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What Vestas knew, and when : Comments

By Max Rheese, published 17/2/2014

The Act on Facts campaign is acknowledgement by the wind industry that they have not been able to successfully control the dissemination of information that is detrimental to their very existence.

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Thank you Max, a powerful and well researched rebuttal of the wind industry and its advocates like Chapman.

Big oil, big gas, big wind; all corporate entities are capable of being bullies and liars. The crucial difference between the big fossils and big wind is at least the fossils have a energy source which works.

And that is the salt in the wound; all this misery, environmental vandalism [the loss of bird life from the wind monsters is another hidden offence] and misuse of resources caused by the wind industry and the damn things are not worth 2 bob.

The renewable industry and wind in particular, is crying out for a class action.
Posted by cohenite, Monday, 17 February 2014 9:08:47 AM
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The wind is free, sustainable and so so good and we should have more of my taxes given to wind companies? A local wind generator is large and alongside a hotel but is hardly ever working so what is the point of that?
Some noises, like a compressor about a kilometre from my house, really just annoys people without harming them.
Now the eco-warriors are turning on each other lol. Yes one lot telling me they are helping the enviroment with my money and another lot trying to stop them again with my money.
Subsidies only ever make things worse in the long run as evidenced in this case.If wind is so good it does not need my money.
When people say the coal and oil get billions of tax money subsidy a bit of an explanation is needed because I do not know how that is?
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 17 February 2014 9:29:34 AM
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JBowyer; the idea that the fossils get huge subsidies is like every aspect of the AGW and renewable energy scams, a lie:

This is to be compared with the REAL subsidies the renewables get because if they were not subsidised they would not exist since they do not produce a useable product.

It is amazing the renewables get away with this deceit but I guess a compliant MSM is the reason why.
Posted by cohenite, Monday, 17 February 2014 9:48:14 AM
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Thank you Cohenite for the link. I have copied and will now know what the rebuttal should be.
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 17 February 2014 12:00:36 PM
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This has all the hallmarks of the tobacco industry defence about it. A good link Cohenite, thanks, and like JBowyer, I too am heartily sick of my hard earned dollars being poured into subsidies for a product that doesn't deliver what it claims. There is enough evidence around for the difference between 'rated' and 'actual' power output to warrant an investigation in itself.
The SA Liberal opposition, soon to be in government, has, as an energy policy, the introduction of voluntary 'smart metres' as a policy response to power price increases. What a Joke!. Meanwhile, a new (huge) wind farm development has recently been approved.... Where do I vote now?
Posted by Prompete, Monday, 17 February 2014 1:25:06 PM
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The wind is free,
You reckon ? Just wait till there are taxes on windpower equipment.
Posted by individual, Monday, 17 February 2014 5:30:28 PM
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A heart felt thank you, Max Rheese, for 'What Vestas knew and when....'

This piece gives courage and hope to all the victims who have been ignored and ridiculed.

Marie Jane
Posted by Marie Jane, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 1:03:51 AM
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Thank you Max,
the good people of Falmouth Massachusetts thank you as well.The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GOVERNMENT HAS KNOWN ABOUT THIS FOR DECADES THIS WAS NO ACCIDENT. It is time for the people of the world to rise up and demand and end to this intentional crime agaist humanity and start prosecuting all elected and industry insiders. Only you can stop this madness .Please join me, start demanding justice for all wind turbine victims everywhere today.
Posted by DAVID MORIARTY, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 8:19:39 AM
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Massachusetts has thousands of written certified noise complaints about commercial wind turbine noise. The residents of Falmouth suffer lack of sleep and nuisance from the wind turbines.

Massachusetts has never medically looked at one single wind turbine victim.

In 2005 the state agency responsible for siting wind turbines had in their reports there was two different types of nuisance noise. A Regulatory and B Human Annoyance. After the failure to site commercial wind turbines in Mattapoiett this section was dropped and Falmouth residents were unaware of two types of noise.

