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The Forum > Article Comments > Greatest challenge for ABC is reform > Comments

Greatest challenge for ABC is reform : Comments

By Max Rheese, published 4/2/2014

The ABC does provide a differing perspective from most commercial media, the diversity of which should be welcome, provided that perspective is presented in a balanced and genuinely informative manner.

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when your mindset is so set by dogma like the majority of the ABC you are unable to change it. Yeah gay marriage, Yeah hate Abbott, Yeah rotton Navy, Yeah champion UN, Yeah more funds for gw fantasy. The National Broadcasters are so predictable. What a waste of public moneys.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 11:01:25 AM
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What a great article. Straight simple factual accounts of the rampant bias that has driven so many away from what was once "OUR" ABC.
Even clowns like Cobber the dog couldn't come up with anything they could fault, so tried to attack climate gate. I'd hate to be that desperate. It must be hard watching the start of the destruction of another failed left grab for control.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 11:27:12 AM
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Hang on a sec, since when has the ABC/SBS been dedicated to promoting the values of ordinary Australians? Why should an organisation which seeks always to promote the values of the Anglo-Australian cultural elite be accountable to anyone outside that essential demographic?
Here's bolt from the blue, the commercial and pay channels reflect the values of the masses while the state broadcasters are the voice of the elite, ordinary people don't watch the ABC and people who watch the ABC aren't interested in watching Megafactories, CSI or Blokesworld.
Here again we see the elites and their supporters trying to externalise the threats to their institutions and value system by pressing this bogus left-right, urban-suburban trope when it's plain to to see that the problems are all coming from inside the upper castes.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 11:38:07 AM
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The world has always been run by elites in every time and place.
Knowledge IS power.
The elites always control what is the allowable forms of "knowledge" in their time and place.
What is now called "knowledge" is of course controlled and propagated via both the Academy. And more importantly the captains of industry and finance via their now 24/7 proganda vehicles commercial radio and TV.
If it were left to the usual everyperson "informed" by the anti-wisdom of TV and commercial radio, and the non-wisdom of the streets and the hood to run the world then we would be little more than barbarians dramatizing the war of all against all as in East Los Angeles.

Yesterday there was an essay about how many young people are now functionally illiterate and cant even do simple arithmetic calculations.

So Jay is now suggesting that the ABC should cater to and promote the grossly simplistic and culturally impoverished world-view that these unfortunate souls "live" in. Ironically there grossly minded world-view is amply catered for via various "reality" shows such as the Biggest Loser, and what is actually called "reality" TV (do a google on the topic) The kind of titty-tainment described by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World.
He is even perhaps suggesting that these dumb-wits should have some say as to how the world is run! Do they even bother to vote let alone cast some kind of informed vote?

The modern everyman of consumer society is a propagandized individual, participating in illusions and effectively, self-destructing.
At present, a culture of total war, a culture of death, is ruling, while the people are engrossed in consumerism.

Commercial media promote what is described in the above two sentences. All the time telling people that they have never "had it so good".
Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 1:19:23 PM
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Meanwhile this essay describes what a truly humanizing politics entails:
You wont find anything remotely like that in the commercial media.
There is at least the possibility that something like that will at least occasionally be found on the ABC.
The author of the above essay also wrote these words.

"In our society there are basically two characteristic mentalities: 1. the childish mob-consciousness of the uneducated or merely "officially informed" mass of popular culture; 2. the adolescent mentality of those who comment on the childishness of popular culture, and who try to analyze that culture and awaken it to the independent mood of adolescence. Yet this typical adolescent never matures into higher or truly human development and responsibility."

Plus this which is again especially applicable to commercial radio & TV.
"The "News & Information" media of popular culture do not often invite the public to the exercise of discriminative intelligence. On the contary, the popular media THRIVE on hype, propagandized states of emotion and mind, and nondiscriminating responses to every kind of advertised goods, persuasions, and results.
Until the media that informs the mass of humanity begin to invite the individual to exercise discriminating intelligence in all matters, and until human beings in general become founded in the higher Wisdom-Culture and the intimate politics of authentic human existence, there can be no true wondering about the madness we inherent in the daily News."
Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 1:45:11 PM
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"...., ordinary people don't watch the ABC and people who watch the ABC aren't interested in watching Megafactories, CSI or Blokesworld...."

Ordinary people do watch the ABC, I'm ordinary and I watch it.

Anyone who watches CSI would have some time to waste for sure.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 1:51:36 PM
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