doing what we're doing now, and keep voting for the same "intellectual giants", who are leading us down this path, on the double!
We certainly don't need to make it easier for fly in fly out non nationals, to buy Australian property!
Genuine sightseeing tourists will come in their hoards, when our dollar reaches its true value, and when we remove the patently corrupt operators, who are ripping off our customers, that then ensures they never ever return?
Word of mouth has always been the best form of advertising, and it is very much working against us, at this time!
Students will return, when we stop treating them as cash cows, or assaulting/robbing them, in the back streets of large cites!
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 21 March 2014 11:53:21 AM
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Asian tourists chase glitter, they're a little lost here what with the outdoors etc.
Asian investors on the other hand chase Australians & offer them glitter & that seems to work.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 22 March 2014 2:26:24 PM
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Why are so many Whites celebrating diversity as they slowly become minorities in nations founded and built by Whites?

White taxpayer money is being used to help fund diversity. In other words, Whites are paying to replace themselves by non-Whites.(read INSANITY)

And they are celebrating it! (read EXTREME INSANITY)

I repeat, WHITE Australians ARE FUNDING AND CELEBRATING THEIR OWN ETHNIC DISPLACEMENT! This is LUNACY! No other race would do this.

Not only that, it is blindingly obvious that not every race is capable of building/maintaining a 1st world nation. You can‘t build 1st world nations with 3rd world immigrants. You can’t create wealth with races that have never created advanced nations themselves.

In fact, non-Whites flock to White majority nations, because Whites build the most desirable societies.

Common sense 101: Society is a racial construct. Race is more than skin color difference.

Do most Whites honestly believe their nation will still be 1st world when Whites become a minority?

Racially diverse societies mean lower trust, democracy and happiness levels. (see Harvard Professor Putnam, Bowling Alone). People know this but refuse to believe it. They fear being labelled “racist”, or “hatemonger”.

Your race is your nation. Jews understand this. Asians understand this. Blacks understand this. Polynesians and Maoris understand this. However, Whites have been brainwashed to believe the opposite. But if they don't wake up soon, they will lose everything their ancestors worked and died for.

What's stopping minorities using their increasing wealth and power to promote their own interests at the expense of Whites? Minorities WILL NOT reciprocate the compassion and tolerance Whites have shown. (This cannot be emphasized enough)

Why are only White nations being targeted for diversity
Posted by Gary John, Sunday, 23 March 2014 1:38:06 PM
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Gary John,
Thank you for making it so clear but you think the lefties will comprehend ? I doubt it.
Stupidity in bed with insanity equals Left.
Posted by individual, Monday, 24 March 2014 10:24:47 AM
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Left or right, both have idiots. But the stupidest ones tend to be the ones that tar the entire opposite side with a single brush.

Gary John, if your analysis was correct and white people were so smart, then logically their construction of multicultural societies would be the "smart" thing to do. US society was the most multicultural in the world, and it became the world's superpower. Unless of course, white people are no better than anyone else, in which case your argument is also bunkum. Either way, it falls flat. Either whites are smart or stupid, but you can't have it both ways. A "smarter" conclusion would be to assume that neither assertion is correct.

The author is spot on in that Australia sucks at fostering tourism. Lower prices would help, but with the Australian dollar flying high and widespread idiocy like the views expressed above, I don't see tourism really taking off soon, which is a pity. It's a great industry if you can get it.

That being said, the cultural issue he espouses of money equaling respect isn't something we should necessarily foster, but I think increasing the efficiency of the visa process, as well as improving our woeful service culture, can be done without such a mindset.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Tuesday, 25 March 2014 5:44:12 PM
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