The Falmouth wind turbines have been shut down 12 hours a day per order of the Massachusetts Superior Court. The turbines are a catastrophic health and financial failure
Posted by Frank Haggerty, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 9:16:37 AM
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This would have to be one of the most hysterically funny pieces I have read. It is surely a parody, a satire. But what a dedicated detailed example of pardon the pun, wind, lots of wind, but in this instance hot air.

Never mind that the entire town of Morwell is presently in doors because of the amount of contaminated air from the coal industry - everyone waiting for the wind to disperse it no less.

But the highlight of this piece must be the compassion for the wild life which is lured into this deathtrap. The wild life! Not birds but the entire zoological kingdom is under threat. I can now see the hoping kangaroo decapitated by this cruelty. Is it not sufficient that possums are already threatened by electrocution from the ubiquitous presence of street lines - now they must contend with this incessant swatting threat. Oh the injustice of it all. And the noise! Why no one will be able to here the lovely sounds of passing cars and trucks.

What devil is wrong with you people? Everyone wants to be a budding Joseph Goebbels.
Posted by YEBIGA, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 11:11:29 AM
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Thank you so much Max for putting it just as it is - an absolute sham, with the lives and health of so many rural Australians in particular, ruined by the greed of developers, hungry neighbours and all the others involved in the gravy train of this useless form of power generation, which cannot even provide base load power.

It is amazing that so many of the innocent public have been sucked into this "green religion" for which they are paying megabucks through the total taxpayer subsidy, but receiving no return. On the other hand all the little pigs with their snouts in the trough, are beginning to squeal now that the truth is being revealed.

I just say "Watch this space". The truth is unravelling and all will soon be revealed. Those whose industrial developments, which are impacting upon and trespassing upon the property rights of their innocent neighbours, had better take a long hard look at what's going on and start asking REAL questions of those conned them to host turbines.
Posted by CHERRYANNA, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 1:28:21 PM
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Last year we drove from Portugal through rural Spain to Toledo. We passed Spain’s largest solar power station and numerous wind farms.

Just outside Toledo we visited the fully restored windmills of old, nestled in the hillside where farmers harvested, stored and processed grain for bread to feed the local residents all year round.

The world later discovered coal and gas to produce heat, light, transport and to power industrialization and the windmills fell into disuse.

I am at a loss to understand the mentality of anyone that advocates a return to the dark ages by periodic “harvesting” of the sun and wind for human energy needs.

I doubt that the farmers rented their land to windmill builders for huge fees paid for by the villagers through taxes, or that the villagers were forced to pay ten fold for their bread, or that they were subject to a minimum amount of bread that had to be bought at the extortionate “wind power rates”, or that they had also to pay an additional 10% tax for wind powered bread.

Whilst many reject the green madness, there are still those trying to sell us on it’s merits. The ancient farmers were much brighter than the average greenie in every respect.

For those wishing to return to medieval times I wish you well and bon voyage. Modern society would be well rid of you and it won’t be long now before you get your travel documents
Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 4:40:57 PM
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What keeps the Wind Turbines turning when there is no wind?
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 7:14:28 PM
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Dearest spindoc, I trust you enjoyed your European sabbatical. It might we worth considering that during the Middle Ages the Portuguese farmers were not really aware of electricity either and as for coal, I'm they just burnt it to keep warm.

But not far from Portugal, Germany is able to provide 20% of its electrical needs from solar energy. Imagine and the Portuguese would have considerably more sunlight, and oops we would have considerably more then the Portugese.

Now consider that this solar stuff is only decades old and has hardly received a warm welcome as it threatens to undermine so many current cash cows. Isn't this the beauty of the capitalist system, something better comes along, the old becomes redundant, discarded
Posted by YEBIGA, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 8:34:04 PM
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I’m so glad that you nominated Germany and their success with renewable energy. Sounds very exciting and perhaps Australia should try to emulate their success?

Perhaps you could explain to OLO’ers just what has been achieved by Germany in terms of national costs, energy prices, impact on industry, where they are going with their regulatory environment, what has changed in their fuel mix and perhaps you might address the issue of how the Germans actually feel about renewable energy?

