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Evolution Weekend: different ways of knowing : Comments
By Michael Zimmerman, published 6/2/2014This weekend marks the ninth year that hundreds of religious leaders all over the world have agreed to celebrate Evolution Weekend.
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Posted by George, Sunday, 23 February 2014 8:49:21 AM
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ALL THIS SILLYNESS..of did jesus exists is irrelevant
think of christ as a concept/A TEACHING..[LIKE THE lessons in shakespear]..who reportedly..introduced MORE CONCEPTION CONCEIVED NEW WORDS THAN THE BIBLE..MAINLY BY HIGHLIGHTING THE DEMONIC its death/..murder FORBIDDEN-relationship themes [just like dante'..much was directly CHANNELED THROUGH HELL.] never the leSS..THEIR NAME..LINKS THEIR WORKS..TO A SURE END jesus lives in you or he cant serve two masters HE EITHER/OT OTHER..LIVES WITHIN YOU/AS REVEALED BY THYNE WORKS your chosen works/wrought of thyne own freewill embody..either demons or angels/serving the Christ..[good/charity untoi other]..or him the illusery embodiment..oF SANTA/Materialism.. please oh embodymENT..INCARNATE OF THE VENERABLE Pericules see that wether or not a persopn..a body or works rESPESENTS THE ETERNAL/OF OUR BEing ie heaven..nor hell know of any 'satan' MANY CLaim to serve him..yet he exists only in the same/way..'uncle sam..could exists..[the embodyment of all the good of the yanki or the chicken coLONEL/OF KENTUCKY FRIED..OR LOUI THE Fly ITS WHAT THEY REPRESENT..embody..together..all of christ can say lie christ said of our father to see me..[ie that ye see me do]. [IS AS OUR FATHER DOES]..TO SEE ME../is to see my father TO SEE THE EMBODYMENT..OF HIS WORks..=is=his churcH.. THE WORD MADE FLESH. YOU CHANNEL..A HIGH SPIRIT YOUR Validation..THOSE KEy QUALITIES/CONCEPTS..are THE EMBODIMENT..of him this HAS SET IN TRAIN..Sympathetic vibration..[COMPOUNDED oscillation/VIBE].. think harmonics..A JOINING OF QUALITIES INTO HIGHER EMBODIED VIA VISUAL AUDITORY que's..IN-PUTS..into WORD FORM. Posted by one under god, Sunday, 23 February 2014 9:27:18 AM
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oh dear george..please do not forget
atheist rule number one perrycrudoss/qUOTE..<<... .<<..nobody, on the other hand, needs to have atheism explained to them>>.. as based on ignoring..ESPECIALLY detail/of a 'FABLE'.. STUFF/info..they Attribute AS being IRRELEVANCY..TO educating THEIR chosen..IGNORANCE ignorance..needs have nothing EXPLAINED..TO IT cause ignorance..PIN THIS CASE] BY THE DEED/omission/avoidance you can lead a hourse to water but you cant make a dumb THING..think..[facts are pearl before swine] [any response refutes the ignorance/..[meaning he couldnt use it ever again/without us requoting it to him. but ignorance can be a two edged sword it could explaIN..THE REASON..FOR THE ATHEIST BEING..[ WILL-FULL avoidaNCE..OF REFUTAL OF THESIS IN ORDER TO REALISE BY OZMOSIS RATHER THAN GNOSIS THAT INHERENTLY TOO FRIGHTFUL OR FEARFUL../.. thus WE HAVE...yeah..though we may walk through the val;y of fear we shall fear no evil..because we got the gnosis the ibly thing they got the only thing to..Fear is fear..AS AN..'ITSELF' but as we need fear nothing noT EVEN..MATERIAL DEATH..AT ALL WE CAN CHOSE..TO SAY..Fear fu BUT INSTEAD WE CAN..SAY..FEAR GO AWAy.. YE SHALT BE FEARLESS BECAUSE GOD LIVES..AS JESUS LIVES.. WITH-and-IN..ALL OF YOU..fully and completely.. ETERNALLY..BECAUSE..the bible tells us so..THUS WE KNOW THUS AS WE DID REAP/THUS TOO..SO DID WE SOW...LET the tares and the wheat..GROW together/UNTIL..AT HARVEST..[the sleep that precedes rebirth]..THAT..THUS THEN....BY THEIR WORKS..THEIR SEED BE Divided. OH WELL The weak en Posted by one under god, Monday, 24 February 2014 8:33:21 AM
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please refute/
.Evaluating the Human-Chimp DNA Myth- -New Research Jeffrey Tomkins,Ph.D. * A recent the 2011 Creation Biology Society..(CBS) meetings has stirred the pot..once again on the human-chimp DNA similarity issue among creationists,.intelligent design proponents, and some evolutionists.1 It was reported that a query..of 40,000 chimp genomic DNA sequences against..the most recent assembly..LOL..of the human genome provided an average similarity estimate..of 97 to 98 percent.2 Evolutionists frequently cite..such an indication of common ancestry,..*..but the ICR life sciences team has been examining the question of human-chimp genetic similarity—and what we’ve discovered..raises significant the standard claims.3 For example,..a report in 2007 showed that 23 percent of the human genome..shares no immediate genetic ancestry*..with chimpanzees,..mankind’s supposed closest living relative.4 A more recent study..showed extreme dissimilarity...(> 30 percent) between human and chimp Y chromosome DNA sequence.5..