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Democratise and federalise 'Our ABC' : Comments
By Jai Martinkovits, published 31/1/2014Research indicates that the typical ABC journalist's political beliefs are well to the left of the general population. A recent survey found that over 40% support the Greens.
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Posted by cohenite, Monday, 3 February 2014 8:19:16 AM
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Alan Austin, I'm flattered that you deem us politically related.
It's a waste of time arguing with minimifidianists I'm afraid, and cohenite is of course a seasoned AGW equivocator--which makes him impervious to argument generally. I must say, cohenite, I'm disappointed you don't have any new material to support your denialist dogma. The evidence continues to pile up against you, yet you continue to ignore it. But it wouldn't matter how much evidence there was or how irrefutable; you're not about weighing evidence on any issue, just pushing your barrow. Posted by Squeers, Monday, 3 February 2014 8:53:53 AM
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Hi Anthony,
Just asking if you have a link to an actual ABC News and Current Affairs item which gives an unfair advantage to Labor or the Greens – in the same way as the six items linked above – directly to the ABC website – show clear electioneering for the Coalition. This is the fourth ask now, Anthony. So you will understand why we think you have no case. Yes, we will certainly dismiss references to Andrew Bolt. I presume you would similarly dismiss someone calling upon Sarah Hanson-Young as an authority. Except that Ms Hanson-Young has not been convicted multiple times of being a racist, a liar and a defamation artist. I have no preoccupation with Bolt and Murdoch, Anthony. You are the only one who has made references to Andrew Bolt. Why you would go to a proven racist and fabricator is a mystery. Do you have no-one else? Have checked your Gavin Atkins link. He has nothing to offer on this matter either. We are just seeking an example of an ABC broadcast which is anti-Coalition – along the lines of the six direct links which are pro-Coalition. Re: “It [the Corbett interview] does not support your point about ABC bias towards Abbott”. Really? Then why was equal time not offered to Labor for a secret Labor member on a government board to bag the other side relentlessly for 24 hours? Re: “And how do you explain the Red Kerry interviews with Keating and the execrable Anne Summer's interviews with Gillard?” Because they are ex prime ministers, Anthony. “What conservative has ever been interviewed?” John Howard here: And here: And here: And here: And here: And there was the ABC's $1million production ‘The Howard Years’ broadcast in 2008. The ABC would love to interview Tony Abbott, but he prefers being interviewed by Andrew Bolt. And why does Virginia Trioli have a job? Because of this, Anthony: Cheers, Alan A Posted by Alan Austin, Monday, 3 February 2014 9:38:29 AM
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Alan, look up subreption; lying by omission. I have given you numerous example of where the ABC's partisan view of the failed theory of AGW has omitted salient facts. I still remember Adam Spencer's interview with LM where Spencer hung up on LM [which you can google]. There are just so many other examples. The Drum no longer publishes sceptical articles, neither does The Conversation which the ABC financially supports. As for a link about AGW and the manifest ABC bias, an example is provided here: I'll give you Howard which I had forgot about and I won't get into the approach taken in each of the respective interviews except to say that Summers' approach was of an adoring besotted teenager and Red Kerry's approach was deferential. Neither Gillard or Keating were asked the tough questions, that is possible criminal charges or pig-farms. Howard was not spared. Trioli's coverage of Reith and the children overboard simply sits with your world-view Alan and the antics of boat people since, discarding identity documentation, rioting, fabricating and colluding with false views such as the recent concoction about Navy cruelty vindicate Reith's and Morrison's approach. I haven't seen Trioli or anyone else from your ABC castigate anyone from the Gillard government about the 1500 or so boat people lost due to her and the psychopath [as described by his own party] Rudd's policy. Regardless of that interview's worth, or lack of it, it does not excuse Trioli's disgraceful taunt of Jones. Posted by cohenite, Monday, 3 February 2014 10:12:28 AM
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Hey Squeers
was that you I saw stuck with Chris Tunney in that Antarctic expanding pack ice over Christmas? Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 3 February 2014 11:51:19 AM
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Hi again Anthony,
Yes, well aware of subreption. That was one of the key areas of the failure of the pro-Coalition mainstream media – Murdoch, Fairfax and the ABC – throughout the Rudd/Gillard years. You may recall this subreption piece from last June: It is continuing under the Abbott regime. Refer here:,6054 If you want to talk subreption, Anthony, I'm up for a chat. But that is not what we are discussing here now. We are exploring the relative frequency of direct, blatant party political electioneering. Six ABC items have been directly linked which show obvious partisan support for the Coalition. Four of them have absolutely no news value whatsoever. Just campaign posters. We are now seeking examples of obvious partisan support for Labor or the Greens. So far, nothing. Cheers, AA Posted by Alan Austin, Monday, 3 February 2014 11:57:31 AM
Your Corbett interview has been critiqued by Rhian at 1/2/4, 11.58.44AM above. It does not support your point about ABC bias towards Abbott. Neither do your latest ones which link to parliamentary broadcasts and a picture of Abbott!
In your bizarro world Alan Orwellian principles apply, white is black.
Your preoccupation with Bolt and Murdoch is neurotic. Faine and Cassidy said what they said; SHY's gaffe at the Senate enquiries shows a lack of understanding which should concern all of us. BUT the ABC did not touch this instead focusing on Bishop's mispronunciation of Rudd's old electorate.
As I linked to before, the ABC's head of news, Gaven Morris, has now warned all journalists about their coverage of the entirely confected Navy scandal. Are you going to say this didn't happen because Bolt reported it?
The subreption [look it up] by the ABC about AGW is a scandal. Faine stated he would not discuss the emails; how does that sit? Jones appears at pro-Green occasions:
No where and at no time has the ABC discussed the fact that temperature rise has ceased for 17 years.
And how do you explain the Red Kerry interviews with Keating and the execrable Anne Summer's interviews with Gillard?
What conservative has ever been interviewed?
And why does Trioli still have a job?