Much of this news does not make it to our media however, some of us take the time to post links to renewable energy developments across Europe, EU policy decisions and a wide range of news items on this subject.

Since you have clearly not seen these, you can find a good selection in my posting history. This might save you the embarrassment of responding with platitudes and rhetoric.

Go for gold YEBIGA.

Looking forward to all that good news from Germany.
Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 19 February 2014 7:44:08 AM
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Yes read it and?
If rather than looking for a black or white, yes no binary answer, youmight understand that the dislocation currently experienced by Germans is not a refutation of the technology but merely highlights that transitioning from coal to a mixed system and then an entirely renewable system has challenges. One challenge of course, is that the traditional coal grid providers are not very happy having their business model threatened. In particular, they hate those people running off the grid.

The intermittent nature of sunlight without the ubiquitous presence of sufficient storage is being exploited by traditional coal electricity providers to undermine and forestall the inevitable. Nothing to be surprised by this is there?

Exaggerating vague fears will no doubt help delay implementation and every delay means more profit but the train she is coming.
Posted by YEBIGA, Wednesday, 19 February 2014 2:16:05 PM
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I don't know why you bother. I used to enjoy the riposte on OLO but eventually it wears you down...I only look now out of self flagellation just in case the adults have returned.

We have Cohenite, AKA iron carbide, you have Runner, god's own messenger and Jardine de stutter who can't sustain a rational debate without name calling or reverting to cite "proof" of their denial of AGW or evidence of damage from wind farms from some luminaries such as as Jennifer Mahorasy or Anthony Watts.

I did try to unsubscribe from OLO but I still seem to be in the system and every now and then a topic interests me but then the same old handles turn up.

Depressing but I guess I just reverted to name calling didn't I? My bad :)...perhaps it doesn't count if they can't use their real names?
Posted by Peter King, Wednesday, 19 February 2014 2:44:35 PM
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You << Read it >> YOU READ “IT”

“It” ? You read “it”? Tell me again, you read IT!

You read six months worth of links covering the dismantling of all things green and renewable in Europe, the EU, Eastern Europe, the USA and Germany in particular and you say << you read it >> ? He he he!

Did you actually describe all this green capitulation as a << dislocation being experienced by Germans >> ? Ooops! A dislocation?

He, he he, ha ha ha !

I have previously been suspended for calling posters out as liars. So I’m not going to call you out as a liar, nor would I ever suggest that you were a liar, nor would I ever ask other posters to endorse alleged lying, it would be totally inappropriate to call anyone a liar, it would be against Forum rules to call someone a liar, people have been suspended for accusing posters of lying, I would never suggest that even those who present as being intelligent are even capable of lying, in fact, I’m not even intelligent enough to detect a lie, nor would I suggest that an obvious lie was in fact a lie, allegedly.

God bless progressives in strife. Scratch the surface and you get emotional eczema.

You Exhibit Grandiose Indications Bereft of Anything -YEGIBA
Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 19 February 2014 6:15:30 PM
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The Comedy of the Stupid continues around the Globe....

China's, quick moving, un-scrubbed, coal polluted air makes up 10% of California's smog.

Keystone is dragging on while our government swoons over wind and soon Canada will make a smart move and make a deal with the rest of the world (and, we will forever be importing oil for our needs.)

We are wasting our natural gas to fire up un-natural wind (natural wind is not a 50-story machine composed of toxic chemicals built in China using our exported coal which comes back to this country in the form of smog).

Whether the wind blows or not, we will be sitting in the dark, no coal, no oil, no gas, no nuclear.........with those rotting 50-story wind machines sitting in our back yards because all the wind turbine manufacturers have gone bankrupt and there are no decommissioning funds available, reminding us that when the great greenwashing occurred, our common sense left.

Time to call an end to the wind turbine agenda around the Globe
Posted by Marie Jane, Wednesday, 19 February 2014 11:44:42 PM
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