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The Forum > Article Comments > Boundless natural gas, boundless opportunities > Comments

Boundless natural gas, boundless opportunities : Comments

By James Stafford, published 26/2/2014

The gas production trend is likely to continue without hitting a geological 'peak', and along with this trend will come new marketing opportunities for America.

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I think the interviewee has counted chickens before they are hatched. Think about it; US oil and gas production was in decline until fracking came along. Fracked wells peak after about 18 months then rapidly decline in output. Farmers will sue if fracking causes serious issues. Is it really plausible this 'miracle' can last more than say a decade?

As for the coal comeback Obama was talking about keeping thermal plant emissions below 454 kg per Mwh of electricity. That rule will either have to be retracted or US LNG exports cut back if say 40% of US electricity is to be gas fired for another decade. I think the US will be short of gas (meaning NG) by 2030 or so. Back to the pre-miracle days.
Posted by Taswegian, Wednesday, 26 February 2014 12:02:33 PM
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< The trend is likely to continue without hitting a geologic "peak" >


What a bizarre thing to say!

Obviously the current trend in natural gas production in the US cannot just continue forever…. nor for very long at all!!

Of COURSE production will reach a peak!

Crikey James, you’re interview is all about how we can get more energy and where it might come from. It is 100% about increasing the supply. You don’t spare one thought for the demand side of the equation. That is; for the need to reduce or at least stabilise the demand.

Surely all of this MUST be about balancing supply and demand and doing it in an ongoing sustainable manner.

It is just atrocious that people in the know about our energy resources seem to only be thinking of one thing – continuous never-ending increase in the supply!

They’re totally unbalanced, illogical and….. really quite mad!!
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 26 February 2014 11:09:19 PM
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