*Furthermore, when data..are provided in research papers..that allow the determination of DNA sequence alignments,..please note*..actual overall identities are 70 to 87 percent. To help clarify actual data..associated with the ongoing controversy, the Institute..for Creation Research has become actively involved in human-chimp DNA similarity research...Based on the CBS report, the ICR life sciences team obtained..the same 40,000 chimp DNA sequences—individual random fragments (about 735 bases each) from the chimpanzee genome sequencing project. For an initial test..of the chimp data,..we generated 1,600 DNA alignments with the human genome..using the software BLASTN with default parameters. In contrast to the results presented at the CBS meeting, we only obtained a genome-wide sequence identity of 89 percent. The CBS report did not indicate which BLASTN parameters were used...Perhaps those parameters were more stringent and only produced alignments of extremely high similarity. edited/not that science/spin care.. <<..The GSS sequences were derived..from a project that involved mapping the chimp genome...In addition,..we are testing a variety of different alignment parameters. Our preliminary that the human..and chimp genomes are more dissimilar ..than commonly reported...Our research also shows that highly selective..and stringent alignment methods..can exclude important data,..*providing inflated genome similarity estimates. continues../@\ how/you\ latin..;..*hung../on\..own..petard? Posted by one under god, Monday, 24 February 2014 11:53:57 AM
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yet again silence/i know those who back evolution
think they 'hang'..with the clever huys yet i present a science paper..that says as little as 70 percent [NOT 98 percent]..simularity..between chimps..and us..[but not them. anyhow..ignoRING THE SCIENCE WHEN YOU CLAIM SCIENCE..that 'silence'..speaks volumes their so sure of their theory..yet cant defend it/CAUSE THEY HAVE FAITH IN EVOLVING..not gnosis. lest we recall we share 50 percent..of our dna with banana so be careful eating our reveals why THEY TAKE GODLESSNESS ON FAITH. its sad but its obvious..tOO taken on faith anything is better THAN Trying to defend/what you dont grasp/..EVOLUTION-THeory'..yet these faithful/Scientology..ACCO-LITES OF THE DARKNESS..[IGNORANCE]..swear true../FACT..[lol]..A FALSE THEORY/..EVEN NOW..A REFUTED the point of deneying god his rightfull glory..of creation one cannot serve two masters one creator god..that made co-CREATORS/you havnt lost a faulse god you FOUND THE TRUE ONE..THE ONE..wholly holy spiriT/WITHIN YOU..WHOS presence helps us more than most can ever know indeed ..that ye did to the least.. ye gone and dun to him..the most merciful and graceful who gives is life that we may affirm..our faiths into truths[and falsities.. so THAT WE MAY sort the wheat from the chaff.. SIMPLY/by telling sheep dna from goat dna and chimp dna from atheist dna..and theor-ries of men..from factoids of god. ahh men its still A WEAK END..AS im right/correct/provably true yet alone..AND THATS WHAT THE GODLESS REALLY ARE AFRAID OF..BEING ALONE..[better think they to be wrong/together...than correct alone/thats the dIFFERENCE..BETWEEN GOD AND MEN. a sun of the holy willing to stand alone AS OUR SUN gave birth..alone in the waters..his ejectulations saw the light..AND SAW WHAT THE LIGHT REVEALED..TO..BE GOOD..[LITTLE KNOWING HE WAST GAZING..UPON HIMSELF. see what i am means..AS YOU TOO AM ME WE see+? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 6:24:14 AM
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hang around..and talk
DONT/RUN..AWAY..LIKE,..ALL THE/OTHER TIMES. TO QUOTE..YOU..<<..Exactly what are..we to the words "immediate genetic ancestry" terms of..our genetic relationship with chimpanzees?>> GOOD QUESTION IN THE IMMEDIATE..Family LEVEL genome..[genus] the people/..AT THE LINK FEEL/confirm..they have the proof..OF..nix nadda...nuthin ie..that mankind..<<..shares no immediate genetic ancestry*..with chimpanzees,." >. ITS NOT/ROCKET SCIENCE..OR GOOBER GOOK we cant*have come,..*by apes..[and the LINK PROVES IT] [IT WAS PIGS/SEE..OTHER-LINK]..BUT..expecting YOU SCIENCE GUYS..TO BE CLEVER*..ENOUGH..iN GNOSIS..OF YOUR SCIENCE..TO UNDERSTAND**WHATS BEEN REVEALED..BY STUDYING THE FACTS..seems/too..HARD..[IGNORANCE/BEING..BLiSS? science fact./now refutes..the chimp/CHUMP evolution THESEUS lot took so much..on gOT..NO Comprehension of SCIENCE METHOD...THAT/FINALLY..REFUTED..THE LIE. [AND]..that was ONLY..ONE OF The revelation's..the other is on..the HAM*-my..christian..THREAD.. but please feel/free to refute..that/too.if you can even..if you..cant name one science/quality evolution..into new genus[ever]..not one.. ..yet ya fooled..em all/FOR/A WHILE..ONLY..but in the end[weak end]..true science..finds only god creation standing..] science dont know..IT/WAS..BY PIG. now..we think/KNOW..its that we came from pigs i posted that..the last evolutionist THREAD BUT GOOGLE IT..And weep .. but swine..we are come from..not ape [MISSED IT/BY..THAT MUCH..LOL] ANYHOW..[GOD loveS ya anyhow][now ya know..why pig is unclean*..its ya grandma.] SUCH..A CLEVER/APE..LOL 2b ctd Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 February 2014 7:29:41 AM
>>How would they find out, George?<<
I was referring to professional historians, which I am not, so I am not going to try to explain to you how they work.
So let me just refer to, containing e.g. “Scholars generally consider Tacitus's reference to the execution of Jesus to be both authentic and of historical value as an independent Roman source.”