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The Forum > Article Comments > Greatest challenge for ABC is reform > Comments

Greatest challenge for ABC is reform : Comments

By Max Rheese, published 4/2/2014

The ABC does provide a differing perspective from most commercial media, the diversity of which should be welcome, provided that perspective is presented in a balanced and genuinely informative manner.

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Is Mise, you're not ordinary and neither am I, you know perfectly well what I mean.

Daffy Duck, Read my post again, we agree, why should the ABC be accountable to "Australians" when it is not only staffed and edited by middle and upper caste Anglo-Australians but from day one has set out to cater to their particular tastes? That is to ask, who cares what the ABC does as long as they are promoting the values of upper and middle caste Anglo Australians?
That's like expecting Al-Manar to simulcast "X Factor Israel".
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 2:15:22 PM
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Sorry, last line: "To expect otherwise would be to insist that Al-Manar screen X-Factor Israel"
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 2:17:07 PM
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A particularly fine post, reasoned, accurate with cogent examples. I do not mind the media bias as ascribed to both Faifax and Mudrock, I have the right to spend my money on whichever bias I choose, I happen to choose both. However, I DO mind being FORCED to pay for bias, whichever way that goes.

"What grieves me with the ABC is that its potential for much broader appeal is undermined by its unwillingness to adhere with the spirit of its own editorial policies."

Hit the nail on the head there Max.
Posted by Prompete, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 6:29:12 PM
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There's just no way that outfit can reform, it can only re-breed once the asexual component has been removed.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 6:36:56 PM
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Oh for goodness sakes!
I enjoy many of the programs on the ABC, and I don't take any of them, or the news shows, seriously.
It's only TV after all.

If people don't like the ABC, or feel all the journalists don't think the same way as they do, then don't watch it.

And don't carry on about public money being used on it, because there are many things public money is spent on that I don't believe in, but I have to deal with it like a adult.
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 11:14:36 PM
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Suseonline, "I enjoy many of the programs on the ABC, and I don't take any of them, or the news shows, seriously. It's only TV after all."

In vino veritas, Suseonline. That is a harsh criticism of the national broadcaster. Although many share your opinion, unfortunately.

Like you I would like a return to the days when Auntie had some credibility. It wasn't so 'engaged' with politics or so awfully politically correct. What's worse is that it lays its PC on with a trowel and so smugly. There is far too much gratuitous slime from Auntie too.

The SBS has it all over Auntie for news and films and it doesn't slavishly recycle as much from the BBC. The SBS should be allowed to stage a takeover. Call it diversity. Y'know, part of the diversity we have to have.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 5 February 2014 1:54:36 AM
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