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Abbott on notice : Comments
By Graham Young, published 20/1/2014Speaking through the latest polls electors have put Tony Abbott on notice: 'Smarten-up your act son, or you're out of the house in two year's time.'
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And if “… electors actually like what Labor was promising”, why didn’t they return Labor to office? Perhaps because many in the electorate did not want billions spent on NDIS and Gonkski, but did not say it aloud before the election because it’s not the done thing to deny anything to the disabled or the kiddies, but they thought Abbott would cut the big spending and big government.
And, as Graham says, Abbott has gone quiet, and people are generally peed off with his switch from tough guy to wimp. That sentiment, however, could hardly lead to the desire to replace Abbott with Shorten, one of old gang we had for 6 years, with his bleating and baaing and telling the electorate that he will stick with the carbon tax no matter what the people want.
Anything, including Abbott and the Coalition, is better than going back to that.
As for the “open hostility” to Clive Palmer, the hostility comes from the media, not necessarily from the voters who don’t get much chance to air their views publicly; and we all know whose side the media is on.