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The Bible for secularists : Comments

By Graham Young, published 24/1/2014

Whatever the description, pushing the Bible without bashing it, is what Clarke does in a hard cover pamphlet of 231 modest pages which in effect is a guide to biblical relevance for atheists, agnostics and secularists.

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Sometimes I suspect that, for a laugh, Pericles takes on a paranoid persona and calls himself/herself Arjay. Have they ever been seen in the same room at the same time, I ask ? I rest my case.

You assert that " .... Religion is all about controlling the masses and constantly feeble minded people become slaves ... etc"

Fascinating. Do paranoid people commonly assume that all of the world is divided into three populations: themselves, the elites and the sheeple, the masses, puppets, 'feeble-minded people' ? That the elite are so all-powerful that they can easily, with a flick of the wrist, manipulate the feeble-minded billions ? But that they alone, the paranoids, know better, they alone can see through the illusory smoke-screens laid down by the elites, and if only the dumb masses would listen.

Bertrand Russell noted that idealists crave power, something like that, and that by implication, they themselves are easy marks for authoritarian ideologies.

You know it makes sense :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 25 January 2014 8:33:14 PM
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Is the Bible about Jesus?

Gee! I thought that it was mainly about all of them old Jewish blokes and that it was written well BC.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 25 January 2014 9:41:37 PM
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Loudmouth new statistics reveal that 87 of the richest people on this planet have more money than the poorest 3500 million, which is more than half the pop of the planet.

Now what influence would they exert over our Govts ?
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 25 January 2014 9:44:47 PM
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What is emerging is just how many thinking people know very little about the Holy Bible. I have an Authorised King James Version and an unauthorised one. The words in both are the same. One is published in the US and the other by Cambridge University Press. The only difference is the Royal authorisation in the one printed by Her Majesty;s Command. The Seal of Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second is printed in the authorised version.

The older versions of the Holy Bible have black stars besides certain verses in the Old Testament showing where it refers to the coming of Jesus Christ, the first of which is in Genesis, where the Ishmaelite line that established Islam is mentioned, but a special covenant is established with the then unborn Isaac. Abraham had tired of waiting for his wife Sarah to have an heir, and taken a concubine, to whom Ishmael was born. God told him he would have another son, in wedlock, and Abraham asked Almighty God to care for Ishmael after his wife expelled both Hagar and her son from Abraham's camp. Hagar was a slave girl, probably from Africa, and probably not white. Jesus Christ was a direct descendant of Abraham and Sarah. This lineage is documented in Matthew 1 Verses 1-22.

The Parliament of the Commonwealth starts each session with the Lord's Prayer from the Holy Bible. Both Houses do this, and have passed some very important legislation under Divine Guidance. One of these is the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights almost universally denied by all Judges and Magistrates in Australia. It is actually the principles of the New Testament expressed as Statute Law. One Political Party proposed and voted to abolish prayers. Their then eight members voted to abolish Prayers and none of them is still a member. The Greens are proposing this at the moment. Lets see if any of them are there in six years time. Almighty God gave us the Holy Bible to guide us. A person is not truly educated until he or she knows its contents.
Posted by Peter Vexatious, Sunday, 26 January 2014 8:15:55 AM
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>>Sometimes I suspect that, for a laugh, Pericles takes on a paranoid persona and calls himself/herself Arjay. Have they ever been seen in the same room at the same time, I ask ? I rest my case.<<

The jig is up!
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 26 January 2014 8:38:53 AM
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How very Ecclesiastes.

"The jig is up!"

Solomon knew there was a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time for Gettin' jiggy wit it.
Posted by WmTrevor, Sunday, 26 January 2014 4:31:35 PM
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